Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 404 402-Venomous Serpent Swamp

Chapter 404 402-Venomous Serpent Swamp

At this moment, Ethan had ventured into the territory of the Venomous Serpent Swamp. 

Though seldom having traversed swamplands before, Ethan was well aware of their notorious reputation. 

He knew that the greatest danger in a swamp lay beneath one's feet.

Swamplands, with their deceptive terrain, pose a significant risk. 

A misstep could result in sinking into a quagmire, and without assistance, escaping such a predicament is nearly impossible. 

Therefore, Ethan proceeded with extreme caution, constantly vigilant of the ground beneath him.

Moreover, the Venomous Serpent Swamp was infamous not just for its treacherous marshes but also for its abundance of poisonous snakes and pythons, a fact clearly indicated by its ominous name. 

The swamp had virtually become a haven for serpents.

Thus, in addition to the fear of falling into the swamp, Ethan had to be wary of encountering snakes at any moment. 

As it often happens, the more one thinks about something, the more likely it is to occur. 

It wasn't long after Ethan entered the Venomous Serpent Swamp that he encountered a snake.

At the time of the encounter, Ethan was unaware of the snake's presence. 

Snakes are masters of concealment, capable of remaining motionless and hidden for extended periods, making them exceedingly difficult to spot. 

In the Venomous Serpent Swamp, with the swamp's natural cover, snakes were even harder to detect. 

So, as he passed by, Ethan completely missed noticing the presence of a serpent lurking nearby.

The snake suddenly emerged, its jaws agape as it lunged towards Ethan's leg. 

Caught completely off guard, Ethan had no time to prepare. However, his reflexes were exceptionally quick. 

Just as the snake was about to sink its teeth into his leg, Ethan swiftly reacted, sidestepping the attack at the last possible moment.

This evasion, while appearing effortless, was actually a feat of great difficulty. 

The speed of a snake, especially its explosive strike, is incredibly fast, almost occurring in the blink of an eye. 

For most people, such a brief window of time would be insufficient to react. 

But Ethan's agility far exceeded that of an ordinary person, allowing him to narrowly avoid the bite.

The snake, having missed its target, did not rush to attack again. 

Instead, it stayed put, its blood-red eyes fixed intently on Ethan. 

It flicked its tongue in and out, seemingly waiting for another opportunity to strike.

It was only then that Ethan got a clear look at the snake. 

It was quite small, with a body that was pitch black, blending almost seamlessly with the swampy surroundings. 

Its size and color made it incredibly difficult to spot amidst the marshes.

Ethan had encountered large pythons before, but this snake was considerably smaller. 

However, what it lacked in size, it made up for in speed. 

As the saying goes, "the shorter the weapon, the greater the danger." 

The small size of this snake gave it an advantage of remarkable speed. 

Coupled with its near-invisible coloration, it was a natural ambusher, lying in wait in the swamp. 

When an unsuspecting person or animal passed by, its sudden strike could be deadly.

Ethan observed the snake's mouth, particularly noticing its extraordinarily long fangs, which indicated a highly venomous nature. 

The sight of these fangs sent a shiver down his spine, realizing how close he had come to a potentially fatal bite. 

Had he not dodged quickly enough, the consequences would have been dire.

Furthermore, the fangs of this snake were noticeably longer than those of other venomous snakes, protruding like the fangs of a saber-toothed tiger, an almost exaggerated feature. 

A bite from these fangs would not only deliver lethal venom but also likely puncture through flesh with ease. 

Such a wound, even without the effect of the venom, could be excruciatingly painful, potentially fatal in its own right.

Ethan couldn't help but feel a surge of anger recalling his near-miss with the snake's deadly bite. 

It was a sobering reminder of how close he had come to death in just a brief moment of carelessness upon entering the Venomous Serpent Swamp. 

This place truly lived up to its daunting reputation.

At this point, Ethan didn't rush to attack. 

Having witnessed the snake's speed, he recognized this encounter as a valuable trial, an opportunity to test his reflexes and combat skills. 

The snake's most formidable weapon was its element of surprise. 

In a direct confrontation, Ethan was confident he could defeat the snake relatively easily. 

However, an ambush was a different matter entirely, especially when the target was unprepared, as he had been during the initial strike.

The previous encounter had caught Ethan off guard, leaving him in a precarious situation. 

Now, with his awareness heightened and his senses sharpened, he was prepared to face the snake head-on. 

To achieve the element of surprise in an attack, not only is the suddenness of the strike crucial, but the attacker's speed is also of paramount importance. 

Though Ethan had only just experienced a single attack from the snake, he had already gained an appreciation for its speed. 

Such rapid attack velocity is rare and exceeds the capabilities of many human experts.

Faced with such an agile adversary, Ethan's interest was piqued. 

He saw this as an opportunity to refine his own reaction speed. 

Speed is a manifestation of power; in the realm of combat, it's often said that no technique is invincible against sheer swiftness. 

Even a slight improvement in speed, without an increase in overall strength, can offer a significant advantage against an equally matched opponent.

Even when facing a stronger adversary, superior speed can be a decisive factor. 

Although Ethan was already a formidable force, he was eager to enhance his capabilities further. 

The chance to train his reaction speed against this venomous snake was an opportunity he welcomed with enthusiasm.

At that moment, Ethan did not rashly launch an attack. 

Instead, he confronted the snake with patience, observing it as it remained motionless, awaiting its next move. 

Ethan understood that this was a test of endurance, a battle of patience. 

Whoever lost their composure and attacked first would likely expose a vulnerability, providing their opponent an opportunity to gain the upper hand.

Although Ethan wasn't concerned about the snake exploiting any vulnerabilities, his intention wasn't to kill it outright. 

Instead, he wanted to use this encounter as a training exercise. So, he remained patient, engaging in a standoff with the serpent.

After a tense period of stalemate, it was the snake that lost patience first and launched an attack on Ethan. 

With a powerful thrust of its body, the snake sprang into the air, rapidly soaring towards Ethan. 

It was undeniable that the snake's attack speed was impressively fast. 

Even though the element of surprise was lessened without the stealth of an ambush, the velocity of its strike was exhilarating for Ethan.

This was the moment Ethan had been waiting for. 

His focus was razor-sharp, keenly observing every movement of the snake. 

As it finally attacked, Ethan quickly dodged, evading the serpent's lunge.

However, at that instant, something entirely unexpected happened. 

Mid-air, the snake twisted its body and redirected its attack towards Ethan. 

This unforeseen maneuver caught Ethan off guard, prompting him to instinctively dodge once again. 

Fortunately, his quick reflexes saved him from a potentially deadly bite.

Even though Ethan wasn't bitten, the close call left him shaken. 

He hadn't anticipated that the snake would possess such a cunning tactic. 

This method of attack was a revelation to Ethan, opening his eyes to the adaptability and ingenuity of this venomous adversary.

Ethan was astounded by the snake's mid-air maneuver. Its body, completely suspended in the air without any support, executed a move Ethan had never heard or seen before. Such an attack technique was not only novel to Ethan but also terrifyingly effective.

Following the snake's initial strike that missed its target, most people would have been unable to react further. 

However, the serpent astonishingly curved back for a second attack from behind. 

For the average person, evading such an unpredictable and swift assault would have been nearly impossible.

After two failed attempts, the snake finally landed on the ground, giving Ethan a moment to catch his breath. 

The experience was unforgettable for him, filled with a mix of lingering fear and a subtle thrill. 

Indeed, for a trial, the stronger the opponent, the more beneficial the exercise. 

This time, Ethan realized he had chosen an adversary far more formidable than he had anticipated, one capable of employing unexpectedly cunning tactics.

Ethan felt he had made the right choice in selecting this snake as his opponent. 

The upcoming practice with this creature promised to be intriguing and full of surprises. 

The thought of what lay ahead in this unusual training session filled Ethan with excitement. 

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