Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 186: Progress

Chapter 186: Progress

A few days passed with Tang Wulin doing his ordinary routine of increasing his connection with nature around him and shaping his Spirit Avatar, under the Gold Tree. It has also been three days since Xie Xie had asked him for further training and got dragged inside the Seven Colored Jewel.

At present, he didn't know what type of training Xie Xie was going through but he knew it should be well for him. As he was being trained by the Dragon Kings, more specifically his own martial soul which is the Jade Dragon King.

Just who other than the Jade Dragon King could teach Xie Xie better about his martial soul? Either way, he left Xie Xie in the hands of the Dragon Kings, who promise to keep him updated on his progress.

It was only after yesterday that Sleipnir and Yggdrasil informed him that he didn't need to continue this.

As he could easily do it anywhere on the Sea God Island now. The main reason why he started under the Gold Tree was that nature in there was so abundant. Compare to anywhere else, the grassy valley of the Gold Tree was thriving with life and vitality.

Sleipnir and Yggdrasil comment they expected no less from the Gold Tree which was slowly recovering. It was also only because of him making a good foundation and connection here that he could now connect with places less abundant.

Naturally, this also meant, his speed will increase by a lot and it may take a lot more to fully connect with the world. Tang Wulin didn't mind this much as he knew it would still take a while before Yun Ming and the others met here on Shrek.

"She should be around here." Mutter Tang Wulin as he walks through the blacksmith association that was currently fully rebuilt.

"They sure finish rebuilding everything so fast." Mutter Yggdrasil while she was sitting comfortably on Tang Wulin shoulder.

"It should be expected, it's not like Shrek was really that damaged." Said Zeref while glancing around.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he moved through the people that were all around him. Ever since the place got rebuilt yesterday, the place became instantly filled with Blacksmiths once again.

They were all moving their stuff back inside the place with some of them laughing and smiling from seeing everything back. Tang Wulin didn't really care, as the only reason he was here was that he heard Mu Xi was here.

Fortunately for Tang Wulin, he was able to locate her with his spiritual sense. It only took him a few minutes before he found the room she was in.

As he entered the room, he saw Mu Xi at work on one of the metals that were lying around. Tang Wulin didn't know the metal she was using, but he could feel the spiritual essence emitting from it.

It wasn't just the spiritual essence but also a mighty surge of vitality and life essence. This was a surprise to Tang Wulin, as after his spiritual sense got refined by the Life Goddess.

It became sensitive to all life essence, allowing him to easily tell the metal was actually gaining its own life. In fact, it was similar to one of those heavenly treasures he saw in the Tower of Mahal.

"Is this...Really blacksmithing?"Mutter Tang Wulin as he saw Mu Xi at work.

"She has probably increased her mastery, or something beneficial must have happened." Said Zeref with his eyes narrowed at Mu Xi hands.

An hour passed before Mu Xi was done with her hammering. She put down her vermillion hammer while letting out a sigh and wiping the sweat off her forehead. It was then she felt someone was behind her, causing her to glance back and see Tang Wulin.

"Wulin." Said Mu Xi as a pleasant smile began forming on her face before she went back towards cleaning up her area.

Tang Wulin didn't mind and merely waited for her to finish. He decided to go to sit down on one of the chairs that were inside the room. After Mu Xi was done, she went towards the place he was sitting.

"Did you just get back?" Questioned Mu Xi with a small smile.

But Tang Wulin didn't answer her as his eyes slightly narrowed once he saw the deep circles around her eyes. With a sigh, he moved his arms towards her before gently wrapping it around her waist causing Mu Xi eyes to slight widen.

Then she let out a gasp when he pulled her into his lap causing her to glance at him with her eyes slightly narrowing before sighing.

"You really are becoming naughtier." Mutter Mu Xi but Tang Wulin simply ignored her words.

"So what have you been doing?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Mu Xi to blink her eyes.

"Did you become more considerate?" Questioned Mu Xi in mild surprise and a bit of confusion.

Shaking her head, Mu Xi began telling him what she has been doing for the past two months since they came. From her checking in on her uncle master to her raising her soul power and spiritual power before getting her eighth soul ring.

"It was only through my masters, Shrek recommendation and my potential of being a Divine Smith that I was able to get one over a hundred thousand years." Said Mu Xi as she summons her soul rings.

Zeref eyes widen when he saw her distinctive configuration. Three purples, four black and now a red ring causing Zeref to mutter impressive.

Compare to most of the soul masters in the world, Mu Xi soul configuration can be considered a higher tier, even reaching the level of the elite. Mu Xi then resumes her talk, with her mentioning her recently becoming a divine smith a week ago.

This caused Zeref to let out a surprised while looking at Mu Xi in shock and a bit of considerable awe. He was like this because looking at Mu Xi age, she was able to become a Saint Craftsmen at the age of 23.

This was simply unheard of in all of the blacksmith histories. One could say, she is the most talented blacksmith from the past to now, if one didn't include Tang Wulin potential.

'Well...It's not like he cares about becoming one anymore.' Thought Zeref as he glances at Wulin who was listening to Mu Xi.

"Of course, I didn't reach this level on my own. If it wasn't for the hell training, my teacher's training and the insights I gained in Mahal. I wouldn't have been able to reach and become a Saint Craftsmen so fast." Said Mu Xi while recalling seeing the stunning buildings, construction, and technology that she saw those other-worldly civilizations used in Mahal.

The insight and comprehension she got there were something breathtaking. Not only did she see their technology, but she was able to experience some of their lectures. It was only because of her focus on the lecture, that she didn't question on she was able to understand their language.

"Because of this, my teachers and even the Sea God Pavilions Elders are calling me an unrivaled genius." Said Mu Xi with a beaming smile.

Tang Wulin nodded his head before beginning to tell her about the things he did. It only had taken about an hour before he was finished with his story, with Mu Xi looking at him warmly.

"Well, at least you got out safe." Said Mu Xi before slowly getting out of Tang Wulin embrace.

"I need to get back to finishing everyone's Battle Armors." Said Mu Xi but then her eyes slightly widen when she felt Tang Wulin pull her back into his arms.

"You have been working on those metals for days now, haven't you? If I didn't know any better, it seems you haven't rest in a while." Said Tang Wulin causing Mu Xi to slightly flinch but she didn't say anything.

'Xie Xie was right.' Thought Tang Wulin as he recalls him saying Mu Xi has been working on their Three-Word Battle Armor.

"Alright, you can go back after you rest for a while." Said Tang Wulin before moving Mu Xi head to his chest.


"Compromise." Said Tang Wulin causing Mu Xi to fall silent with her brows furrowing before sighing and then complying.



"How could you allow her to keep it up for so long!"

"...I mean, she was trying to r-."

"Don't give me that! What if something bad had happened! Or if she had passed out!"

"Then, of course, we would have halted it before it reached that point." Said Mu Chen as he tries consoling his wife who was glaring daggers at him.

At the moment they were making a huge scene inside of the blacksmith building as they made their way to the room that Mu Xi was in. Mu Bao'er recently found out her about her precious daughter's work habits' and to say she was lived was an understatement.

'Seriously! Why would they allow her to keep practicing for days without any break!'

Of course Mu Bao'er new, it wasn't entirely her husband or the other teacher's sole fault. Mu Xi should know better and take care of her condition.

'But they aren't getting away from this lightly.' Thought Mu Bao'er as she and Mu Chen finally reached the room where Mu Xi was for the past days.

But to their surprise, they saw their daughter and also Tang Wulin inside. Not only were they both inside but Mu Xi was laying on his chest and sleeping soundly.

"I didn't know Wulin was back." Mutter Mu Chen as he stares through the window but Mu Bao'er didn't care about that.



"They look so cute together." Said Mu Bao'er with a radiant smile as she saw her future son-in-law and daughter embracing each other.

Mu Chen lips twitch but he didn't say comment on his wife's words. Partly because he knew she was still mad and another part because she was moderately right.

"...I guess she won't be needing us anymore." Said Mu Chen with a sigh after watching them for a bit.

"I guess." Said Mu Bao'er softly but Mu Chen could detect the sorrows in her voice.

"Come now, we should be happy she is growing up."

"I know that, but..." Mutter Mu Bao'er causing Mu Chen to chuckle out loud before he shifted her into his embrace.

"Come on, let's go somewhere. I will treat you to anything." Said Mu Chen while staring at his wife with unrivaled love and care.

"You can't go back on your words." Said Mu Bao'er with a laugh before stealing one glance at her daughter and then leaving.

As he saw Mu Bao'er walking ahead, he glances back once last time before walking onward.

'I leave her to you, Wulin.'

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