Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 408 406-Seizing the Moment

Chapter 408 406-Seizing the Moment

Although there was a certain disparity in strength between Ethan and the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, they were more or less evenly matched; the gap in their abilities was not insurmountably wide. 

As a result, their battle was intensely fierce. 

Ethan and the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf exchanged blows in numerous rounds, yet neither could claim a definitive victory.

At this moment, despite the ferocity of the combat, Ethan didn't feel overwhelmed. 

On the contrary, he found himself quite capable of handling the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

After all, there was still a slight gap in strength between them, so Ethan wasn't at a disadvantage.

However, Ethan was aware that the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf likely had some hidden abilities up its sleeve. 

He was eager to force the creature to reveal its ultimate skills. 

After all, Ethan was also curious to witness the true capabilities of this legendary beast.

As the battle raged on, Ethan noted the extraordinary stamina of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

Under such high-intensity confrontation, any other creature or human might have begun to show signs of fatigue. 

The weaker ones would probably have already been drained of their strength, left only to be at the mercy of their opponent. 

Yet, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, after engaging with Ethan for an extended period, showed no signs of weakening. 

Its attack speed remained as relentless as at the beginning, a testament to its incredible endurance.

Witnessing such remarkable stamina, Ethan couldn't help but acknowledge the formidable nature of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

Ethan understood that the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf's remarkable endurance was largely attributable to its massive size. 

The creature's body, as vast as a mountain, could store an immense amount of energy. 

This explained how it could sustain such high-intensity combat for extended periods without showing any signs of fatigue or a decrease in physical strength.

The innate physical potential of humans and animals, particularly of such a colossal creature, is incomparable. 

A being of this size possesses bodily functions far superior to those of other animals, a fact Ethan was well aware of. 

However, he also believed in the power of training and experience to enhance one's physical capabilities. 

This belief fueled his desire for battles with formidable opponents.

In this current battle with the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, Ethan hoped to unlock some of his own latent potential, to grow stronger through the challenge posed by the creature's formidable strength. 

The ongoing duel had lasted long enough for Ethan to feel a slight sweat forming on his forehead. 

It had been a while since he had engaged in such a satisfying and intense battle.

Despite the prolonged engagement, Ethan noticed, to his surprise, that the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf still showed no signs of energy depletion. 

This was beyond Ethan's expectations. He had already recognized the creature's impressive stamina, but he hadn't anticipated it to be so extraordinarily resilient. 

It seemed that forcing the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf to reveal its ultimate abilities was going to be more challenging than he had thought.

At this point, Ethan realized that continuing a war of attrition with the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was unwise. 

Admiring the creature's extraordinary stamina, he acknowledged that even prolonged combat was unlikely to wear it down significantly. 

Persisting in this manner would only result in Ethan wasting valuable time.

Moreover, Ethan was uncertain whether his own physical strength could outlast that of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

Such a relentless battle was not a sustainable strategy. 

With this in mind, Ethan knew it was time to break the deadlock.

Seizing an opportunity during an offensive maneuver, Ethan deliberately exposed a weakness to the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

He feigned being overpowered, retreating as though he were at a disadvantage.

As expected, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf took the bait, believing Ethan's feint to be genuine. 

It launched an attack at the moment it perceived Ethan to be vulnerable. 

Ethan, inwardly pleased at having successfully deceived the creature, mused on the limitations of animal intelligence. 

Regardless of their other strengths, animals could not match human cunning.

Ethan's apparent vulnerability was a ruse, a trap set to lure the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf into a false sense of security. 

When the Dreadwolf seized this opportunity to attack, Ethan pretended to be injured in the scuffle, further luring the creature into his trap.

Now, Ethan's movements were noticeably slower, and one of his legs appeared to be injured, adding to his feigned distress. 

Unbeknownst to the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, Ethan's injury was nothing but a ruse. 

The creature, believing Ethan to be genuinely hurt from the earlier battles, thought it had finally found its chance to triumph over him. 

Excitement surged within the Dreadwolf as it seized what it perceived as a golden opportunity to finish off Ethan, adopting a strategy akin to 'kicking someone when they're down.'

The Dreadwolf launched a series of relentless attacks, clearly aiming to capitalize on Ethan's supposed vulnerability to secure a kill. 

Ethan, fully aware of the Dreadwolf's intentions, was biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. 

His plan hinged on the creature becoming overconfident and careless, providing an opening for a surprise counterattack.

Patience was key in executing such a strategy, and Ethan knew he couldn't rush. 

He had to play the long game, to 'cast a long line to catch a big fish.' 

So, he continued to feign a leg injury, struggling to fend off the Dreadwolf's onslaught. 

The creature, taking advantage of the situation, kept up its aggressive barrage, hoping to swiftly defeat Ethan.

Although Ethan was pretending to be injured, he was actually unharmed. 

Each time the Dreadwolf attacked, Ethan's evasions and blocks appeared strained, but in reality, he successfully avoided every blow. 

As time wore on, the Dreadwolf grew increasingly frustrated.

This was precisely what Ethan had anticipated and deliberately provoked. 

His tactic was to unsettle the Dreadwolf's composure. 

By presenting himself as vulnerable yet continually evading defeat, Ethan aimed to mentally destabilize the creature. 

Such a scenario would frustrate anyone, potentially leading to a breakdown in their mental state.

Ethan could clearly sense that the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was teetering on the brink of a mental breakdown. 

It wouldn't be long before the creature would be unable to withstand the torment any longer, its psyche shattering under the strain. 

Ethan was biding his time, waiting for this precise moment to unfold.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf completely lost its composure, its attacks becoming increasingly erratic and uncoordinated. 

This reaction was not unique to the Dreadwolf; any opponent, faced with an adversary who appeared weakened yet remained untouchable, would likely succumb to frustration.

Watching the Dreadwolf become utterly frenzied, Ethan knew it was time to make his move. 

He had been waiting for this opportunity – for the moment when the Dreadwolf's attack, once again dodged by Ethan, would push it into a state of sheer rage. 

Seizing this moment, Ethan suddenly launched a counterattack.

Caught completely off guard, the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf was unprepared for Ethan's retaliation. 

It took the full brunt of Ethan's punch, a blow delivered with all his might and precision. 

Ethan's fist connected with the Dreadwolf, sending the colossal creature flying backwards, crashing to the ground with a thunderous 'boom.'

The impact of Ethan's punch inflicted significant damage on the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

The creature, having received the full force of Ethan's attack without any defense, was visibly overwhelmed. 

Even a being as formidable as the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf could not easily withstand such a powerful strike.

The colossal body of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf fell to the ground, causing the earth to tremble as if in an earthquake. 

It was evident that the creature had sustained severe injuries from Ethan's powerful blow.

Without allowing the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf a moment to recover, Ethan seized the moment he had been waiting for. 

As the Dreadwolf lay fallen, Ethan charged towards it once again, delivering another forceful punch in its direction.

At this moment, a look of panic flashed in the eyes of the Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf. 

It was clearly taken aback by Ethan's actions. 

The creature had seen Ethan apparently injured, barely managing to avoid being hit. 

But now, Ethan was attacking it with renewed vigor, a development the Dreadwolf's mind couldn't comprehend.

Having landed a successful blow, Ethan immediately followed up with a second attack. 

The Gigantic Mountain Dreadwolf, still sprawled on the ground and unable to rise, found it extremely difficult to withstand this new onslaught. 

Already gravely injured and incapacitated, the creature was in a dire situation.

Ethan, observing the Dreadwolf's distressed state, couldn't help but let a slight smile creep onto his face, a grin of triumph. 

It was his turn to press the advantage and pursue victory.

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