Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 230: Second World Shocking News

Chapter 230: Second World Shocking News

The radiant sun rose, as light descended upon the mist free mountains, with no clouds hovering above. The mountain was silent, with no animals or soldiers emitting any sounds from them still knock out from yesterday producing a sort of tranquility.

Tang Wulin opened his eyes to the feeling of warmth, as he felt his arms encircled around a soft figure. His eyes traveled down, the beautiful lavender-silver hair occupied his sight before he saw Gu Yue sleeping face.

Her head was rested on his chest, as her arms were laid on his body while breathing in and out softly with a faint smile.

Gu Yue was beautiful, even before her transformation. Her beauty and prettiness didn't come from her figure or face but her presence.

A commanding, yet gentle presence that one couldn't help but be drawn into if noticed by her.

While gazing at the faint smile on her face, Tang Wulin felt warmth spreading through his body. Then that warmth turned into a special feeling, a feeling that could describe as peaceful and contentment.

For this reason, he began ingraining her image inside of his memories. The image of her silvery hair, the faint smile on her face, peaceful look on her face, and the way her head lay against his chest.

For he knew or maybe it was a feeling? That it would be a while before something like this can happen again.

'Good times can't last forever.' Thought Tang Wulin with a bittersweet sigh as he knew they had things to do.

With a soft nudge of his head, rubbing of her face and causing her to scrunch her face, as if in dissatisfaction. Gu Yue was woken up by Tang Wulin who had a faint smile on his face with a bit of reluctance flashing through his eyes.

A flash that she wasn't able to catch.

"Its morning already?" Questioned Gu Yue as she began to rub her eyes, with a bit of displeasure in her tone.

She slightly glared through the window, as if the morning sun was the existence that came and destroyed her only sanctuary. Tang Wulin's eyes flashed with amusement before moving towards her soft lips.

Gu Yue wasn't able to react in time before she felt Tang Wulin lips on hers, then she felt the world fade away. It was slow and soft, comforting her in ways that couldn't be explained through words.

She felt him moving closer to her, to the point she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest. Three hearts were beating in a soft and serene rhythm, as she felt him holding her tighter and tighter.

Once they parted, she saw his golden-blue eyes; she couldn't help but quiver as her heart was softening even more. She moved her hand on his face, slowly caressing it, as she began wondering.

'How good it would be to simply lie back down.' Thought Gu Yue as her eyes slightly soften but then she only sighs.

'But we all have things we must do.'

"Are you going back to the Spirit Pagoda?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he gazes at her.

"Yes. My Master will get worried if I don't come to her soon."Said Gu Yue as she let out a faint yawn before gently pushing herself off Tang Wulin's chest.

Tang Wulin didn't stop her as he saw her moving across the room before stopping. She glances back at him with myriads of emotions lashing through her eyes before smiling tenderly.

"Thank you."

Was the last word Tang Wulin heard before the space in front of Gu Yue was open and she walk through it.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he held his gaze on the spot she was at for a bit before going back to cultivating.


In the next two days, Tang Wulin didn't leave his room as he continues absorbing the essence inside of him to reach the next rank. While he was doing this, the abyssal creatures one again resume their attacks on the Douluo plane.

Yet it wasn't similar to the tides before, as only those below rank 2 were rushing out of the passages. This wasn't a problem to the Blood Battalion Soldiers, as this meant they wouldn't be too pressure taking on these foes.

It was only Tang Wulin who was a bit disappointed at the lack of abyssal creatures that were truly strong. He still helped to clean out the passage for the next few days before getting ready to leave with the others.

"You sure you don't want to stay here a cultivate?" Questioned Zhang Huanyun with a faint smile.

Cultivating in the Blood Battalion, barracks weren't a bad thing, in fact; it may be the best and securest place for Tang Wulin.

As it was a place where not many would attack or risk coming. Combine that with the abyssal creatures who Tang Wulin could use to increase his cultivation speed.

It wasn't wrong to say, that this was the best area for Tang Wulin. But staying in the army wasn't something that Tang Wulin desired.

Not only did he have other responsibilities but he had to see the result of some of the things that were planned while he was away.

"No." Said Tang Wulin causing everyone's lips to twitch.

They all had said their goodbye before they began descending the mountain. The ones who were seeing them off was Cao Dezhi and Zhang Huanyun.

"You want to retire." Said Cao Dezhi with a chuckle causing Zhang Huanyun to sigh.

"Like you don't want to. Just when I found the perfect person."Mutter Zhang Huanyun causing Cao Dezhi to shake his head.

"Come now, we are all in this together." Said Cao Dezhi with a smile causing Zhang Huanyun to glare at him.


Cao Dezhi chuckles before he turned around and began moving towards the abyssal passage causing Zhang Huanyun to arch a brow.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to go investigate that report we got from Qiangu Dongfeng. If what he said was true, then this area may not be the only risky place."


East Sea Academy, one of the only places that weren't damaged when the Calamities rampage through the world.

A place that also recently gained tremendous fame over the years. From them having students that were able to get into the prestige and number one school, Shrek Academy.

To have those same students being eligible to become one of the Seven Devils of Shrek Academy, to them becoming one.

These two feats enough were able to skyrocket the academy to fame. With many applicants applying to the school, to the joy of the Vice-Principal and Principle.

But these two feats were nothing to what happened a month ago. When the whole world found out about the death of a Calamity.

To say the Vice-Principle and Head Principle were shocked, would be an understatement. They didn't dare to believe the news was true.

But the pictures and battlefield did not lie, as countless reporters and Soul masters went to visit the battlefield.

They all saw the damage and destruction of the battlefield and knew such a thing couldn't be fake so easily. Especially when they all felt the vibrations and recall the descending star, back when the battle took place.

From then, Eastsea Academy has spiked in the number of people that applied. With their fame surpassing most of the Academy around.

Why was this?

Because they nurtured a God Slayer.

So it shouldn't be a surprise when the Head Principal of East Sea Academy, the door being bust open and him seeing the Vice-Principle.

"Long Hengxu? What's wrong?"Questioned Yu Zhen as he stared at the wide eyes Long Hengxue in front of him.

"He did it again!" Shouted Long Hengxue not caring how he was acting at the moment.

"Who did what again?"

"Tang Wulin! He killed another Calamity."Shouted Long Hengxue causing Yu Zhen to tremble before his face turns to shock.

"H-He killed another one!"

"Yes! It's in this news." Shouted Long Hengxue with a broad grin before smacking the device in front of Yu Zhen.

Yu Zhen looks down on the device for a bit before his face became even more shocked.


"He really doesn't waste any time." Muttered Mu Chen as he gazes at the news, as he could have sworn it has only been a month.

Since the last calamity was dead, yet now the news was telling him another one was killed by Tang Wulin.

"At least this means the world will be a bit safer." Said Mu Bao'er but her tone was shaking as her eyes were filled with shock.

No matter how calm she usually was, not even she could stay calm for this type of news. As she could understand why most Soul Masters were trembling with shock and disbelief.


"That what I'm talking about Wulin!" Shouted Mu Ye as he laughed delightedly out loud causing everyone around to clamp down on their ears.

Wang Tong only chuckles as he saw the Sect Master going crazy and laughing merrily at the news. But he couldn't blame him as he too was finding it hard to keep his emotion in check.

The significance of Tang Wulin killing the Calamities didn't just mean the world would be safer, and the people would calm down.

It also meant that everything related to Tang Wulin would get even more recognition. Meaning the fact that Tang Wulin was the apart of the Body Sect and also the future master was something amazing for them.

This would not only increase the number of applicants but also inspire all of the sect members and students.

As all of the students in Tenrou Academy felt nothing but pride and reverence towards their principal. The one that was training them and the one that was making them into monsters with his method.

They all had proof, that their principal had the qualification to teach them.

'I guess it was good that Lix Yuxin released that Tang Wulin was part of the Body Sect and its future master.' Thought Wang Tong with a smile.


It was only after the death of the calamity that the world became curious about Tang Wulin.

As he wasn't a person well known to the world but in weeks he became even increasingly more famous. The world found out about his actions in Star Dou Tournament.

Where he dominated a Soul Emperor who was a two-word battle master and went as far as to crack that master's armor.

Where there was a notion in the world, that a Battle Armor master in the same rank, would never lose to a person without one.

That notion was shattered with Tang Wulin's actions, especially after finding out he was only a Soul Ancestor at the time.

Then they found about him not only being apart of the Body Sect, a place that was able to even rival Shrek 10,000 years ago. But he was the heir to the sect, being the next Sect Master of a Sect that was older than even the Spirit Pagoda.

Then later about the events of the Blind Date Festival that took place in Shrek Academy, where he was dating multiple women. With one of them being the Dragon Spear Goddess, the disciple of the Atlas Douluo.

The world was finding Tang Wulin, as an abnormal figure. As his actions seem as if he wishes to break and shatter all of the previous notions that were deemed impossible.

So when they all found another big news article, with him. They were all curious, but what they all read was something they couldn't have imagined.

The split body of Surtr, with three spears spread around it and Tang Wulin standing before it.

The world was once again shocked into silence.

If one can claim the first time was luck, then what about the second time?

When the news spread out that Tang Wulin slew another Calamity, the one that destroyed the Federation Headquarters.

Even the people who were delighted about the death of the Calamity was shocked. One has to understand that countless research was conducted on Tang Wulin after the first news.

As it hasn't even been two months since Fafnir died and yet another Calamity was dead. Does this mean, that the next one will die in the next month too?

The world this time was truly shocked into silence as they had no idea how to react.

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