Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 426 424-Slaying the Unicorn Venomous Serpent

Chapter 426 424-Slaying the Unicorn Venomous Serpent

At this moment, Ethan observed the Unicorn Venomous Serpent, its fury seemingly about to ignite into flames.

He understood that this time the Serpent was prepared to stake its life in a final showdown against him.

Thus, Ethan readied himself to conclude this battle, sensing that the fight with the Serpent was nearing its end.

However, Ethan noticed that although the Serpent was glaring at him furiously, it did not launch an attack.

It seemed that the creature had been intimidated by the substantial harm Ethan had inflicted upon it, now hesitant to rashly engage him again.

The damage Ethan had caused was indeed significant.

Ethan was surprised to see the Unicorn Venomous Serpent refraining from attacking.

It appeared that the Serpent had learned its lesson, realizing that impulsive attacks like before were futile and only led to further trouble.

This time, although seething with anger, the Serpent managed to restrain itself from assaulting Ethan.

It seemed that the Unicorn Venomous Serpent had finally gained some wisdom, understanding that blind aggression was ineffective and only invited more problems and harm.

However, this realization came a bit too late for the Serpent, and at a great cost.

It was only after losing one of its venomous fangs that it comprehended this bitter truth.

At this juncture, seeing the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's hesitation to initiate an attack, Ethan decided to take the offensive himself.

After all, the Serpent had already sustained severe injuries from Ethan's relentless assault, to the point of losing one of its venomous fangs and being rendered almost crippled.

Moreover, after enduring such an extended bout of attacks, the Serpent's stamina was clearly depleted.

Were it not for its burning fury, the Serpent would likely have been too exhausted to move at all by this point.

In contrast, Ethan's physical strength remained robust.

His endurance was significantly superior to that of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent.

Normally, wild beasts are expected to possess greater stamina than humans, but Ethan was no ordinary man.

His physical capabilities had reached such an extent that even a creature as formidable as the Unicorn Venomous Serpent could not match him in terms of bodily strength.

Especially after absorbing the energy from that mysterious stone, Ethan felt his power had significantly increased.

Despite engaging in a prolonged fight with the Serpent, he still did not feel the slightest bit of fatigue.

Of course, the stark difference in exhaustion between the near-collapsed Serpent and the still-energetic Ethan was not solely due to Ethan's robust physical condition.

Another crucial factor was the nature of their encounter.

Under Ethan's manipulation, the Serpent had been lashing out in blind, futile attacks.

While the Serpent had expended its energy attacking relentlessly, ultimately, it failed to inflict even the slightest damage on Ethan.

Such attacks from the Unicorn Venomous Serpent were essentially futile, only serving to deplete its energy and strength unnecessarily.

On the other hand, Ethan's strategy primarily involved evasive maneuvers.

He consistently found the optimal moments to dodge the Serpent's attacks, expending no more energy than absolutely necessary.

This approach resulted in a stark contrast between the energy levels of Ethan and the Serpent, with Ethan maintaining a significant advantage in stamina.

At this stage, Ethan's decision to actively attack the Unicorn Venomous Serpent was made without any concern for potential retaliation.

The Serpent's diminished strength and stamina left it with little capacity to trouble Ethan further.

In fact, the outcome of the battle between Ethan and the Unicorn Venomous Serpent had become apparent much earlier.

Ethan had prolonged the fight, choosing to toy with the Serpent for his own amusement rather than ending it swiftly.

By now, the Serpent was so beleaguered and its fighting capability so reduced that prolonging the battle seemed pointless.

Ethan, therefore, decided to swiftly conclude the fight and dispatch the Serpent.

The venomous fang is a snake's deadliest weapon, and this was no different for the Unicorn Venomous Serpent.

Having lost one of its venomous fangs, the Serpent's combat effectiveness was greatly compromised.

Additionally, its tail had been previously injured by Ethan, further hindering its mobility.

At this point, the Serpent had little combat power left, prompting Ethan to seek a quick end to the battle and a chance to rest.

However, when Ethan charged forward to slay the Unicorn Venomous Serpent, he found that this time, the Serpent was exceptionally cautious.

As Ethan approached, the Serpent retreated, adeptly avoiding his attack.

It seemed that the Serpent's fear of Ethan had reached its pinnacle.

Ethan's relentless assaults had not only inflicted severe physical injuries but had also psychologically scarred the creature.

The loss of one of its venomous fangs was a significant blow, but the repeated attacks had taken an even greater toll on the Serpent's psyche.

Now, the Serpent reacted to Ethan's presence with the same trepidation as a mouse facing a cat, utterly terrified.

If the Unicorn Venomous Serpent were capable of human emotions, it would undoubtedly be filled with regret at this moment.

It might rue its initial decision to provoke Ethan and lament not allowing Ethan to leave when he had tried to walk away, instead choosing to attack.

Indeed, had Ethan truly left that previous encounter, the subsequent events might have been avoided, and the Serpent would not have lost its fang.

But now, any regrets the Serpent might have were too late to be of any consequence.

The events had unfolded, and the Serpent's fang was irretrievably lost, leaving it understandably filled with anger and frustration.

However, this time, after running a short distance, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent stopped instead of continuing to flee.

This surprised Ethan, as it seemed logical for the Serpent to take this chance to escape entirely.

Escaping was the only way it could hope to survive.

However, the fact that the Unicorn Venomous Serpent didn't flee was something that Ethan found very strange.

Observing the Serpent not escaping, but instead fixing Ethan with a piercing gaze, he finally understood.

The Serpent's refusal to flee stemmed from its intense hatred towards Ethan for severing its tail, breaking off its venomous fang, and inflicting severe injuries.

At this moment, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent didn't want to leave so easily and let Ethan off the hook.

Yet, despite its deep-seated hatred, the Serpent's diminished strength was insufficient to harm Ethan, which fueled its frustration even more.

It was this inability to exact its vengeance that made the Serpent unwilling to leave.

Initially, Ethan felt he had vented his anger sufficiently by reducing the Serpent to such a state.

Had the Serpent chosen to flee at that moment, Ethan would have been prepared to spare its life.

However, seeing that the Serpent was not willing to retreat, Ethan resolved not to show any further mercy.

Thus, seizing the opportunity, Ethan no longer held back.

He charged towards the Unicorn Venomous Serpent and delivered a powerful punch directly to its head.

Ethan's fist connected squarely with the top of the Serpent's head, causing a gruesome scene as the Serpent's head burst open upon impact.

The Serpent writhed in pain on the ground for a few moments before becoming motionless, its life extinguished.

Looking at the now lifeless body of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent, Ethan stretched and loosened up his body.

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, signaling the approaching dusk, Ethan realized that it would soon be dark.

He had initially planned to rest here, but it no longer seemed feasible.

The scent of blood from the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's body could easily attract other creatures, potentially disturbing any chance of a peaceful rest.

With this in mind, Ethan decided to find a different location to rest.

However, with nightfall rapidly approaching, he knew he had to move quickly if he wanted to secure a suitable spot before darkness enveloped the area.

Continuing to rest here was not an option, as traveling after dark in these conditions would be exceedingly difficult.

Ethan, therefore, wasted no more time and continued on his journey, hoping to find a good place to rest before nightfall.

The challenge was that in the Venomous Serpent Swamp, much of the terrain was marshland.

Even the areas that weren't mired in mud were exposed and offered little in the way of shelter, making it difficult to find an ideal spot to rest.

It seemed that Ethan had quite a task ahead of him in his search for a suitable resting place in this challenging environment.

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