Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 428 426-Seeking Bait

Chapter 428 426-Seeking Bait

Ethan was resolute in his decision to wait for the creature's emergence, determined to see what it truly was.

Although he had no way of knowing how long it would take for the creature to reappear, he was confident that it eventually would, as long as he waited with enough patience.

Ethan found it hard to believe that any creature could breathe indefinitely in a muddy marsh filled with muck.

Even if the creature could hide for a prolonged period, it would eventually need to surface for air once its internal supply was depleted.

Therefore, Ethan was not worried about it not reappearing.

His patience was one of his strengths, and this waiting game was not a difficult task for him.

As night had completely fallen, Ethan could no longer see his surroundings clearly.

Despite his vision being much stronger than that of an average person, the darkness impaired his ability to discern the environment.

To ensure he could see the creature when it emerged again, Ethan lit a torch and planted it into the ground nearby.

The light from the torch was faint and limited, but it was sufficient for Ethan.

His physical capabilities were far beyond those of an ordinary person, making his vision and other sensory abilities exceptionally sharp.

With just a bit of light from the torch, he could see the immediate area clearly enough.

After waiting for an extended period, Ethan still hadn't seen any sign of the creature emerging, which greatly surprised him.

Based on his assumptions, he had expected the creature to come up for air after spending a prolonged time in the mud.

However, the creature remained hidden, suggesting it could endure longer under the mud than Ethan had anticipated.

Realizing that simply waiting might not be fruitful, Ethan contemplated devising a plan.

Continuing to wait aimlessly would be a waste of time if the creature never surfaced.

The question then arose: how could he coax the creature out of its hiding place? 

After some thought, Ethan hit upon the idea of luring the creature out, essentially drawing the snake from its hole using prey as bait.

However, Ethan had no intention of using himself as bait.

Given the current circumstances, with the enemy concealed and his own ignorance about the creature's identity and true capabilities, it would be exceedingly dangerous to expose himself to such risk.

Instead, he decided to find something else to serve as the lure.

Finding an object to use as bait in Venomous Serpent Swamp wasn't a difficult task.

The swamp was teeming with various venomous serpents and pythons, and it was almost certain he would encounter a snake within a few steps.

The abundance of wildlife made it feasible for Ethan to source bait from his immediate surroundings.

With this in mind, Ethan no longer hesitated and began searching the area for a snake to use as bait.

However, after searching for a considerable amount of time, Ethan hadn't found a single snake, which he found extremely peculiar.

Usually, encountering venomous serpents in this area was far more common than encountering humans.

Typically, Ethan didn't have to search at all; he would often see one just by walking around.

Yet, now that he was actively looking for one, not a single serpent could be found.

It's strange how things work in the world sometimes.

When you're not looking for something, it seems to be everywhere.

But when you actively seek it, it becomes elusive.

Ethan couldn't help feeling a bit of irony in this situation.

However, it didn't take long for Ethan to understand what was happening.

Animals have a strong sense of perception, far superior to humans.

Given the presence of such a dangerous predator lurking beneath the marsh, it was likely that other creatures sensed its existence and dared not approach the area.

With this realization, it was easy to understand why Ethan couldn't find any animals nearby.

But this also presented a new challenge for him: how to find something to use as bait.

It seemed that if Ethan couldn't find any living creature in the vicinity, he would have to venture further afield.

Despite the darkness and the danger posed by the marshy terrain, he had no other choice.

Resolved, Ethan decided to retrace his steps, hoping to find something suitable along the way back from where he had come.

This approach seemed the most prudent for Ethan at the moment.

Compared to the path he had taken to get here, the route he had initially traveled was more familiar to him and posed fewer risks.

Moreover, having already traversed it once, he knew that there were no particularly dangerous wild beasts along this path.

Ethan's intention this time was to capture a wild animal solely for use as bait, not for training or any other purpose.

Therefore, any animal would suffice; there was no need to seek out one with great strength.

A simple, easy-to-catch creature would do.

Thus, Ethan began to retrace his steps in the direction he had originally come from.

However, the darkness of the night made his task more challenging.

Under the cover of darkness, it was hard to spot smaller creatures.

In Venomous Serpent Swamp, the rule of the jungle prevailed – survival of the fittest.

For smaller animals, staying hidden was crucial for survival.

Consequently, most animals in Venomous Serpent Swamp, especially those not particularly strong, were adept at concealing themselves.

Their colors often blended seamlessly with the muddy surroundings, making them almost impossible to detect without a careful search.

This made Ethan's task significantly more difficult.

Finding an animal in these conditions was proving to be a real challenge.

After a long search without success, just as Ethan was considering where else to look, a faint sound reached his ears.

His spirits lifted, thinking he had finally found something to use as bait.

He quickly headed towards the source of the sound.

But upon seeing what was there, Ethan was taken aback, a surge of surprise flooding his heart.

At this moment, Ethan noticed something hidden within the distant darkness.

This entity, seemingly unaware of Ethan's discovery, was intently observing him from a not-so-far distance, as if stealthily scrutinizing his actions.

What truly astonished Ethan was the silhouette of this shadowy figure.

Despite the limited range of the torchlight and the considerable distance, Ethan couldn't clearly make out the details.

However, he could discern that this figure was definitely not a typical serpent from the swamp.

Instead, its outline resembled that of a person, or if not a human, then perhaps a humanoid creature like an ape.

The sight of a human or humanoid-like beast in the Venomous Serpent Swamp was utterly surprising to Ethan, far beyond his expectations.

He found himself intrigued by this unexpected discovery.

Ethan realized he needed to be cautious.

The nature of this observer – whether friend or foe – was unknown to him.

For the time being, he couldn't afford to act rashly.

Instead, Ethan also observed the figure in return, trying to discern its identity and understand the intent behind its scrutiny.

This situation demanded vigilance from Ethan.

The identity of this observer was still a mystery, and without more information, Ethan dared not make any hasty moves.

Meanwhile, he pretended not to have noticed the figure, continuing with his activities as if nothing had happened.

At this point, Ethan cautiously moved forward, keeping a watchful eye on the shadowy figure through his peripheral vision.

He noticed that as he walked away, the figure quietly followed him at a distance, evidently tracking him.

This time, Ethan discerned that the figure was not an animal but a person.

Since arriving in the Venomous Serpent Swamp, Ethan had not encountered any other people.

He had assumed that the swamp was uninhabited, considering its perilous environment teeming with fierce venomous serpents and the predominantly marshy terrain unsuitable for human habitation.

Ethan had come across ancient human relics earlier, but those belonged to a long-gone era.

Since entering the swamp, the absence of any human presence had reinforced his belief that no one lived in the Venomous Serpent Swamp.

However, the current revelation that someone was indeed residing in the swamp took Ethan by surprise.

Yet, whether this individual was friend or foe, and whether they posed any threat to Ethan, remained unknown.

Therefore, he had to be extra cautious and vigilant, prepared for any potential danger this person might present.

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