Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 431 429-Yielding to Softness

Chapter 431 429-Yielding to Softness

In the next instant, seizing the opportunity while the brown Venomous Serpent was still mid-air and had not yet landed, Ethan launched a powerful punch towards it.

At this moment, although the serpent was still airborne, its speed was remarkable.

Its movements were sharp and fluid, devoid of any hesitation.

With a forceful twist of its body, it veered sharply in mid-air, deftly avoiding Ethan's attack.Yet, all of this unfolded just as Ethan had anticipated.

In that moment, as Ethan observed the brown Venomous Serpent dodging his attack, he remained composed, for everything was unfolding as he had anticipated.

He had already gauged the serpent's speed, expecting it to evade his blow.

Thus, Ethan was not surprised by this turn of events.

Moreover, Ethan was already prepared for his next move.

Seeing the brown Venomous Serpent dodge his punch in mid-air, he seamlessly transitioned from fist to palm, striking towards the serpent with an open hand.

The brown Venomous Serpent was neither particularly large nor robust, and its body exhibited extraordinary flexibility.

Ethan had noted during their initial exchange that conventional strikes with fists and feet were ineffective against such a pliable adversary.

Often, it was like a stone thrown against cotton – largely futile.

Therefore, Ethan opted for a technique of using softness to counter softness, hoping it might yield unexpected results.

Ethan's shift in technique was swift and surprising.

The brown Venomous Serpent had no time to react before Ethan's palm made contact with its body.

Clearly, this approach was more effective than his previous attempts.

After taking the hit from Ethan, the serpent writhed in pain, curling up before it fell to the ground.

It rolled a few times in agony before struggling to rise, visibly suffering from the impact.

In the midst of its intense agony, the brown Venomous Serpent watched as Ethan leapt into the air, aiming a powerful stomp towards its coiled body.

Understanding that conventional punches and kicks were ineffective against the serpent, Ethan resorted to more unconventional methods of attack, testing whether the serpent could withstand such onslaughts.

The brown Venomous Serpent, fully aware of the gravity of the situation, realized the dire consequences should Ethan's foot connect.

Such a forceful stomp had the potential to crush its body completely, potentially fatal or at the very least, causing grievous injury.

Therefore, despite the pain from Ethan's previous strike, the serpent, driven by a primal instinct for survival, hastily maneuvered to evade Ethan's looming foot.

Indeed, had Ethan continued with his standard punches and kicks, it might not have posed a significant threat to the serpent.

Its supple body was naturally equipped to absorb and dissipate a great deal of force.

While Ethan's attacks were undoubtedly painful, the actual damage inflicted was relatively limited due to the serpent's unique physiology.

However, Ethan's current approach was markedly different.

Stomping down on the serpent was an entirely different proposition than kicking it.

Even for a creature as flexible as the brown Venomous Serpent, enduring such a crushing blow would be unbearable.

Thus, driven by its instinct to survive, the serpent managed to dodge Ethan's deadly attack.

Once again, Ethan's attack missed its target, his foot landing heavily in the muddy ground, stirring up a layer of muck.

The force of his stomp was such that his shoe sank deep into the mud, and he struggled to extricate it.

In this moment of vulnerability, the brown Venomous Serpent seized the opportunity, baring its fangs and lunging towards Ethan's foot, now stuck in the mud.

A chill of alarm shot through Ethan.

Despite the serpent's lesser strength compared to his, its venomous nature posed a real and immediate threat.

A bite from the serpent could spell disaster for Ethan, especially in the remote and inhospitable environment of the Venomous Serpent Swamp, where medical aid was scarce and help was far away.

Not only was his leg at risk, but his very life hung in the balance.

Moreover, lurking not far from Ethan and the serpent was a mysterious figure, whose intentions – whether friend or foe – were unknown.

Should Ethan fall prey to the serpent's venom, this enigmatic observer might seize the opportunity to act against him.

Ethan's situation was fraught with danger, a precarious position where any misstep could lead him to an abyss from which there was no return.

Even Ethan, with his usual composure and confidence, felt a surge of anxiety in the face of such peril.

Nonetheless, Ethan, seasoned by countless battles, not only boasted extensive combat experience but also possessed exceptional mental resilience.

In this moment of crisis, as the brown Venomous Serpent was inches away from delivering a potentially fatal bite, Ethan's composure never wavered.

With a sudden burst of strength, he managed to pull his foot free from the shoe.

This action was remarkably effective.

As Ethan's foot slipped out of the shoe, the Venomous Serpent's fangs clamped down on the shoe that was still trapped in the mud, puncturing it with two visible holes.

This starkly illustrated the lethal sharpness of the serpent's venomous fangs.

Had Ethan's reaction been even a fraction slower, the serpent's bite would have undoubtedly landed on his leg, leading to dire consequences.

The whole episode was fraught with danger, a split-second that tested Ethan's mettle, a brush with death.

A slower reaction from Ethan could have meant that he wouldn't be standing there at that moment.

Combat is unpredictable; the tide of battle can change in the blink of an eye.

A momentary lapse of attention can lead to a perilous situation.

Indeed, the hallmark of a true warrior is not just physical strength, but the quality of one's mental fortitude – the ability to swiftly assess a situation and make the right decisions in the heat of battle often plays a crucial role.

In the battlefield, life and death decisions are made in an instant.

Ethan, through his past encounters, had honed an ability to remain calm and make judicious decisions under pressure.

This skill had become one of his most formidable weapons.

In this instance, it was Ethan's strong psychological fortitude that once again came to his aid, helping him navigate through the perilous dance of death with the Venomous Serpent.

It must be said that the recent turn of events was exceedingly perilous, and everything happened so rapidly that an ordinary person would likely have been unable to react in time.

Fortunately, in the most critical moment, Ethan thought to pull his foot out of the shoe, a decision that proved much quicker than trying to extricate the shoe from the mud.

This split-second judgment spared him from a dangerous predicament.

However, now Ethan found himself with one shoe missing.

He couldn't help but wryly remark to himself that it seemed he had become the proverbial 'barefoot man not fearing the one with shoes.' 

Despite his light-hearted quip, Ethan harbored a growing resentment towards the brown Venomous Serpent.

He hadn't anticipated that such a creature would cause him so much trouble, igniting a deep frustration within him.

At that moment, Ethan felt an overwhelming desire to punish the serpent, feeling it owed him for his now ruined footwear.

With this thought, Ethan launched a swift kick at the brown Venomous Serpent.

As the serpent's fangs were still embedded in his boot, extracting them had taken a moment, and Ethan's foot connected squarely with the serpent's tail.

Since Ethan's foot was now bare, the kick didn't inflict as much damage as he had hoped.

Nonetheless, the serpent was clearly in pain from the blow.

It immediately released its grip on the boot and darted to the side, evidently hurt.

At that moment, Ethan stood barefoot on the ground, experiencing an odd sensation.

Accustomed to always wearing shoes, this was the first time he found himself directly in contact with the earth.

Fortunately, the soil in the Venomous Serpent Swamp was soft and not too harsh on his feet.

However, the wet and sticky terrain posed some inconvenience to Ethan.

Mud clung to his socks, which was particularly bothersome for someone who valued cleanliness as much as he did.

But he knew this was not the time to dwell on such matters.

In the midst of battle, the situation was ever-changing, and any moment of complacency could provide an opening for his opponent to exploit, potentially leading to irreversible consequences.

The recent incident was a stark reminder of this reality.

A minor mishap had nearly cost Ethan dearly, highlighting that even a weaker adversary could pose a significant threat under certain circumstances.

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