Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 430 428-The Rebellion of the Venomous Serpent

Chapter 430 428-The Rebellion of the Venomous Serpent

At that very moment, the brown Venomous Serpent, against all odds, began to stir on its own.

This unexpected movement caught the mysterious figure off guard, especially since Ethan had just dealt it a severe blow.

The serpent's rapid recovery and regained mobility were astonishing, almost defying belief.

The mysterious individual, witnessing this scene, couldn't help but reel in surprise.

After all, this brown Venomous Serpent was not just any serpent; it was a considerably lengthy and formidable one.

And now, it was alarmingly close to him.

The proximity heightened his fear, as a single bite from this fearsome creature could be more than he could withstand.

Not everyone possessed Ethan's extraordinary combat prowess, after all.

In truth, although the brown Venomous Serpent seemed almost trivial in Ethan's presence – an entity to be effortlessly manipulated and bullied – it represented a formidable force to others.

In the realm of the Venomous Serpent Swamp, this serpent was a fierce combatant, a creature not easily vanquished by the average person.

Anything that survived in the treacherous environs of the swamp was, by no means, weak.

At this critical juncture, the mysterious man saw the brown Venomous Serpent, just three or four steps away from him, rise again.

Panic surged within him, almost instinctively prompting him to flee.

The mere presence of the Venomous Serpent instilled a profound sense of dread.

However, before the mysterious figure could even attempt to escape, the brown Venomous Serpent, in a startling turn of events, lunged again in Ethan's direction.

Witnessing this development, the mysterious figure was taken aback, clearly not anticipating such a move from the brown Venomous Serpent.

Given the significant disparity in strength between the serpent and Ethan, charging at this moment seemed akin to hastening its own demise.

It would have been wiser to seize this chance to flee, possibly finding a sliver of survival.

As the saying goes, the onlooker sees more of the game.

At this moment, the Venomous Serpent, blinded by rage, failed to recognize the vast gulf in power between itself and Ethan.

It recklessly charged towards Ethan, oblivious to the peril.

The mysterious man, however, saw everything with crystal clarity.

He was acutely aware of the power imbalance between the brown Venomous Serpent and Ethan, understanding that this confrontation was tantamount to a death wish for the serpent.

This awareness made the serpent's actions all the more baffling to the mysterious man.

Given the current situation, after Ethan had thrown it such a distance, it was evident that the Venomous Serpent was no match for Ethan.

Logic dictated that it should take advantage of the distance between itself and Ethan to make a swift escape.

The mysterious man's location, incidentally, lay directly in the serpent's path of retreat.

Although it was dark, at such a close distance, the brown Venomous Serpent should easily spot the mysterious figure.

This proximity was the source of his intense anxiety.

The serpent might not be able to defeat Ethan, but dealing with him would be effortless.

If the serpent chose to flee and struck him in passing, his fate would be sealed.

Therefore, fear gripped the mysterious man's heart.

However, the mysterious figure's anxiety began to dissipate when he saw that the brown Venomous Serpent, instead of fleeing towards him, had turned back to confront Ethan.

His heart, which had been suspended in a state of high tension, finally began to relax.

At this point, the mysterious man, instead of hastily making his escape, decided to stay and observe.

After all, he was dispatched to gather intelligence on Ethan, and any additional information could prove beneficial.

In his estimation, Ethan had not yet detected his presence.

He surmised that waiting until Ethan and the brown Venomous Serpent had exhausted each other in combat could provide a safer opportunity for retreat.

Thus, he continued to keenly observe the unfolding drama.

Meanwhile, Ethan was utterly unprepared for the brown Venomous Serpent's return.

Initially, when he saw the serpent rapidly recover from being thrown such a distance, he was not only surprised but also slightly annoyed with himself.

He felt he had been careless.

His intention in hurling the serpent far away was to intimidate the hidden observer, not to engage in prolonged combat.

In his mind, after such a harsh treatment, the serpent should have been either dead or barely clinging to life, certainly not capable of quickly rising again.

Ethan was taken aback by the serpent's swift recovery.

This turn of events was somewhat disconcerting for him.

In his view, the first action of the brown Venomous Serpent upon recovering should have been to flee.

Having been thrown such a distance by Ethan, it would be a formidable task to give chase.

This predicament made Ethan ponder the need to find a new bait.

What Ethan hadn't anticipated was the brown Venomous Serpent's unexpected return, a development that genuinely surprised him.

Clearly, the serpent, having been dealt a severe blow by Ethan, was now blinded by a fiery rage.

It had forgone the prime opportunity to flee, choosing instead to confront Ethan regardless of the glaring disparity in their strengths.

It seemed the brown Venomous Serpent was truly consumed by fury.

For Ethan, however, this was a fortuitous turn of events.

The prowess of this particular Venomous Serpent was insignificant compared to his own abilities, and it even paled in comparison to other Venomous Serpents he had encountered in the swamp.

Such an adversary was relatively easy for him to handle, even in its enraged state.

Ethan could effortlessly subdue it.

With the serpent voluntarily returning to the fray, Ethan was spared the trouble of seeking another creature to use as bait, thus saving him considerable effort.

When Ethan saw the brown Venomous Serpent approach, he didn't hesitate to strike, aiming for the serpent's vital spot.

However, what he hadn't expected was the serpent's surprising agility.

Though it lacked the strength of the Unicorn Venomous Serpents and others he had previously encountered, its reaction speed was impressively swift, evading Ethan's grasp in a move he hadn't anticipated.

Ethan's hand might have missed its mark, but his feet were far from idle.

In an instant, he launched a powerful kick towards the brown Venomous Serpent.

Despite the serpent's quick reflexes, it struggled to parry Ethan's relentless assault.

The continuous, unyielding attacks from Ethan left little room for the serpent to maneuver or retaliate.

Ethan's foot connected solidly with the body of the brown Venomous Serpent, propelling it through the air with tremendous force before it crashed heavily to the ground.

The unique anatomy of snakes, so different from other creatures, meant that while such a blow would have shattered bones in another animal or a human, the impact on the serpent, though severe, was not as catastrophic.

Ethan could tell that his powerful kick had certainly inflicted damage on the brown Venomous Serpent.

It was visibly hurt and would not have an easy time recovering, yet the injury wasn't as debilitating as it would have been to other beings.

The kick had sent the serpent flying a considerable distance, and in the darkness of the night, if the serpent chose to seize this chance to escape and hide, finding it again would be an arduous task for Ethan.

He felt a twinge of regret for having exerted such force in his kick.

After all, it had taken him considerable effort to find this snake to use as bait.

If it escaped, there was no telling how long it might take to find a suitable replacement.

However, Ethan's worries proved unfounded.

After being kicked away, the brown Venomous Serpent didn't flee but instead, turned once again towards Ethan and charged.

This relentless determination of the serpent was astonishing.

Despite being severely handled by Ethan twice, it seemed oblivious to the vast difference in their strengths and continued its reckless attacks.

The brown Venomous Serpent's stubbornness was almost akin to foolhardiness.

However, Ethan found himself rather fond of such a single-minded opponent.

After all, facing a creature with such a straightforward approach saved him a lot of trouble.

As he watched the brown Venomous Serpent charge at him once again, a slight smile crept up the corners of Ethan's mouth.

This time, having recognized the serpent's quick reflexes, he knew better than to underestimate it, especially in the cloak of night.

Ethan was fully aware that carelessness was not an option.

With this in mind, he swiftly sidestepped, evading the serpent's strike with ease.

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