Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 232: Titan Family

Chapter 232: Titan Family

The sky was filled with stars, with the moonlight shining down.

Below it, Shrek City was still bustling with activity, no less than in the morning. As if the concept of sleep was foreign to them all.

Countless lights were on, brightening up the city with lanterns high above, illuminating the area above. The streets were still filled with countless people, as they move through the area, filled with joy and soft laughter.

In some parts of the city, one could hear soft melodies and songs, that were ringing through. Everywhere was filled with people, except for the park in the city, that was as quiet as the night sky.

In a secluded area of the park, where there were a bench and bushes all around, with a water fountain. Sat a man who was holding a beautiful woman in his lap, the woman was resting her head on his chest.

With a smile on her face, with her peacefully sleeping as the man moved his hand through her hair, in a gentle manner.

'Even though we were supposed to talk, she fell asleep.' Thought Tang Wulin as he continued moving his hand through her hair.

"She is following our advice for you. Relaxing."Zeref's voice rang out causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

"Still, she must have been busy, for her to fall asleep like that." Said Zeref as he appeared next to Tag Wulin, sitting on the bench.

Tang Wulin nodded his head, as he was able to tell Ye Xinglan fell asleep in the next ten minutes after holding her. He saw her body sag, her muscles become loose as she started getting more comfortable.

It was as if she finally found a place where she could take a good rest without any trouble or danger.

"Anyway, are you going to go back now?" Questioned Zeref.

Tang Wulin didn't respond but instead moved his gaze towards Ye Xinglan's smiling face before moving it up to the moon.

He was lost in thought, with not even Zeref being able to tell what he was thinking. Yet his hands kept moving through Ye Xinglan hair.

It was only after a few minutes that Tang Wulin began to get up, moving Ye Xinglan on the seat before turning around.

He moved back before pulling her onto his back, with her unconsciously scrunching up her face and moving her arm around his neck.

"A piggyback ride?" Questioned Zeref with his lips twitching.

Tang Wulin began walking, ignoring the look Zeref was giving him.

"I need to use my arm, so this will have to do." Said Tang Wulin causing Zeref to sigh.

Tang Wulin didn't fly straight towards the Academy but decided to walk there, as his mind flashes through various thoughts.

As he was walking forward, the plants and vegetation in his surroundings were all moving around him.

They twirled, waved and dance as Tang Wulin walk through the grassy area. Yet he didn't do anything as he continued moving forward, in silence and contemplation.

But even while he was thinking, he did notice the arms around his neck tightening, alongside the soft body behind him.


In the next few days, Tang Wulin found himself sitting in the vacant worker dorms, with his friends all around him.

At the moment, they were all retelling each other about what they did during the time they were apart.

Most of them stayed in Shrek Academy, for cultivation but also mainly to help guard the academy in case of an attack.

As they all wouldn't put it past the lunatics to attack them, even if they all would die.

The only ones who didn't stay in Shrek Academy, were Gu Yue, Tang Wulin, Yue Zhengyu and alongside Yuanen Yehui and Xie Xie.

Gu Yue went to help the Spirit Pagoda Master and her master with the rebuilding of the platforms, as well as implementing her new idea.

While Xie Xie and Yuanen Yehui went to go visit her family in Shang Ling City, about the issue with the Demon World.

"So you all, went there?" Questioned Yue Zhengyu causing Xie Xie to nod his head.

"Yea, Yuanen wanted to go to them and ask some questions." Said Xie Xie with a slight frown, while Yuanen Yehui was quite.

"From your expression and the aura around you all, it didn't go well did it?" Asked Xu Xiaoyan as she moved her gaze between the two of them.

"It... didn't," Said Xie Xie with a sigh as he began talking.

Xie Xie told them, after reaching the family home of Yuanen they were immediately met by the Title Douluos of the family. But their gaze wasn't one of relief but anger and slight fear as they gaze at Yuanen Yehui.

As they knew this was because of her fallen angel martial soul, that opened up the Demon Passage years ago.

He told them he and Yuanen followed them inside of the house, where they began talking. Xie Xie told them he started the conversation by telling them they knew about the demon passage.

Yuanen's family was shocked that both of them knew about the demon passage, with some of them being suspicious. They thought maybe that her Fallen Angel may have acted up and that's how they all found out about it.

"I could already tell what they were thinking from their expression and body movement. And so I simply told them straight. As it wasn't like they were wrong."Said Xie Xie causing all of them to nod their head.

After hearing about what happened at Tenrou Academy, about Yuanen transformation. Her grandfather, Yuanen Zhentian wanted to chain her at home and make sure she doesn't leave.

Xie Xie knowing things weren't going well, quickly told them of their journey into the Demon World and the seed.

Yuanen Zhentian's expression underwent many changes as he heard about their journey through the demon world. After finishing up the story, Yuanen's family member was all silent, with none of them saying anything.

It was only after some time that, Yuanen Zhentian said if what they stated was true, then Yuanen Yehui will stay here to cultivate. Xie Xie said he asked why and Yuanen Zhentian told him, that if they weren't lying, then they wouldn't mind.

Yuanen Zhentian said they will see if the seed is gone from Yuanen Yehui when she reached the Title Douluo rank.

And if they tried leaving, he will beat them down before locking them up and sealing their cultivation.

"So how did you guys leave? I thought you said he wouldn't let you guy go away?"Questioned Xu Lizhi causing Xie Xie to chuckle and smile to form on Yuanen face.

"What's so funny?" Questioned Yue Zhengyu.

"What did you guys do?" Asked Mu Xi.

"We threatened him with our backer." Said Xie Xie as a beaming grin formed on his face causing all of them to blink their eye.

"You mean Shrek?" Questioned Na'er but Xie Xie shook his hand before pointing at someone.

Specifically Tang Wulin.

"Our boss of course!"

All of them had a blank look on their face before they glance at Tang Wulin and then nodded their head in understanding.

The world knew who Tang Wulin was at this point, especially his feat of slaying the calamities, who were gods.

A feat that not even the strongest figures like the Atlas Douluo, Boundless Sea Douluo and others could accomplish.

To hear that same person was Xie Xie and Yuanen Yehui backers would have caused anyone to shiver.

And it wasn't like Yuanen's family wouldn't believe them, as the paper had already had information on Tang Wulin teammate.

Specifically, the ones that went to East Sea Academy and Star Luo Empire. Xie Xie was on both of the teams, making it obvious he has some relationship with Tang Wulin.

So the question that should be asked, would the Yuanen family dare to do anything to them? Even without the threat of Tang Wulin, they were still wary of Shrek Academy.

"Are you guys really planning to make me into a shield?" Questioned Tang Wulin with a brow arched.

Xie Xie, Yuenen Yehui and everyone glance at each other before shifting their gaze to Tang Wulin and smiling.

"Of course!"

Tang Wulin let out a sigh as they began laughing after that, with Zeref and Old Tang joining in.

"After that, Yuanen and I walked out of the mansion, but Yuanen Zhantian stopped us once again. He wanted to talk to Yuanen us one more time."Said Xie Xie

"He had more to talk about?" Questioned Ye Xinglan with a raised brow.

"Yes." Said Yuanen Yehui with a sullen look.

Xie Xie glances at her for a few seconds, making sure she was ok, he continued about what Yuanen Zhantian wanted to talk about it.

Yuanen Zhantian wanted to talk about the truth of what happened and how her mother died.

Yuanen at first coldly responded with, him being the one that forced her to death and the one who also threw away his son.

But Yuanen Zhantian only shook his head and told her, she must have realized by now why her mother died.

"Why her mother died? So he didn't kill her himself?"Questioned Ye Xinling causing Xie Xie to shake his head.

"She killed herself." Said Xie Xie with a frown causing most of the people in the room to widen their eyes.

"But why!" Asked Xu Xiaoyan wide eyes.

"You know why. She feared she may lose control again and open up the demon passage again. So I'm guessing she took the best path for her and her family, by ending it all."Said Gu Yue causing most of them to flinch.

"This can't be..." Xu Xiaoyan trailed off, after seeing the expression of Xie Xie and the blank look on Yuanen face.

Xie Xie's face was sullen as his body trembled and his knuckles whiten. While Yuanen Yehui had no emotion on her face as if none of this affected her.

But they all knew, she must be the one that was taking this the hardest.

How could she not?

Yet the one with the most conflicting emotion was Xie Xie, as he fully understands why she committed suicide.

'If we didn't have Gu Yue knowledge...Would what happen to Yuanen mother, would it happen to Yuanen?' Thought Xie Xie as he clenches his teeth while his emotion was in a disarray.


The room was silent until someone let out a sound that causes everyone to blink in surprise. As the scene in front of them was something they never thought would see.

Tang Wulin was next to Yuanen Yehui, pinching her cheeks and cracking the mask she put over her face.

"In times like these, you shouldn't keep everything bottled up. If you want to cry then cry, if you want to destroy something then do it and if you want to shout, then shout."Said Tang Wulin as he twisted her cheek before letting go.

"Still, if you feel like you are ok, then stop acting so sullen." Said Tang Wulin as he ignores the glare Yuanen was sending toward him.

Mu Xi let out a sigh before getting up and moving towards to Yuanen before bringing her into a hug.

Yuanen Yehui gasps in surprise as she felt the warm and comforting embrace, no different from the ones her mom used to give her.

"He is right, Yuanen. Whether your feelings towards your mom are positive or negative at the moment, it doesn't matter. What matters, is that she loved you with all of her heart and was willing to give up everything to give you a chance at life."Said Mu Xi causing Yuanen Yehui to tremble at her words.

"But I'm sure you understand this already? Its time to move on and put that behind you. If it's too hard, then you have us to help you through it. And if we aren't enough, then you also have the person who loves you with all of his heart."Said Mu Xi with a smile causing Yuanen eyes to widen before she glances at Xie Xie.

"Huh?" Questioned Xie Xie as he saw Yuanen staring at him with slightly misty eyes.

"You did a good job." Said Tang Wulin towards Xie Xie.

"Of course, I would boss. Did you expect anything less."Said Xie Xie as he chuckles, a bit embarrassed at the praise.

"You're an idiot." Said Yue Zhengyu with a shake of his head before he smacked Xie Xie on the back with a grin on his face.

"Continuing from what she said, you can cry in front of us Yuanen. I'm sure you notice it by now but we all are more than friends."Said Xu Xiaoyan with a pleasant smile.

"Family. All of us are family, don't you agree?"Questioned Xu Lizhi with a broad grin causing Yuanen to tremble before a rare smile formed on her face.

"Yes." Said Yuanen Yehui with Xie Xie chuckling gleefully.

"So do you want to let it all out?" Questioned Wu Siduo but Yuanen only shook her head.

"Don't worry, I am fine now. I was just didn't know what to do or how to move on from this."Said Yuanen Yehui with a sigh causing Xie Xie to pull her against his chest.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Said Xie Xie with a chuckle causing Yuanen Yehui to slightly glares at him but she didn't push him away.

She was thankful for Xie Xie and everyone's help, as she knew without them. It may have taken her longer to move on or maybe she wouldn't have been able to move on from this.

'I'm glad I have people like you around me.' Thought Yuanen Yehui before moving her gaze to Xie Xie.

"Yes, you are here. Don't you ever leave."Said Yuanen Yehui with a faint smile causing Xie Xie's heart to race and his smile to grow.

"Now then, what happened with you guys?" Questioned Mu Xi towards Yue Zhengyu and Tang Wulin.

"It's a long story." Said Yue Zhengyu with a nervous laugh as he glances at Tang Wulin who had a stoic look.

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