Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 429 427-The Mysterious Figure

Chapter 429 427-The Mysterious Figure

Now, behind Ethan, there appeared a mysterious figure, behaving in a covert manner.

Ethan didn't dare to let his guard down for even a moment, remaining cautious as he observed the movements of this enigmatic person, trying to discern their intentions.

However, the mysterious individual didn't make any other moves.

They simply trailed behind Ethan, keeping their distance.

There was nothing more to their actions.

The mysterious person's behavior puzzled Ethan, leaving him uncertain of their motives.

Ethan refrained from taking any rash actions and continued as before, discreetly keeping an eye on the person while also scanning the surroundings for potential bait.

At this moment, Ethan didn't engage the mysterious person and deliberately maintained the illusion that he hadn't noticed them.

After walking for some time, Ethan sensed some activity in his vicinity.

Could it be that more people were approaching?

Ethan's initial thought was that someone else was arriving, possibly an associate of the mysterious figure.

He quickly turned to check.

What he saw was not another person but rather a moderately sized brown Venomous Serpent.

At that moment, the serpent remained motionless, concealed by the colors of the marsh.

Its eyes were locked onto Ethan, and it continuously flicked its tongue, appearing to be seeking an opportunity to ambush Ethan and take a bite.

However, Ethan had already spotted the snake and wasn't about to let it achieve its goals.

Without hesitation, he raised his fist and aimed a punch at the Venomous Serpent.

At this very moment, the brown Venomous Serpent had absolutely no inkling of Ethan's intentions.

It had thought itself concealed so masterfully, believing that Ethan remained oblivious to its presence, eagerly biding its time for the perfect opportunity to strike when Ethan's guard was down.

Little did it know, Ethan had not only discovered it but had made no announcement before swiftly launching a punch in its direction.

Originally, the brown Venomous Serpent had contemplated a sneak attack, but Ethan's unexpected counter-assault took it entirely by surprise.

In that moment, the serpent found itself unprepared and in a rather undignified state.

Yet, it must be acknowledged that the brown Venomous Serpent possessed an extraordinary reaction speed.

Even though Ethan's assault had been utterly unforeseen, the serpent managed to evade it in the nick of time.

In that instance, the Venomous Serpent sensed the sheer force behind Ethan's punch and realized it had entered a perilous predicament.

It dared not waste another moment and swiftly darted to the side.

However, it is not fair to blame the brown Venomous Serpent for its dramatic reaction.

One must recognize that Ethan had employed his full strength in that punch.

Had it landed on the serpent, it might very well have ended its life then and there.

Hence, the fear in the brown Venomous Serpent's eyes, prompting such rapid evasion.

In this instance, the brown Venomous Serpent eluded Ethan's attack, and his punch met only the earth, sending a spray of mud into the air.

Ethan hadn't anticipated that despite its seemingly unimpressive strength, this creature possessed such incredible speed.

It appeared that within the Venomous Serpent Swamp, the majority of inhabitants relied on speed and agility as their primary assets.

This was hardly surprising considering that the Venomous Serpent Swamp was inhabited predominantly by snakes and python-like creatures, with Venomous Serpents being the most common.

These creatures were inherently fast, and those snakes within the Venomous Serpent Swamp had survived through natural selection, often boasting impressive strength and speed.

Ethan was genuinely taken aback when he saw the creature swiftly evade his attack.

Nevertheless, the brown Venomous Serpent, despite dodging Ethan's initial strike, was in for a surprise.

Ethan's second punch quickly followed, seamlessly connecting with the first.

Once again, it carried the same formidable force.

If that punch had connected with the brown Venomous Serpent's body, its fate would likely not have been a pleasant one.

Therefore, the brown Venomous Serpent had no room for complacency.

It swiftly avoided Ethan's second strike and darted to the side.

"Where do you think you're going? I'll make sure to finish you off!" Ethan shouted, hot on its trail.

Clearly, the brown Venomous Serpent hadn't expected Ethan to be such a persistent pursuer.

It was taken aback by Ethan's relentless pursuit and panicked, fleeing into the distance.

How could Ethan let this creature escape so easily? After all, he had been searching for a long time to find something to use as bait, and now that he had finally found something, he certainly couldn't let it get away.

Thus, Ethan pursued the brown venomous serpent relentlessly.

Although the serpent was fast, it was not quite a match for Ethan's speed, and it didn't take long for him to catch up.

Once close enough, Ethan grabbed the tail of the brown serpent and, with a strong pull, swung it into the air.

He then whipped the serpent through the air like a lash, creating a series of sharp cracking sounds.

Ethan's actions could be seen as brutal, but there was a reason behind this display of force.

Besides teaching the brown serpent a lesson for attempting a sneak attack, Ethan also wanted to send a clear message to the mysterious observer hiding in the distance.

He aimed to show that he was not to be trifled with, deterring any ill intentions from the mysterious onlooker and discouraging any further provocation.

Ethan's actions indeed had a strong deterrent effect.

The mysterious person watching from afar was startled to see Ethan deal so ferociously with the brown venomous serpent.

He were relieved that their hiding spot was well-concealed, grateful that Ethan hadn't spotted them.

After witnessing Ethan's ruthless handling of the serpent, he was wary of what Ethan might do to him if discovered.

Unknown to the mysterious person, Ethan had actually already detected their presence but had chosen not to expose them.

The mysterious onlooker remained unaware of this fact.

As Ethan swung the brown venomous serpent around, he spoke loudly, "Lurking around me, thinking of ambushing me? I'll make sure you regret it! I won't stop until you rue the day you crossed paths with me!" 

His words were clearly a veiled message to the unseen observer, intended to intimidate and assert his dominance.

The mysterious person, hearing Ethan's words, was initially startled, wondering if they had been discovered.

However, they soon realized Ethan was speaking to the serpent, not them, which provided a slight relief.

Despite this, a deep sense of fear lingered.

They had never encountered someone as brutal as Ethan and were genuinely terrified by his savagery.

Internally, the mysterious person contemplated what their fate would be if they were in the serpent's place.

The thought alone was enough to dissuade them from continuing their hidden observation, and they considered making a discreet exit.

Yet, remembering the mission they were on, the mysterious individual suppressed their fear and decided to stay, despite the overwhelming sense of danger.

Ethan continued to whirl the brown venomous serpent around for a considerable time, leaving it in a state of complete disarray.

Fortunately for the serpent, its resilience was greater than that of a human.

Had it been a person on the receiving end of Ethan's relentless assault, they would have likely succumbed to the intensity of the attack.

As Ethan watched the battered brown Venomous Serpent, he began to feel a bit tired.

So, without much thought, he tossed the serpent aside, sending it flying a considerable distance.

However, Ethan's action wasn't just a random throw; he intentionally aimed it in the direction of the mysterious person's hiding spot.

Seeing this unexpected turn of events, the mysterious person was startled.

They hadn't anticipated Ethan would throw the brown Venomous Serpent in their direction.

This move genuinely frightened them.

Judging by the condition of the serpent, it seemed barely alive, resembling a physical entity rather than a living creature.

If Ethan were to come over and retrieve the serpent, the mysterious person might be exposed.

The thought of that sent shivers down their spine, and they began to contemplate an escape plan.

After all, the memory of Ethan's brutal display of violence still haunted them.

The fear of Ethan's reprisal was overwhelming, and they wanted nothing more than to slip away unnoticed.

As they pondered their next move and contemplated retreating slowly, taking advantage of the cover of darkness, an unexpected event occurred.

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