Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 407 405-The Thrill of Battle

Chapter 407 Chapter405-The Thrill of Battle

At this moment, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, having been struck by Ethan's punch, charged towards him in a frenzy, its approach akin to an avalanche, a sight so formidable that even Ethan felt a surge of shock.

The sheer strength of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was overwhelming.

Setting aside its immense power, the colossal size of its body alone was enough to strike awe.

As Ethan watched the Dreadwolf rush towards him, he felt a palpable sense of oppression.

It became clear that this Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was unlike any opponent Ethan had ever encountered before.

This realization only served to solidify Ethan's determination.

He saw this encounter with the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf as a prime opportunity to sharpen his own skills.

Watching the Dreadwolf's massive form bearing down on him, Ethan knew it was too late to dodge.

This wasn't because Ethan was inferior in agility to the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, but rather because the creature's body was simply too large.

For smaller adversaries, Ethan could easily evade with a quick sidestep.

However, to avoid an assault from a creature of such immense size, he would have to move a considerable distance, a feat nearly impossible in the split second available to him.

In the heat of battle, every action and reaction happens in the blink of an eye, leaving even someone as capable as Ethan with no time to dodge such a massive attack.

Thus, Ethan had no choice but to confront the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf's attack head-on.

He extended his palm to meet the oncoming force.

At the moment of collision, a resounding 'bang' echoed, and the immense force of the impact caused the ground itself to tremble.

At that moment, Ethan was forced to take a couple of steps back by the tremendous force of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf's attack.

However, despite its significant size advantage, the Dreadwolf seemed to be impacted even more intensely, retreating several steps before it could steady itself and come to a halt.

Such a head-on confrontation was a true test of their relative strengths.

It became clear that although the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was massive in stature, it was slightly inferior in strength to Ethan.

However, it was also evident that the difference in power between Ethan and the Dreadwolf was not vast.

The Dreadwolf's mountainous size served to compensate for its slight shortfall in strength, ensuring that this battle would not be as one-sided as Ethan's previous encounters in the Shadow Forest and the Venomous Serpent Swamp.

Ethan knew that he could not afford to be complacent in this fight.

After being pushed back by the Dreadwolf's powerful assault, Ethan did not maintain a defensive stance.

Instead, he suddenly launched an aggressive attack towards the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf.

Ethan was aware that although he was somewhat stronger than the Dreadwolf, the creature undoubtedly possessed formidable abilities.

Being a creature of legend, revered and feared in equal measure, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf certainly had more tricks up its sleeve than what was apparent on the surface.

Ethan was convinced that the Dreadwolf had yet to reveal its full power.

Curious to witness the Dreadwolf's true capabilities, Ethan decided to take the initiative, compelling the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf to reveal its ultimate skills sooner rather than later.

The Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf clearly did not anticipate Ethan's proactive assault, finding itself caught off guard and hurriedly trying to parry the attack.

As the saying goes, 'the first to strike often gains the upper hand,' and due to its misjudgment, the Dreadwolf quickly found itself in a defensive position.

Ethan's response was both decisive and timely.

As the Dreadwolf had just steadied itself and was yet to prepare for another round, Ethan charged forward. With a swift motion, he launched a punch directly at the creature.

Caught by surprise at Ethan's aggressive stance, the Dreadwolf could only scramble to defend itself.

This hasty defense resulted in it being thrown back a considerable distance by Ethan's powerful strike.

Not allowing the Dreadwolf any respite, Ethan followed up his punch with a leap forward, landing right in front of the massive creature.

Without giving the Dreadwolf a moment to react, Ethan raised his leg and delivered a fierce kick aimed at its jaw.

Given the vast size difference between Ethan and the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, Ethan had to leap high to reach its lower jaw.

His foot connected squarely, striking the Dreadwolf's chin with immense force.

Still reeling from the previous attack, the Dreadwolf was visibly startled by Ethan's rapid succession of moves.

It had now fully realized the extent of Ethan's prowess, understanding that he was far from the simple opponent it had initially perceived.

As Ethan's kick flew towards it, the Dreadwolf instinctively tried to retreat, attempting to dodge the oncoming blow.

However, still unsteady from the earlier impact, the Dreadwolf found it challenging to move back quickly enough.

However, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, with its formidable strength, managed to take a step back under these challenging circumstances, narrowly avoiding Ethan's attack.

At this moment, the Dreadwolf had fully recognized the intensity of Ethan's power and dared not underestimate him any longer.

After retreating, it quickly steadied itself, bracing for Ethan's next onslaught.

As anticipated by the Dreadwolf, no sooner had it regained its footing than Ethan charged again.

This time, the Dreadwolf was prepared, opting not to panic as before but to take the initiative and confront Ethan head-on.

Ethan was taken aback to see the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf not dodging but choosing to meet his attack directly.

However, with his momentum already in full swing, it was too late for Ethan to withdraw.

The only option was to continue the frontal assault.

The collision of Ethan and the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf created another massive sound.

This time, both combatants exerted their full strength, resulting in a tremendous impact that forced them both to stagger back several steps.

Due to its enormous size, the Dreadwolf slid backwards after halting, carving deep grooves into the ground with its feet.

Ethan, too, was not left unscathed.

The immense force of the collision caused a numbing sensation in his arms, indicating that the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was an even more formidable opponent than he had anticipated.

Despite this, Ethan harbored no thoughts of retreat.

At this juncture, the most prudent course of action for Ethan would be to quickly depart from the scene, avoiding further entanglement with the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf.

Having engaged in several rounds of combat, Ethan had discerned that the creature's strength far exceeded his initial estimations, posing a real danger should the battle continue.

Ordinarily, when faced with such peril, most people's instinct would be to flee, to evade the immediate threat.

Engaging with an opponent of such formidable strength is widely considered unwise, as even a minor misstep could lead to disastrous consequences.

The old adage "better to preserve one's life than to risk it all" holds true in such scenarios, prompting most to opt for avoidance and safety over confrontation.

Moreover, while Ethan has shown some ability to contend with the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, escaping from it would be relatively straightforward.

Defeating the creature might require a significant expenditure of energy, but if his intention were merely to withdraw, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, for all its might, would be unable to prevent Ethan's departure.

Moreover, it was evident that the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf harbored a deep wariness of Ethan.

Ethan's prowess in their skirmishes had caused significant trouble for the creature, suggesting that if Ethan chose to leave, the Dreadwolf would likely be more than willing to let him go, offering no resistance to his departure.

However, Ethan was unlike others.

Even though he was fully aware of the increased danger posed by the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, he harbored no intentions of fleeing.

Instead of seeking to escape or avoid the peril, Ethan chose to continue the battle.

His nature was that of a challenger, someone who thrived on testing his limits.

Encountering such a rare opportunity for a worthy skirmish, Ethan was determined to fight the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf until he felt truly satisfied with the outcome.

At this point, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf too seemed to have grasped the importance of striking first.

Barely stabilizing itself, the creature didn't wait for Ethan's next move.

Instead, it took the initiative, lunging towards Ethan with renewed vigor, launching the first strike in this new round of combat.

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