Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 185: Valley

Chapter 185: Valley

It was only after a while that they parted from each other embrace. Yet Tang Wulin still held onto his mother's hand, while he watched her moving her eyes across his body.

"Everything seems to be okay." Said Lang Yue after a few seconds of checking and then her eyes sharpened.

"What's up with You, Zanran and Na'er thinking it's ok to leave me alone here." Said Lang Yue while pouting and lightly glaring at Wulin.

Tang Wulin lips twitch at the cute glare his mother was sending him while wondering why she was acting like a child. He already knew she wasn't being serious and was just trying to tease him.

"Its as if you guys have finally gotten bored of me." Mutter Lang Yue softly while bringing her hands to her face and looking at the side sorrowfully.

"Wow, she is really trying to guilt-trip you." Zeref's voice rang out with a delighted chuckle.

"Indeed! And it might just work!" Sleipnir's voice rang out also causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

Their words were proven even more valid when she brought her teary and sorrowful eyes towards Tang Wulin.

'Is she a child!'

"...What do you want." Said Tang Wulin with a sigh as he knew he didn't want to prolong this for too long. Usually, he would just ignore this type of ploy, but he had a feeling she would have continued this for the whole month.

"Of course for us to spend time with each other!" Said Lang Yue with her eyes lighting up and a radiant smile blooming.

'So why didn't you just say that.' Thought Tang Wulin.

"What do you want to do?"

"Let's talk. We haven't talked in so long or ever."Said Lang Yue with her face softening before moving toward her son.

Lang Yue and Tang Wulin began to enjoy the day together by sitting down and talking with each other.

While they were talking, Lang Yue moved to take his long hair and putting it into a ponytail so it won't get in the way from her own words. She talked about the things she and Tang Ziran did after he had left the house to go to Eastsea Academy.

How they went on to one of the cities that was managed by the Spirit Pagoda to work. She told him Tang Ziran was helping the Spirit Pagoda on new technology, but she didn't know what it was exactly.

She then moves on to what they did in Star Luo Empire and then what she has been doing for the past years. Tang Wulin did the same thing he did with Shen Ming and simply listens in on his mother's storytelling.

After she was done, he was going to tell her about his adventures but she told him Leviathan already told her about it. So she asked him to tell her about his adventure from the time he went to Eastsea City.

As Tang Wulin began telling her his story, Lang Yue couldn't help but sigh at how much her little Tang Tang has grown. When Tang Wulin got to the part of his talk with Tang Ziran, she couldn't help but sigh.

Tang Ziran already told her about the words their son spoke that day. To say they were happy, would be an understatement as that could be the first time he ever said he loved them.

Yet, they honestly didn't care if he had never said those words. Lang Yue gently tightens her hold on her son's hands, as he continued his story.

When she saw the confusion in his eyes, she merely smiled and giggles at him. Lang Yue has always know that her little Tang Tang cared and loved them.

How could she not? What kind of mother would she be if she couldn't feel and recognize the love of her son.

A formless and intangible thing it was but it was so encompassing. She could feel it wasn't just for her but many others.

She couldn't help but wonder if her Little Tang Tang knew how much he cared for the people he knew. That it wasn't just their little family he cherished but the people he has come to call friends, teachers, and partners.

'But I don't mind.' Thought Lang Yue with a sigh of acceptance.

She knew that from now on, the amount of time she will be able to spend with her son will be reduced tremendously. It may even become a rare occurrence. It was a heartbreaking thought that many parents didn't want to think about.

'Still, I can't be too selfish. Even if I still want to remain as number one in your life.' Thought Lang Yue wistfully with a faint smile.

They didn't leave the small valley nor did they venture around the area. They merely sat and talk, something that was so simple and ordinary.

Yet it carried a strange sense of mellow beauty and love that was inspiring

The mother and son talk the whole day.

As they laid next to each other, countless mementos flash through their minds as they fondly recall the memorable days.


The next day came, with Tang Wulin continuing his training. His mother would occasionally come by spending time with him and then leave, as she knew he was busy training.

As he was finishing up on his last bit of connecting with nature, he felt someone coming towards the valley of the Gold Tree. It only took them a few minutes to reach here and to his surprise, it was Xie Xie who was coming.

"Hey boss, I see your back." Said Xie Xie with a cheerful grin as he glances around while waving towards Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything at first and simply arched a brow at Xie Xie. Mostly because he was a bit astonished he wasn't training with or cultivating with Yuanen.

'I could have sworn, I would have to drag him away from her.' Thought Tang Wulin in mild surprise, while also not minding this unique development.

"Is Na'er and Gu Yue back?" Questioned Xie Xie after seeing the gaze of Wulin and knowing he couldn't squander his time.

"No. Wait, is this about your space and time powers?"Questioned Tang Wulin towards Xie Xie and causing him to flinch.

"...Yes, I need help gaining a better handle and control on it." Said Xie Xie with a sigh before he moved over to Tang Wulin.

"Strange. I thought you would have to spend a longer time with Yuanen." Mutter Tang Wulin as he saw Xie Xie sitting down next to him.

"That's the thing. She wants to visit her family." Said Xie Xie causing Tang Wulin to blink his eyes and then raise a brow.

"...Right, I forgot who I was talking to."Mutter Xie Xie before shaking his head and explaining why Yuanen wants to visit her family.

'Interesting.' Thought Tang Wulin as he begins going over Xie Xie's words.

It seems Yuanen wants to go back to her family not only to tell them about the Demon World and the seed that was inside of her. But to also seek justice for her mother, that was unjustifiably killed by her father.

She told Xie Xie that he didn't have to go with her but Xie Xie said he would gladly go. After he had told her he would go with her, he knew he couldn't remain the way he was now and he needed to get stronger.

Xie Xie didn't believe the visit to Yuanen's house will be a relatively peaceful one. And so, he needed to speed up his progress and insight in the power of Space-time.

'Well, at least he knows what he has to work on.' Thought Tang Wulin while nodding his approval at Xie Xie.

'I guess, I can ask Zeref about his understanding and knowledge on to Space-time.' Thought Tang Wulin after a bit of thinking.

He didn't believe he could compare to Zeref in knowledge and insight when it comes to anything other than Dragon Slayer or fighting. As he was about to ask Zeref, he felt the bracelet around his wrist sent out a fluctuation, as a voice began talking towards him mentally.

"...Father, I can train him.' A Raspy and quiet voice rang inside Tang Wulin's head.

'You are?... Wait, are you the Jade Dragon King?' Thought Tang Wulin without showing any reaction to the new voice.

"Yes, it's me, father." Said the Jade Dragon King with the Seven-Colored Jewel shining purple.

'Have you guys grown strong enough to appear in the world?' Thought Tang Wulin with a bit of surprise as to his knowledge that seems to be the only way for them to actually train Xie Xie.

As it wasn't like they were planning on using him as a medium to convey his words to Xie Xie, right?

"...No father, all you need to do his point the Seven-Colored Bracelet at him and we will drag him inside the valley." Said the Jade Dragon King.

Tang Wulin felt silent for a bit, as he begins going over the pros and cons of this development. As he was thinking this, Old Tang's voice rang out to him.

"You should take his offer."

'Why do you say that?' Thought Tang Wulin only towards Old Tang as he waited while giving nothing away.

"At the moment, you are pressed for time in trying to control nature and also working on your Spirit Avatars. You don't have much time to spend on anything else at the moment." Said Old Tang causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

Old Tang words also cause Tang Wulin to inwardly sigh with a bit of frustration. Whether it be from the slow progress of his progress with nature or the constant walls he kept encountering when making his Spirit Avatars for his seventh soul rings.

Either way, he knew it would take a significant chunk of his time to help out Xie Xie. Since the mysterious of Space and Time was truly a complex matter. Even with Zeref's knowledge about Space-time, it would take Xie Xie and him while before they were able to comprehend it.

'...I guess it's fine.' Thought Tang Wulin as he knew the Dragon Kings haven't done anything but beneficial things for him and also since Old Tang words make sense.

'Besides, this will be a good adventure for Xie Xie.' Thought Tang Wulin while letting out a small smirk, that caused Xie Xie to shiver.

"...Boss?"Questioned Xie Xie while slowly standing up and getting ready to move away.

As he knew that anytime Wulin smiles, it was either for something horrible that will be brought upon another person or something pleasant happened to him. Yet he doubts it was the latter, as his instincts and body were advising him to run far away.

"See you in three months, Xie Xie." Said Tang Wulin with a grin before pointing the Seven Colored Bracelet towards Xie Xie.

Xie Xie was only able to widen his eyes before his figure started to be dragged into the small bracelet around Tang Wulin.

"Have fun."


"Huh? Where am I."Mutter Xie Xie after he regained his bearings.

"...Wait a minute. Don't tell me this is the Dragon Valley."Mutter Xie Xie in shock as he saw he was in the familiar rocky plains and towering dragon skeletons.

Yet there were changes in the valley, as in the sky he could seven-colored streams of glittering light moving through the luminous sky. Not only that but he could see the land dragons were moving across the land in packs and there were mythical creatures in the air.

"...Just what happened."Mutter Xie Xie as he recalled the Dragon Valley wasn't like this before. It felt like an abundant amount of life was pulsing through the valley compare to the last time he was here.

"It's gradually coming back to life. Back to the prime, to the time when we use to rule the world, all thanks to our father." A voice rang out behind Xie Xie, causing him to shiver and instantly summon his daggers.

"Wait! You're the Jade Dragon King!"Shouted Xie Xie in shock as he came face to face with his martial soul.

It was an enormous black-white dragon over a thousand meter that was covered in thick scales that looked as if it could shred someone apart. It was sporting two enormous pairs of mighty wings, and in between said wings lay a row of spikes that travel down his spine. It had a pair of horns sprout from its head and deep silver eyes.

"Boy...Do you know why you are here?"Questioned the Jade Dragon King while peering down at Xie Xie with an indifferent look.

"Uh, to train me?" Questioned Xie Xie after recalling Wulin's last word.

"Exactly." Said the Jade Dragon King with his eyes narrowing, which caused Xie Xie to flinch.

"You are a disgrace, for not only being able to wield my powers but also being my father protector." Said the Jade Dragon King causing Xie Xie to blink his eyes.

"What! How am I disgrace!"Shouted Xie Xie while narrowing his eyes and clenching his daggers.

The Jade Dragon King only let out a snort at Xie Xie.

Yet it was through that snort, that something unimaginable happened. Unbeknownst to Xie Xie, everything was slowing down, but it wasn't the world around him.

No, it was something even more terrifying. The Jade Dragon King was slowing down Xie Xie's soul and consciousness. Xie Xie doubt he would have noticed this if he didn't have enough depth and comprehension into the powers of Space-time.

Yet to his shock and horror, he couldn't halt the process. Xie Xie was helpless to the action of the Jade Dragon King and into the end, his whole consciousness and soul froze in time.

And then everything unfroze in the next instant as if everything before was just a dream. Xie Xie fell to his knees, as he tried catching his breath, while his eyes were dilating.

"Do you understand? This is only a fraction of the extensive power of the martial soul you wield. Do you even know what it means to wield my power?"Questioned the Jade Dragon King with a sneer.

"It means Space and Time is nothing more than something that will bend to your will. It means Space-time is yours to obey!"Roared the Jade Dragon King with his wings spreading and terrifying gale being stirred up.

"Believe me, boy. By the time we are done, you will learn to truly wield my power."

"Or die trying."

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