Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 945 Parting Ways

Chapter 945 Parting Ways

As the world maintained a tempered colour scheme, the threat was neutralised, and thankfully, the continued onslaught of attacks which still hung in the minds of the vigilant experts didn't happen.

Benyn didn't deactivate his Territory, however.

The Queen gave the Sif guard a stiff nod.

"Make sure you restore what you have destroyed," she said coldly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Queen looked around. "Let's go."

She then faced Skullius.

"Quite like Shannazah and Kudobtu, I would appreciate it if you don't hinder us. I have yet to confirm anything you claimed – from what's going on to what you are. You could just as easily be a delusional idiot blinded by his own lies. Ah, you appear to be so even now."

Skullius scoffed at her words.

"Well, whether you like it or not, you'll find me on the battlefield anyway. After all, I did say I would end this war," he said, his smirk returning.

"Right," the Queen snorted and gave a pitying look to the Hybrid Luman "I'm afraid the terrors of Maqi are being taken lightly by the younger generations. What a pity."

'Is that right?' Skullius thought.

Without leaving room for a retort, the Queen, Embrell, beckoned Benyn to lead them to where the chaos, as Skullius said, was thickest. The royal guard gave Skullius a look that seemed to beg for forgiveness, for he wasn't able to extricate himself from the Queen's side in such a dire time, and when she needed him most.

Skullius didn't mind.

"Darwel. Come."

It was the King who spoke.

His tone also left no room for second thought, but Darwel found the nerve to give a rebellious look. No. Not like this.

She had to-

"Go. I'll meet up with you later," Skullius said softly.

Darwel was surprised, but seeing the look in Skullius' blank eyes, she swallowed what she had been about to say to her father. Skullius' earlier declaration also rang out in her mind.

'I've fallen for her, you see. And I wanted to be so bold as to confess it before you, my inevitable in-laws...'


"Alright..." she relented, giving Skullius a last look before walking into the enclosure of the Incandescent Stagers gathered around the two royals.

Skullius smiled.

Along with Sevill, Cosycn and the delegation from Pelian, he perceived the movement of the giant space around them, still dyed in negative colours. It lurched quickly as Benyn dashed forth, the flame from his Territory now cupped in his hands.

Soon, a massive dome appeared to spit Skullius and the others out, returning them to natural colour as it moved away rapidly with the royal trio.

When it crossed a vast stretch along the ash-covered ground, several attacks shot out at it, but they were unable to last a moment within the great heat past the white exterior.

The dome quickly disappeared from view and sense.

Only the odd collection of Sif and humans remained.

"Well, this is awkward..."

It was the man named Shannazah who spoke.

Skullius turned to him. Only now did he chortle, realising that sometime amid the chaos, Erlton had disappeared. Oh well...

There was more company.

Skullius couldn't see the clashing colours Shannazah wore, but he did find several aspects of him rather... weird. Too weird.

He wore eight belts around his waist; his shoes were worn wrong, or perhaps they just looked that way; his sleeves were of different lengths; his hair was braided in an unsightly fashion.

What was up with that?

The man smiled at Skullius.

"Ah, you are quite the fellow. I mistook you for a human before. Apologies, apologies..." he said humbly.

Skullius imagined that his wings were what inspired the man's perspective.

"What are you anyway? What's this Luminant you called yourself?" the girl with the heavy dark armour asked coldly.

Skullius merely appraised the two without answering.

'So these guys are the reinforcements from Pelian. I remember the name Shannazah...' he thought.

Shannazah was certainly the name of the House the man who defeated Demion in the tale of Demion, Escus and Irisa – the legend surrounding his sword, Demon's Dance – belonged to.

As such, Skullius didn't underestimate this man, though he did wonder if the man standing before him was the same one who beat Demion.

Incandescent Stagers could live for very long. It wasn't impossible.

He also regarded the woman standing behind Shannazah with her own small group highly. Her name was Kudobtu. Well, her House name. Indeed, she had to be from a House as well.

"Instead of having a relaxed discussion here, how about we go someplace else..." Skullius said before beckoning Cosycn. "Take us to the Wonderfall Torrents."

"Yes, Lord Luminant."

In a flash, the group was encased in dazzling light, and they took flight, headed fast for Darwel's abode.

The loud gong continued to sound inconsequentially in the background for the group, but it continued to unnerve.

Shannazah placed his hands behind his back as they flew.

"I didn't expect a vacation instead of a bloody war as the King suggested, but this will do," he said relaxedly.

"Don't be an idiot. These long-ears will need us sooner rather than later. They clearly don't fully understand how vicious Maqi can be, even if they are limited to 1,000 men," Kudobtu said.

She garnered unfriendly attention from Cosycn and Sevill.

"Since you two are here, does it mean the situation in Pelian has been solved?" Skullius asked.

"Deities, no!" Shannazah laughed. "It's only stalled and that's not purely by our efforts. I daresay these dark enemies are simply taking their time. Waiting for something. Well, the King doesn't see it that way. He sees victory. Poor fool."

Skullius narrowed his eyes.

The current King, as far as he knew, was never relied upon. Practically everyone in Pelian lost faith in his ability to rule, and yet, mysteriously, he persisted on the throne as the years went by.

"I see...." Skullius said.

Moments later, the group took a dive towards the three falls creating a large pool, with a mansion at the centre of it.

Dreadfully, however, it became clear that like Gauurdfell, this place had been stricken hard by Maqi's pre-emptive attack.

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