Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 231: What More Needs To Be Said

Chapter 231: What More Needs To Be Said

The sun shined upon the marvelous city of Shrek.

Tang Wulin and the others were walking through the city, wearing masks and cloaks to not attract attention. While this would easily be able to attract attention in any other city, Shrek City was a place where countless people came in and go.

It wasn't wrong to say, that countless Soul Masters wore a mask or cloak to not attract attention.

As they moved through the city, it was bustling as the streets were filled with people. If one didn't know any better, they would have never thought this was the same city that got damaged a few months before.

Tang Wulin eyes glance around the city that was filled many stalls. It was a sight that spoke of flourishing activities.

The buildings that were damaged were already restored, with the workers using a harder material to reinforce the walls. Although it wouldn't be able to survive an attack from a strong soul master let alone a god.

It would at least allow the buildings to take and redistribute the shockwaves of their attacks. Within the city, they also rebuilt the roads, parks and other damaged areas with ease with the help of the people.

Tang Wulin's eyes gazed over the houses, shops, auction buildings, and different professional buildings that were all around.

He saw many Soul Masters that were from the Federation and Spirit Pagoda were walking through the street.

He could tell them from the others because of the robes they were wearing, which looked expensive and prestigious.

'Most of them are around a Soul Emperor.' Thought Tang Wulin as he swept his spiritual sense through the area.

He was a bit surprised that the Spirit Pagoda and Federation were still around but then he recalls Yun Ming saying the interrogation was done here.

'They all burst.' Thought Tang Wulin with a hand on his chin.

From the report Qiangu Dongfeng sent toward them, the Evil Soul Master was only able to tell them the hierarchy of the Holy Spirit Cult. But not their names or any description about them that they could use.

'Not only that but there is no news of the last Calamity.' Thought Tang Wulin a small frown as he moved around one of the pedestrians.

While he knew it was lucky Yun Ming was able to locate the other calamity for him so soon. He still didn't think it would take them long to locate a being like the Earth-Shaker.

Especially when its power was so strong and destructive. It has been a week since he left the Endless Mountain with everyone, today being the seventh day they get back.

Yun Ming made sure to keep up with any news that was to spread through his device. It was through his soul device that he was able to get reports of Evil Soul Masters in the towns.

They would get rid of them if they appeared in any of the towns that they were close to. But Even Tang Wulin had to admit, the rate of the Evil Soul Masters is increasing.

'I wonder which Monarch they are under.' Thought Tang Wulin, as he recalled those people in black robes that stopped him.

They didn't sound or act like the ones that chased after him before. Nor did they act like the ones in the history book.

Although they did have the craziness that the others displayed, they had something more about them. He took in a deep breath while shaking his head as he knew he wasn't getting anywhere with such little information.

'I miss the heat.' Thought Tang Wulin as he felt the sun shining on his skin.

The cold and windy area of the Endless Mountain was left behind for the summer-like weather of Shrek City. It was much more comfortable walking around with the cool breeze hitting his face than the icy winds, providing a refreshing feeling.

"I wasn't like it really affected you." Zeref's voice rang out with a chuckle.

'True but I still missed the sun rays on my skin.' Thought Tang Wulin as he followed behind Yue Zhengyu.

After walking for a few minutes through the city, they saw a familiar figure at one of the fruit stalls.

"Xinglan? Your here."Said Yue Zhengyu as his eyes locked on to the blond figure with a handwoven basket filled with fruits causing her to shift her head towards them.

"Oh? You guys are back."Said Ye Xinglan as she felt her spiritual sense sensing a familiar feeling from the people with masks.

After recognizing them, she began moving her gaze through each of them before her eyes lit up at the sight of Tang Wulin.

This didn't go unnoticed by Yun Ming, Zang Xin and Yue Zhengyu who inwardly chuckle before glancing a each other.

"We will be going on ahead, Wulin comes to meet with me later." Said Yun Ming before walking away with a faint smile and the others following behind him.

'Did they...'

"They did." Zeref's voice rang out with innocent amusement.

Tang Wulin was about to respond when suddenly bright big blues eyes appeared in front of him. They held a myriad of emotions but the one that Tang Wulin could see was unspeakable relief and happiness.

"Glad to see you're back." Said Ye Xinglan softly.

"You thought I wouldn't make it back?"

"I have complete faith that you would be able to win. But that doesn't mean than nothing can go amiss."Said Ye Xinglan causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Since your not doing anything right now, do you want to follow me?" Asked Ye Xinglan as she moved her hand that had the basket behind her.

"Sure." Said Tang Wulin as he knew everyone wasn't back, as Gu Yue was still with her master and the Pagoda Master.

Plus he had a feeling that she wanted to talk, which he didn't mind.

Ye Xinglan's bright smile became even more radiant, her sky-blue eyes becoming more dazzling as she moved her hand towards his. Then within seconds, her arms and his had been crossed before she gently began pulling him onwards.

Tang Wulin allowed her to pull him along. She was towing him with one arm and her other arm holding a basket.

The gentle breeze swept through the area, as the sun shined envelop everything under its warm and comforting light. In the bustling street, Tang Wulin and Ye Xinglan walked through the streets of Shrek Academy before they went off into an alleyway.

As they were moving through the alleyway, the sounds and rambling of the people could be heard as everyone was shouting.

"Come get your buffalo leg!"

"We have some lobsters!"

"Fish! Fish! Fish!"

Tang Wulin could feel the amount of vigor and joy that rang through the city, even while crossing the alleyway.

This made him wonder, was it this easy to recover from an event like the Calamities?

Yet unbeknownst to Tang Wulin, the people have long since heard of his feat and were all filled with excitement. The previous melancholy mood had long since been washed away and only joy rang through the city.

The duo passed by a few people who were also in the alley, with them smiling and giving them a knowing glance. Ye Xinglan smiled back, albeit there was a hint of red on her cheeks, while Tang Wulin ignored them.

In a matter of minutes, they found themselves at one of the food stalls on the other side. Ye Xinglan told him to wait before going to buy a bun from the food stall before coming back.

"Here." Said Ye Xinglan as she passes a meat bun to Tang Wulin, who could smell its delicious fragrance.

As he eagerly grasps the bun, he could feel the heating unraveling in his hand. Ye Xinglan had grabbed him one more time before they headed off.

They didn't stop walking until they found themselves in a secluded area in the Shrek City park. They found themselves a bench that was surrounded by a water fountain and bushes all around.

On the water fountains were small birds that were moving on the edges, with a variety of animals moving all around the area.

As Tang Wulin sat down while finishing his meat bun, he saw the beautiful golden hair of Ye Xinglan in his gaze. As she moved down at the same time with him, sitting down on his lap, with her head facing forwards.

She leaned back into his chest, with her moving his arms around her before letting out a sigh of content.

"So you're the bold one." Said Tang Wulin with a sigh causing Ye Xinglan to lightly laugh.

"I see no reason for us to take it slow. We already know we loved each other, so what more needs to be said."Said Ye Xinglan as she turns her head before lightly kissing Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin blink his eyes before lightly chuckling as he could understand the truth of her words. It wasn't like they needed to say anything more about how they felt.

"You say that but your heartbeat tells a different story." Said Tang Wulin as he could hear the pounding sounds of her heart.

"You couldn't just ignore that could you?" Questioned Ye Xinglan with a small pout causing a faint smile to form on Tang Wulin's face.

He didn't say anything as he seized her by the waist, pulling even more into his embrace. With his other hand gently gliding through her hair, as he took in everything about her, that he didn't notice before.

Vivid blue eyes that were like the priceless pearls in the sea, shimmering with passion and comfort. A smile that was a mixture of coldness and care but had a hint of amusement tied in.

While he wasn't affected by her beauty, he would admit she was someone stunning.

Ye Xinglan didn't say anything as she moved her hands, starting at the strong arms that held her close. Her hands began trailing forward, slowly moving towards Tang Wulin collar bone before reaching his face.

Her hand cupped his face, as she stared into those golden-blue eyes that were too stunning for words. Tang Wulin already knowing what she wanted, as he saw the intent in her deep blue eyes, moved down.

This kiss, unlike the others, wasn't a quick one but a one that they both began savoring. It was lengthy and deep, with both of them pulling apart, gasping for air.

Yet that did nothing to lower the passion and feelings that were flashing both of their eyes. Although it was only a faint amount for Tang Wulin, who felt himself suppressing the inner demons within.

He wasn't one to allow himself to be controlled by his emotions or inner demons. No matter how good or interesting the outcome would be.

As Ye Xinglan moved in for another one, he stopped her with a finger on her lips.

"Really?" Questioned Ye Xinglan as she glared, while a finger was still on her delicate lips.

Tang Wulin faintly smiled as he saw the red hue on her cheeks and quivering blue eyes, making her even more irresistible.

"I thought you wanted to come here to talk?" Questioned Tang Wulin with his eyes flashing with amusement.

"We can talk later." Said Ye Xinglan in irritation before she moved the finger on her lips away before pouncing onward.

Tang Wulin moved her further into his embrace, as she hauls him into a fiery and passionate kiss while straddling him. He began to move, hands work their way around her body, feeling each curve and plump.

Trailing down her waist, feeling the softness before venturing down to the rear, causing her whole body to quiver.

Ye Xinglan herself was moving her hand across his body, touching along his perfect physique. Within minutes both pulled back each noting the myriad of emotion flashing through the other eyes.

No words were required as if the emotions themselves spoke and communicated the story itself. Tang Wulin's eyes slightly narrowed as he moved his head towards Ye Xinglan neck, softly kissing up and down her neck.

She felt his lips attack her neck, so soft and with the slightest mixture of hot and cool. His hands were still moving around, pinching, squeezing and exploring.

Ye Xinglan lets out little whimpers as Tang Wulin works his way back to her tender, smooth lips before he rolls her over. His eyes scanned her flush face, with a bit of sweat pouring down from her and her clothing slightly messy.

"You didn't come out here to talk did you?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Ye Xinglan to narrow her eyes with irritation flashing, as she was missing those deadly lips.

Tang Wulin smiled grew as he saw her reaction before connecting with her lips once more, this time it was soft. Ye Xinglan quiver even more, as she felt her small body melting into Wulin's body, as he moved his hand across her body once more.

Ye Xinglan felt the warmth spread through her limbs and mind as she felt a pleasant buzz reverberating through. She knew was happening, she was becoming hooked, hooked on these fatal kisses.

Tang Wulin began moving down, nuzzling her neck with delicate kisses once again. So faint as if they were phantoms. She urged herself to turn this situation around, but couldn't as the pleasure began engulfing her body.

Her limp body began trembling uncontrollably, as her hand moved through his hair, making a mess.

'Damn him, why must he be so good.' Thought Ye Xinglan as the intimate kisses became her salvation, as well her everlasting torment.

Then he parted one final time after moving back to her tender and irresistible lips.

He brought her back into his laps and held her close to his chest, in the same position, she was in before, laying on his chest.

"Maybe." Said Ye Xinglan with a delighted giggle, something she rarely does but she was feeling too satisfied.

"But can we stay like this for a while? It's not like we need to go back, so soon."

Tang Wulin rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything as he knew what she indicated by that. Neither of them spoke or said anything, as they held each other close.

'This was worth it.' Thought Ye Xinglan in an inward sigh of bliss, as everything felt right.

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