Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 944 Eternity’s Conflagration

Chapter 944 Eternity’s Conflagration

The paling figures of the large, and bountiful trees formed a massive, pale fist that cast a darker shade on the gathered than the unconquerable night above.

Its size was no doubt astonishing, but what threw everyone off, especially Skullius, was the vibrant energy stowed within it.

It was mind-boggling!

When the fist creaked as it rose, and then fell with atrocious speed and force, for a moment, it was as though ten Incandescent Stagers with vibrant blue mana cores had leapt down from the sky, nothing but terribly aggressive intent registering from their presence!

The fist caused the ground to rumble before it reached its two targets – both of whom were surrounded by alert guards. Its threat level was a marvel in its own right.


Only one from the ten Sif combatants moved, a redhead with chubby cheeks.

Her mana flared like water from a burst dam for a split second, before rushing back into her body. Her hand whipped out towards the large obstacle at the exact same time.

Without sound.

Without impact.

The massive first vanished as if it were never there.


Skullius narrowed his eyes.

What in the world was that supposed to be?

Just like that?

What form of attack could counter like that?

He was tempted to reach into the woman's core and have her mana, which would be tempted to lean towards him, tell him what her abilities were, but...

Another great shadow spawned. Another amalgamation of the pale flora had come together to form another savage fist that moved even quicker than the first, dashing once again for the King and Queen!

Quite a hefty hurricane roared with the thing's movement, but once again, before it could reach, another Incandescent Stager from the direction it came, one with a rather thin face and smaller ears, squatted, opened his mouth and cried, "URAAA!"

Quite shockingly, his voice caused Skullius more discomfort than the gong which continued to resound in the background, and it became like a mighty gust of ancient winds that had been roaming around the world for a long time, hurtling towards the unliving assailant!

In a less jarring fashion than with the previous female guard, the second massive fist was halted and then obliterated to dust as the white glass around Gauurdfell shook and exploded!

'They all pack quite a punch...' Skullius thought as he recovered. 'That one must be a Form User who can amplify the sound he makes with his body. Interesting.'

The threats didn't stop. More fists began to form from the surrounding greens, which, because of the selective nature of the gong, had yet to perish as well.

The Queen grew impatient.

"This must be a very powerful Shaman at work," she said grittily before turning to Skullius. "If what you say is true, then whoever they are, they are launching all these attacks from the ocean."

Skullius found the notion impressive, but not too shocking.

"Indeed," he said.

Right then, six more fists, some a lot smaller than the first two, rushed again.

It seemed this combination of attacks wouldn't be stopping any time soon.

And thus, Benyn stepped up, a solemn look etched on his face.

"Forgive me," he whispered, "I will restore you after all this is over..."

The Queen and King heard his words and showed slight distaste, but they knew it couldn't be helped.

Every tree within a forty meter radius was being pulled to create attack after attack, and given who the target of the constant assault was, it was safe to say the attacks wouldn't stop nomatter where the two royals went.


"Majestic Territory, Eternity's Conflagration."

As Benyn cast his Territory, all the other Incandescent Stagers around called upon their Nitros immediately, either to protect themselves or to cast it over others. Cosycn and Sevill had their solid white energy cradle Skullius and Darwel while the rest of the Incandescent Stage guards coated the King and Queen.

Immediately afterward, a great wash of white, much like paint over the coloured realism of Aigas overwhelmed everything and then...

'Oh...' Skullius narrowed his blank eyes.

How curious.

The Territory of an accomplished Incandescent Stage expert would normally craft an Imaginary GeoScape – a personalised space that fit what said expert intended to create their abilities around – right after the white Nitros create a space for it to form.

However... that didn't seem to be case for Benyn's Territory. At least with how it looked at face value.

The surroundings remained the same after the initial burst of white came and faded.

The up to forty fists, large and small, all packing enough devastation to turn a city as large as Genhuis into a dark, bottomless crater, still rushed towards them, with the backdrop of Gauurdfell!

But then...

Benyn held his hands to his mouth and blew into them, as though heating them from a nasty cold. As he did, a blue fire blossomed from his mouth and sat between his palms which he brought forth.

It was tall like an erect candle flame, bits of spark jutting from its tip.

At once, Skullius recognised that this was the Primary assault function of the Territory.

"Flame-Cast Ember," Benyn called softly, and the world around everyone, normal as it had seemed turned inverted!

All colour was replaced with a greyish blue tone, a jarring white marking the outlines of everything.

An ungodly heat then burst out without warning!

It was so phenomenally scorching that even with the guard of Nitros, everyone felt its intensity, not just in temperature, but the force with which it exploded from the flame cradled within Benyn's hand, which was now depicted as white!

Its overpowering might turned the wooden fists to ash immediately.

There was zero resistance.

Better yet, as the fists were lit on fire only for an inscrutable instant, the remaining woodland within the vicinity was treated the same, culling the added chances for another onslaught of attacks!

Skullius wore a grin.


This Territory bled into the real world!

It melded itself into the environment and imposed its functions on it, instead of creating a separate space!

In short, Benyn turned the world into his Imaginary GeoScape!

How unusual...

'That's... inspiring...' the Hybrid Luman thought.

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