Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 406 404-The Guardian

Chapter 406 404-The Guardian

Upon hearing such a roar, Ethan was taken aback, astonished that the cry of this creature could be so terrifying. 

This realization gave him a sense of the creature's formidable strength. 

Although Ethan had yet to see its form and could not ascertain what this being was, the earth-shaking, powerful bellow, full of resounding force, indicated a creature of immense size and strength, capable of emitting such a deafening roar.

At this moment, Ethan's excitement grew exponentially. 

It seemed, at last, he had encountered a formidable opponent, one with whom he could engage in a hearty and exhilarating battle. 

This prospect thrilled him immensely.

With these thoughts in mind, Ethan advanced towards the source of the roar. Soon, a colossal creature came into view. 

Even from a great distance, Ethan could discern the creature's enormous size, akin to a small mountain. Such a gigantic being was something Ethan had never encountered before.

Previously, in the Shadow Forest, Ethan had rescued a creature of considerable size. 

At that time, he had thought that creature to be enormous, but now, in comparison to this new being, the one he had saved seemed almost insignificant, as different as heaven and earth, beyond any comparison.

Upon laying eyes on this creature, Ethan felt a profound sense of awe. 

No wonder this being possessed such a formidable aura; even the venomous snakes and other creatures nearby dared not approach. 

Now, witnessing its intimidating presence, it was clear why other beings refrained from coming too close.

The sheer size of the creature alone was enough to leave one staggered. 

Ethan could sense that this creature's strength was extraordinary, sparking even more interest in him. 

At this moment, Ethan recalled a legendary creature he had heard about from others.

Ethan had been told of a mythical entity known as the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, a wolf-like creature whose size could rival a mountain and possessed immense strength. 

Ethan had only heard of such a creature in legends and had never seen it with his own eyes. 

He wasn't even sure if it truly existed; perhaps it was just a mythical being or something that had long since vanished. But now, it seemed this creature was real.

The creature before Ethan matched the description of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf from the legends almost exactly. 

It must undoubtedly be the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

Only now did Ethan realize that such a creature truly existed; it was not just a figment of imagination or a baseless myth. 

Encountering such a being, previously only known in legends, filled Ethan with immense excitement.

After all, encountering a Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was an extremely rare occurrence. 

Ethan was aware of the legendary strength attributed to these creatures, and the prospect of battling the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf struck him as an incredibly fascinating challenge. 

After all, it's not every day that one gets the opportunity to engage in combat with a mighty beast from legends.

With the appearance of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, Ethan was almost certain that he had indeed stumbled upon the legendary treasure. 

It seemed likely that this Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was the guardian of the treasure mentioned in the myths. 

The treasure, guarded by such a formidable creature, must be far from ordinary. 

Consequently, Ethan's anticipation regarding the potential discovery of this treasure grew.

However, for Ethan, finding the treasure was a secondary concern. 

His immediate priority was to confront and overcome the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

He knew that as long as the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, the guardian of the treasure, stood in his way, the treasure would remain out of his reach.

Ethan was fully prepared for the impending battle. 

Just then, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf spotted Ethan and let out a thunderous roar. 

Being closer to the creature this time, Ethan felt the roar more intensely than before. 

Accompanied by the Dreadwolf's roar, a chilling gust of wind blew towards Ethan, shaking him to the point where he almost lost his balance.

It appeared that the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf had already detected Ethan's presence earlier. 

Its previous roar was likely an attempt to ward off Ethan, the intruder it had sensed approaching. 

The creature's mighty howl was meant to scare away any who dared to trespass into its territory.

Ethan had not anticipated that he would detect the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf before it became aware of his presence. 

It was surprising that the Dreadwolf only noticed Ethan when he was already so close. 

However, upon reflection, Ethan understood why. 

Despite its extraordinary strength, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf's massive size made Ethan seem as insignificant as an ant in comparison. 

It was entirely plausible that the creature, from a distance, could not sense Ethan's presence.

Moreover, this Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf had been living in this area for thousands of years, reigning as the uncontested ruler, the supreme monarch of its domain. 

There was nothing that could challenge it, and no creature dared to come near its territory.

Given its long, undisturbed reign, it was normal for the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf to become complacent. 

Realizing this, Ethan felt he had understood the situation more clearly.

It seemed that this time, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf would not be able to enjoy its usual peace. 

At that moment, Ethan began to approach the Dreadwolf's location.

Seeing Ethan move closer, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf appeared startled. 

Clearly, it had not expected Ethan to approach, especially given the intimidating power of its roar. 

But Ethan, undeterred and continuing to advance, thoroughly enraged the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

The creature let out another furious roar and leaped towards Ethan.

The Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was immensely large. 

Its leap covered a great distance, landing directly in front of Ethan. 

The sheer size and speed of the Dreadwolf's movement were astonishing, closing the gap between it and Ethan in a mere instant.

Originally, there was a considerable distance between Ethan and the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

If Ethan had to cover this distance on foot, it would have undoubtedly taken him a considerable amount of time. 

However, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf's mighty leap brought it right in front of Ethan, saving him a great deal of effort.

Without any hesitation, Ethan faced the rapidly approaching Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf and threw a punch directly at its face. 

The Dreadwolf, evidently caught off guard by Ethan's swift and unexpected action, failed to dodge and took the full brunt of Ethan's fist.

Given the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf's fearsome reputation, it was used to humans cowering in its presence, never daring to strike. 

To the Dreadwolf, humans were insignificantly small, and their attacks were usually deemed too feeble to cause any harm. 

Thus, this time, the Dreadwolf was completely unprepared for Ethan's attack.

However, the Dreadwolf had gravely underestimated Ethan. 

It had not anticipated that Ethan would possess such formidable strength. 

Ethan's punch landed squarely on the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf's head, causing it intense pain. 

Even the massive body of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf staggered backward from the force of Ethan's punch, shaking the ground as if a small mountain was about to collapse.

Suddenly, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf let out a pained howl, clearly indicating that Ethan's punch had inflicted significant damage. 

The fact that Ethan could not only initiate an attack but also harm the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was something the creature had never imagined possible.

The Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was indeed paying the price for its complacency. 

Ethan had learned his lesson during his battles with the beasts in the Shadow Forest: in combat, one must never let their guard down. 

No matter how weak the opponent appears or how vast the difference in strength, there can be no relaxation of vigilance, no room for carelessness. 

Now, through his encounter with Ethan, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf seemed to have come to a similar realization.

After taking Ethan's punch, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf appeared to be in great pain, which quickly transformed into raging fury. 

Clearly, Ethan's punch had incensed the creature. Ethan, however, was not afraid of this. 

Anger can act as a catalyst, driving humans or animals into a state of impulsiveness and recklessness. 

Whether human or animal, the surge of rage often unleashes a greater potential than usual. 

Ethan was looking forward to this – he wanted a fierce battle with the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, a thrilling and satisfying fight.

Now that the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was thoroughly provoked by Ethan, the fight promised to be even more interesting for Ethan. 

The escalation of the battle's intensity seemed to fuel his anticipation for what was to come.

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