Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 184: A Mothers Love

Chapter 184: A Mothers Love

Tang Wulin blinked his eyes and found himself in a big unoccupied land, that was filled and covered with bright bluegrass. All around were countless small flowers blossoming, with them reflecting countless purple and rosy colors.

It was extraordinarily beautiful and breathtaking.

In front of him was an ancient tree that covered an enormous area. The trunk was unbelievably wide with Tang Wulin being unable to see the corners. It towered over everything with it passing up into the sky.

Each blossoming branch was dense with numerous growing leaves. They were so full of life energy that they continuously grew.

Tang Wulin could feel the rich vitality and life force here. It was so pure and auspicious with it giving off a peaceful and relaxing feeling.

Yet to his shock, he could also feel a sense of profound familiarity with the ancient tree. As if he knew it all of his life.

"Just what is going on...Is this another dream cycle?"Mutter Tang Wulin while glancing around in the lush and ancient forest that was too breathtaking for words.

"Not exactly." A voice rang out behind Tang Wulin causing him to shift his head and see a figure walking towards him.

It was a breathtaking and stunning woman that was walking toward him. The gracious woman wore a long light green dress with a golden halo that was trailing behind her. There were little green lights that we're able to magnify her already outstanding looks.

Yet Tang Wulin wasn't stunned by her looks but from the feeling, he was getting from her. It was similar to the ancient tree behind him but was significantly stronger.


"Yes, I'm the Goddess of Life. Sheng Ming."Said Sheng Ming as she moved in front of Tang Wulin while looking at him tenderly.

"Hello...My beloved child."Mutter Sheng Ming as she moved towards the Ancient Tree before sitting down on one of its massive roots.

After sitting down, Sheng Ming looks towards Tang Wulin and began signaling him to come with a faint smile on her lovely face. Tang Wulin furrowed his brows before moving towards her as he had some questions he wanted to be answered.

"I'm sure you have many questions. I will answer as much as I can." Said Sheng Ming faintly while still looking tenderly at Tang Wulin.

"Where am I?"

"You can think of this place as a Dream Cycle but not fully. You don't become more intimate with nature or your bloodline here. This place is something the Goddess of Life left behind in your bloodline before she fully faded." Said Sheng Ming causing Tang Wulin eyes to slightly widen.

"So the more I unleashed"

"The more times we can meet and see each other." Said Sheng Ming with a nod causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

"...Why me? Why did you guys give me your bloodline?"Questioned Tang Wulin while furrowing his brow.

This was the question that plagued his mind after Yggdrasil explains to him about his two new bloodlines. Why would these Gods give him their bloodlines? No, the question should be, why are they treating him like their child?

Even if he had their bloodline, he still can't understand or comprehend their reasoning. Or more specifically their feelings towards him.

"...It's because you are our little miracle."Said Sheng Ming with her smile slightly trembling.


"Yes" Said Sheng Ming with a sigh before glancing to the side as a bitter smile formed on her face.

"Did you know that, in the God Realm. It is extremely rare for a child to be born between two gods?"Questioned Sheng Ming causing Tang Wulin to shake his head.

"This is especially so for two beings with polar opposite concepts. Hui Mie and me, the God of Destruction and Life represent the antitheses of each other. One could say it's all but impossible for us to foster a child."Said Sheng Ming as a slight tear began to show on the edge of her eyes.

Tang Wulin slowly nodded his head, as he recalled Yggdrasil calling him an impossibility. And how Destruction and Life couldn't make a child no matter how hard they try.

"I had given up all hope of making a child. Or even passing on my bloodline." Said Sheng Ming softly before a pleasant smile began to bloom on her face.

"But then a miracle happens."

"As Hui Mie and I were gradually fading away, with us trying to hold each other one more time. Yet every time we tried to reach out to each other, we would always be blown away. It was such a bitter feeling, to see the one you love so close and yet so far away." Said Sheng Ming with her body trembling as she clenches her hand.

"We thought we were going to fade away without being able to hold on to each other one more time. But then a miracle appeared and made its way towards us who were slowly fading, even battling the current of time. And not only did it destroy the current but brought us both together."Said Sheng Ming as her eyes started to get teary and red.

"That miracle allowed us to hold each other one last time. It was the last thing we could have ever hoped for, it was truly something we were eternally grateful for. Yet as if that wasn't enough, it also allowed us to do the impossible."Said Sheng Ming softly.

"Impart a child with both of our bloodline, two opposite power that should never coexist. An impossibility that has never happened before, a regret that was knot inside my heart and future we thought we would never see." Said Sheng Ming before turning towards Tang Wulin with her eyes brimming with motherly love.

"You Tang Wulin are our divine miracle."

"...I see." Mutter Tang Wulin softly as he finally understands.

How could he not? Hui Mei and Sheng Ming's situation was no different than his parents. Lang Yue and Tang Ziran desperately wanted a child but they couldn't birth one, causing grief and regret.

Yet, they were able to find him. A miracle that they always cherished and loved, even now. This was no different from the Goddess of Life and Destruction God's situation.

How could they not be joyful and happy? Before they fully faded away, they were able to leave behind a child with their bloodline.

A child that they longed for millions of years, a child they wish they could have spoiled and doted on.

"I won't ask you to accept me as your mother or ask you to even care. As even if you don't, you will always have me and Hui Mui eternal love."

"Our little miracle, our only child." Said Sheng Ming but Tang Wulin didn't say or express anything.

"Well...Since you're here. Do you want to hear about me?"Questioned Sheng Ming carefully after a bit of thinking.

Tang Wulin arched his brow but then nodded his head after shrugging his shoulders. It wasn't like there was much to do here and he was kind of curious about the life of someone who lived for billions of years.

Sheng Ming with a cheery tone began telling her story. The story of her life and everything about her to Tang Wulin.

From a distinct moment, she was born to growing up and growing attached to the forest. She talked about her adventures through the world and her meeting with Hui Mui.

"He was so cute back then. Being so shy, while trying to attract my attention." Said Sheng Ming with a delighted giggle.

She talked about the various ways that he tried to talk to her. How he always fumbled his words and how he would always blush.

"Back then, I wasn't thinking about love at all. The only thing on my mind was exploring and properly understanding the world around me." Mutter Sheng Ming with a reminiscent sigh.

It was only when they were in the Divine Realm and after truly understanding her role, that Sheng Ming thought about love. By then, Hui Mui was also fully taking his role of God of Destruction seriously but he was also way more shy and introverted.

"It was because of the constant destruction aura he unleashed, that we began interacting more deeply. It was pretty sweet the way he tried to offer me all types of stuff but sadly, it would all dye quickly from his aura outburst." Said Sheng Ming with a helpless look on her face before lightly laughing.

'Wow.' Thought Tang Wulin as he listened to the story while seeing all of the lovely flowers around them blooming from the joyful mood of Sheng Ming.

He could perceive it, the unspeakable joy she felt, and the radiant happiness that practically burst from her. It all came because she was delighted to be talking to him.

Sheng Ming was happy even if it was just her will that was able to spend time with her son. Even if she would never be able to truly be with him.

And so, Tang Wulin continued listening silently. Sheng Ming didn't mind that he didn't say anything and continued with her story.

After an unspeakable amount of time passed, Sheng Ming's voice started to dye down as her face started to turn to heartfelt sorrow.

"What's wrong?" Questioned Tang Wulin with an arched brow.

"It's time for you to go"Mutter Sheng Ming with evident unwillingness and bitterness.

"...You said the closer I get. The more time I will be able to see you...right?"

"Y-Yea!" Sheng Ming's eyes lit up once again with the sorrowful look being swept away and a radiant smile blooming once again.

"We will see each other once again." Said Tang Wulin with a sigh, as he sadly knew he was already starting to 'care' for this woman.

He didn't know if this was because of her aura that gave off a sense of tranquility or the ability to instantly draw people in. Or if it was because of some unknown factor inside of him that was gently pushing him.

But for some reason, he wanted to come here again and talk with her. Even if his feelings about her may never change from the way they are now.

"Great! Joyous!"Shouted Sheng Ming for a bit before sighing out loud.

"...I still don't want you to go." Said Sheng Ming with a pout causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

'Are you a child!'

Sheng Ming's eyes slightly had become downcast before she hesitantly lifted her hand and move it towards Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin made no movement or actions towards the oncoming hand, causing Sheng Ming to become more confident.

"...Thank you."Said Sheng Ming softly with her face softening as her hand finally made contact with Wulin's face before she started to gently caress it.

Tang Wulin furrowed his brows and as he was about to say something, Sheng Ming flashed him one last smile before she vanished.

And then, everything shattered.


Leviathan happily told his grandmother about most of the things he and his father did. From the time they left Shrek to coming back here and meditating under the Gold Tree.

He left out certain things like his father talk with Yun Ming and other sensitive topics.

"So one of his soul spirits is claiming he his the child of Destruction and Life."Said Lang Yue with her smile turning ridged and her brows twitching.

Out of all of the things, Leviathan told Lang Yue, the one that bothered her the most was Tang Wulin's apparent adoption. To say Lang Yue was livid, would be an understatement for one simple fact.

She did not want to share her child!

Well, it was more of she didn't want to lose her place in her Tang Tang heart. She already has enough competition from his birth mother and the Holy Spirit Yali. She didn't need another goddess butting in!

From what Leviathan told her, her little Tang Tang has been called the son of the gods since he gained his fifth soul ring.

'I have to spend more time with him!' Thought Lang Yue, as she refuses to give up the number one title and spot in her little Tang Tang heart.

'I won't lose!'

'I don't care if you're a goddess or if your one of the legends in history!' Thought Lang Yue with determination burning in her eyes that caused Leviathan to blink his eyes in confusion.

It was then that the flowers and grass around the area began blooming causing Lang Yue to let out a gasp. As she began looking around in wonder, a familiar voice rang out in front of her.

"Mom?" Questioned Tang Wulin in surprise after he opened his eyes and saw his mother sitting in front of him with a basket next to her.

"My Little Tang Tang!"

Tang Wulin let out a sigh as he saw Lang Yue grab his face and began snuggling it on hers. If that wasn't enough, she moved her hand from his cheek and began wrapping them around him while still rubbing her rosy cheek on his.

'The constant cu-'

Before Tang Wulin could finish his thoughts, he felt his senses twitch as he felt something was wrong. It didn't take him long before he notices the shaking of his mother's arms as she held him.

'...Just wh-'

'Ahh. I see...'

Lang Yue's eyes slightly widen as she felt two arms enveloping her and holding her close. Yet in the next instant, she closed her eyes while resting her head on Tang Wulin's chest.

As this was going on, Tang Wulin's face slightly softens as he felt the warmth and affection radiating off his mother. It was so boundless, yet not encompassing as it was directed only towards him as if he was the only thing in the world.

Her hug was overflowing with motherly love, warmth, and pure happiness. He could feel it perfectly well, the unspeakable joy of his mother seeing him once again and the sorrow of not seeing him during those months he has been gone.

Tang Wulin had to admit, that no matter how much time passed or how many times his mother dragged him into a hug. It always had the ability to make him calm and relax as if her arms were meant to shelter him.

Tang Wulin had never thought, a hug could cause him to feel such away. It was simply unheard of and should be impossible for something like this to occur. Yet, there was almost no one that came close to making him feel like this except her.

Even though she was just an ordinary person. An ordinary housewife who wasn't a soul master or had any extraordinary characteristic.

She was his beloved mother and that was enough.

Regardless if it was the Sheng Ming or Lang Yue. He doubts he would ever forget their encompassing love towards him, whether he wanted to or not.

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