Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 229: Battilion Celebration

Chapter 229: Battilion Celebration

The cold northern wind whistled through and the snow danced with the wind. The sounds of laughter and cheer could be heard through the snow-filled land.

The Blood Battalion Barracks were covered top to bottom with the snow, looking like an icy palace in a world of snow.

It was late, with the sky dark as night and the cloud parted away, allowing the moonlight to shine down below.

Such a thing was rare in the Endless Mountain, as the clouds would be always obscure everything and give off a hollow feeling. Yet as if the world wanted to celebrate, the clouds were gone, causing everything to shine and shimmer.

The Blood Battalion Soldiers were in an uproar as they all went over the recent events. From the death of Surtr, pushing back abyssal creatures and the Sage King.

All of these events went back to one person, Tang Wulin. When they all thought about Tang Wulin, they couldn't help but sigh in jealousy and reverence.

Jealousy of not being him and reverence for being able to see this accomplishment. They all couldn't help but compare to him to Tang San and Huo Yuhao.

Tang Wulin had this type of aptitude, his accomplishments were actually equivalent to achievements of these greats two figures!

In a way, this already proved his qualification to be on the same level.

This was a world where there were all types of genius. Ones that broke through each rank easily, one who could fight above their own rank and others who could rapidly form their own intent. And the list goes on and on, with there being a large amount of these people.

In fact, it wasn't wrong to say a whole generation surpasses the previous one, time and time again with the increase of breakthroughs. Proven by the creation of soul spirits, Battle Armors, and cultivation resources.

Yet, just how many of them were able to become a God?

Since the beginning of the Douluo Plane history, it has been hard to answer such a question. But if one only asks in the last twenty thousand years?

Only two were able to achieve this result, Tang San and Huo Yuhao. With the first one being seen, while the second one is believed to have become one with no tangible proof.

In the last twenty thousand years, possibly only two people were able to ascend, while others become lost in time. It wasn't like the other others weren't talented nor because of the lack of resources.

It was because becoming a god was just that difficult.

So for these soldiers to believe he was on the same level or even above Huo Yuhao and Tang San? That could be considered praise surpassing everything else.

"They sure are noisy."Mutter Zeref as he sat next to Tang Wulin who in a lotus position.

It has only been four days since the death of Surtr and yet the soldiers were still partying and having fun. As from what he found out, the abyssal creatures haven't left the passage during this time, to the confusion and suspicion of the higher-ups.

This was because they didn't believe the Sage King would stop the invasion of his realm just because he was pushed back. Especially after so many years of invading and gaining nothing, something that even Zeref had to agree with.

'It was only for an instant but it felt like the Sage King may be far stronger than even the Calamities.' Thought Zeref with a hand on his chin.

He knew Tang Wulin also experienced it too, as the energy that he absorbed was proof of this. Either way, the Blood Gods and Regional Commander allowed the soldiers, time for reprieves and fun.

This precisely was a battle that they could celebrate. Even further proof that, everything they have been doing isn't useless.

Zeref shifted his eyes to Tang Wulin who was gradually starting to raise his cultivation after so long.

Tang Wulin had already finished pouring the essence into all of his spirit souls and rings, increasing their age.

From what he was told, Leviathan and Tao Tie cultivation were boosted to a higher amount than first expected.

Leviathan went from the cultivation of 43,000 to 60,000 years, with Tao Tie elevation being even higher. Tao Tie went from a cultivation base of 35,000 to 70,000 causing even Yggdrasil and Sleipnir to be surprised.

It was only after interrogating her, that they founded out why. Tao Tie devouring power was able to devour more essence than Leviathan and Sarial combined, to the dissatisfaction of Leviathan.

Tang Wulin's other spirits had their cultivation increased by twenty thousand, with Tang Wulin body elevating higher.

As Zeref recalled all of this, the space in front of Tang Wulin distorted and twisted before it broke, with someone walking out.

Lavender-silver hair draped down, with violet eyes that locked onto Tang Wulin meditating position. Violet's eyes revealed a bit of surprise before the girl moved towards Tang Wulin.

Each of her steps released a continuous layer of silver wisp that illuminated the whole room as if her beauty wasn't already doing that.

'If she is here...Did the plan work?' Thought Zeref as he glances at Gu Yue who was moving towards Tang Wulin.

Gu Yue reached the bed of Tang Wulin, with her standing in front of him, her head hovering above him and staring down.

Her gaze was indifferent, without any emotion in them, but slowly, bit by bit, care and love were appearing. Gue Yue moved her hand towards Tang Wulin's face, being careful to not disturb him and as it slowly reached his cheek.

With a faint smile, she began caressing his cheek, an act she has rarely if ever done before.

Yet in an instant, a hand shot out before curling around her waist and bringing her down.

"You..."Muttered Gu Yue in shock and slight embarrassment as she found herself in Tang Wulin lap, once again.

Yet despite the embarrassment, she couldn't help but quiver at the feeling of her body pressed against his.

As her body unconsciously moved into the warmth of his hold, a hold that made her safe with everything else fading.

Golden-blue eyes were staring at her, with a hint of amusement twinkling in them as if they found the scene before amusing.

"You weren't cultivating this whole time." Said Gu Yue with her eyes narrowed in slits, with red hues slowly spreading from her neck.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as his eyes slightly soften before he moved his head down, between Gu Yue's chest. He bathed in her warmth, as he felt the softness and comfort of his face resting upon her.

A brow was raised as Gu Yue gazes at the head with golden-white hair that was settled in her bosom.

"Why do I even put up with you." Said Gu Yue with a sigh but she didn't remove Tang Wulin from her chest.

Her hands began to move down on Tang Wulin's hair, with Tang Wulin's response being only his hold on her tightening and a small chuckle.

Gu Yue noted his arms seemed very protective as if he wanted to keep her locked away. Yet oddly enough, she didn't mind as she felt the world around melt away like the snow on a sunny day.

After that, neither of them said anything. As they held each other close, body melting together, with only the sounds of their breathing ringing out.

It was only after twenty minutes that Gu Yue began to speak.

"You have killed Surtr."

Tang Wulin didn't say anything, but he didn't need to, as he moved his head from Gu Yue's chest before gazing at her.

"Don't be surprised, no matter what you do. I will always know."Said Gu Yue as she moved her hand from his hair to his face.

"Are you a stalker now?" Questioned Tang Wulin with mild amusement causing Gu Yue to roll her eyes.

"Someone has to watch over your battle lust self." Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin to slightly smirk.

"Oh? Is that your job now?"

"Obviously, you are my sweetheart." Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin eyes to slightly widen.

"Sweetheart, huh. I didn't think you would be the one to call me that."Mutter Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to pout.

"Be quiet." Said Gu Yue with a glare, with her cheeks becoming slightly red, whether it be from embarrassment or anger, Tang Wulin didn't know.

Yet it didn't matter to him, as the silvery hair girl sitting in his lap, became, even more, enduring and cute. Tang Wulin moved his lips to her lovely neck before lightly kissing it causing her to tremble and shift awkwardly.

"...When did you start doing that."Said Gu Yue with a bit of uncertainty in her eyes, as if she thought the man in front of her was a fake.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he simply let out a small chuckle, as he knew she was right. If this was him a few years ago, he wouldn't even dream about doing things like this.

Yet, at the moment he felt joy and happiness, something he rarely felt outside of battle. He wondered if this was because he killed Fafnir and Surtr?

Or was it something else?

"Yes, I killed Surtr. Now there is only one more calamity left."Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

But she was still staring at him, with her violet eyes slightly narrowed, as if she was trying to see through him.

"What else are you hiding?" Questioned Gu Yue after a bit.

"I will tell you when we all meet up." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to slightly pout and then sigh.

"Did you finish moving the Spirit Beast from Star Dou forest?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

"We were able to move everyone, including the ones that were recently trapped by the Spirit Pagoda." Said Gu Yue.

Before he went off to kill Fafnir, he, Gu Yue and Na'er made a plan. This plan was to have the Spirit Beast of Star Dou forest move towards the island where Tenrou Academy was located.

They choose this island because it was secured by the Sea Beast that Tang Wulin was able to command. It was also a place where there were much nature and places the humans haven't gone explore.

He made sure to have Mu Ye bar off many the area, with the excuse he had plans for it. He also informed Mu Ye about a boat that will be coming over and that he and everyone should disregard it.

Of course, Mu Ye was pissed and curious about what was on the boat, but he told him he will explain when comes later.

While he was informing Mu Ye about this, Gu Yue and Na'er went back to the Star Dou forest to get the Spirit Beast ready.

He didn't know what exactly they did to convince them but the day before he participated in the meetings with all of the Soul Master. They told him the Spirit Beasts were ready, all they needed was a big distraction.

What was a bigger distraction than a fight against the Calamity Fafnir?

While he and everyone were busy fighting Fafnir, the Spirit Beast of Star Dou forest would use this time to move out.

But for all of them to move out without bringing attention to themselves. They needed something to draw the attention of the Soul Masters around the area.

Which is what Gu Yue did, as she set-off some bombs down from the area while reporting a group of Evil Soul Masters was near.

Fortunately, to Na'er reliefs, she did it in a place where no civilians were injured. With the Soul Masters of the Spirit Pagoda attention elsewhere, the Spirit Beast with the cloak of Gu Yue mental energy that was stored in a Lacrima.

Were able to move from the Star Dou Forest to a shore far from the Heaven Dou City, with a boat waiting for them.

When Gu Yue went with Qiangu Dongfeng and her teacher, it was to understand the overall situations. And to hers and Na'er delight, the plan went off perfectly with the Spirit Pagoda still thinking the Spirit Beasts were still in the forest.

Such a plan normally wouldn't have gone off so perfectly if it wasn't for the factors around them. From the massive cluster of Evil Soul Masters wandering around and recruiting people, causing the organizations to be frantic.

To Fafnir, demolishing the walls around the Star Dou Forest and killing most of the staff members. Making it extremely hard for the Soul Masters of the Pagoda to cover all around the forest again.

And finally, the capture of the Evil Soul Masters occupied all of the big organization time, as they were the main threat at the moment.

"Are you going back to Shrek now?" Questioned Gu Yue as she moved relatively closer into the world of warmth, that was Tang Wulin embrace.

"I need to find the other Calamity." Said Tang Wulin as he moved his head towards her neck again.

Gu Yue slightly trembled as she felt Tang Wulin rubbing against her neck. To say she was surprised at both of their unusual acts of intimacy would be an understatement.

"Ok. I will be moving on to the next steps."Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin to direct his gaze towards her.

"Why the rush?"

"You know why." Said Gu Yue with a glare as she saw the amusement in his eyes.

"Well, either way. When we get back to Tenrou Academy, take me to the next meeting you guys will have with the Spirit Beast."Said Tang Wulin.

"Why?" Questioned Gu Yue as she tried to see through Tang Wulin.

"It's about time I give them a wake-up call." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to furrow her brows, not quite understanding what that entitled.

"Well, its time I head back." Said Gu Yue but she found herself still stuck in Tang Wulin embrace.

"Do you want to go?" Questioned Tang Wulin with some tenderness in his voice, causing Gu Yue to slightly quiver.

"Yes." Said Gu Yue with a roll of her eyes as she gets ready to teleport out of Tang Wulin embrace.

But then, her whole world rocked as she found herself on the bed. With Tang Wulin facing towards her and her body close to him.

"It's about time you compromise too." Said Tang Wulin with a slight glare towards Gu Yue causing her to raise a brow.

"Haven't I? All the things that we have been doing and things you have known, is me compromising."Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"I agree, but I don't mean for me. I mean for you."Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to blankly stare at him.

"You're so caught up in saving your people, that you haven't recall that you still need rest and time to relax." Said Tang Wulin as he recalls Zeref and Sleipnir's words.

About him needing to take time out of his schedule to just relax or spend time with others. Of course, it took a while for him to adjust to their words and belief.

But he found, it wasn't so bad.

Gu Yue had her gazed trained on Tang Wulin for a bit before she let out a heartfelt sigh.

"Is it okay?"

Tang Wulin didn't respond to her question as he brought her closer, into his comforting embrace, her body melting into his. The embrace swarming her in so many feelings and washing her worries away like the summer rain.

"Don't ask such ridiculous questions."

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