Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 946 Calling In The Favour

Chapter 946 Calling In The Favour

There was a fair bit of blood splattered at the entrance to the mansion, along with several corpses. The gong which came right at this moment announced itself as the killer immediately.

Much like every Aurora, it seemed the Wonderfall Torrents was also targeted quite harshly – both experts and common Sif included.

Skullius' face constricted as their group descended.

His mind quickly rushed to the safety of Maxim and Vali – something he was not particularly proud of.

The thick, misty waters around the pool were fuming with energy, and obscuring the view as always. They parted as the Hybrid Luman focused all his innate sensory abilities... and his heart was instantly set at ease after his findings.

He didn't feel comfortable with the cheer.

There were several figures submerged in the waters, dozens of them.

As the gong came, they squirmed slightly, but they weren't convulsing in pain or bleeding from their orifices.

They were alive and mostly well.

Skullius' eyes lit up.

'Of course... These waters have special properties. They soothe the body and soul, and they have healing qualities too...' he thought.

It was just as Darwel had told him, though some of the finer details were coming to him at this moment.

It seemed several people in Darwel's mansion had taken action quickly, despite the evident losses, and soon, Skullius spotted Viccil within the pool too. If there was anyone who could have mobilised everyone into the pool quick enough, it would have to have been her.

He also spotted Vali and Maxim and almost at the same time, they spotted him just after he and the rest landed on the stone platform leading from in and out of Wonderfall Torrents.

"Do you have any more of these bracelets?" Skullius asked Cosycn while showing his wrist.

The Sif wore a difficult expression.

"I'm afraid we don't have enough for everyone. The Ceding Crests are reserved for emergencies such as this and we normally only ever use them for the benefit of their royal Majesties," he said.

"Give those three the ones you have left," Skullius gestured towards Viccil, Maxim and Vali.

The Ceding Crests were high grade artefacts that isolated damage from their wearers and limited it to themselves. Of course, while they were powerful, they couldn't ward away intense damage individually, which was why in the most serious of cases, the royal guards would stack their effects by having the King, Queen or Darwel wear multiple of them.

"That's a little less comfortable than just staying in the water, but oh well..." Vali said after exiting the pool, her hands twisting her hair to get rid of the moisture.

Maxim did the same but she couldn't help but look at the Sif servants who had to remain in the waters' embrace for their own safety.

"If it's this bad here..." she said before turning to Skullius.

The Hybrid Luman knew what she wanted to know, surprised that she had much empathy.

"Let's get inside," he said.

Everyone followed his lead.

Once they were inside, Skullius gave Viccil and Sevill orders with the tone of a host.

"Why don't you give the guests some place to rest?" he said, gesturing towards the Pelian reinforcements.

Shannazah smiled.

"How hospitable of you," he said.

"Well, I'm sure you are going to jump into the action eventually. But for now, perhaps you might want to relax," Skullius said.

He then turned and left with Maxim and Vali who pestered him with questions which he reluctantly answered.

The floors were littered with blood, bone and flesh, but neither of the three seemed to mind too much as they climbed up some stairs and went to Maxim's room.

"So Maqi is capable of something like this without even setting foot on Opungale yet? That's quite ridiculous..." Vali said as she plopped into a chair.

"Yes. It's only going to get worse from here," Skullius said as he did the same.

"So why did you come back here? If you are somehow able to sense things even the King and Queen can't, shouldn't you insist on helping them?" Maxim asked with a raised brow.

"Since when were you such an empath?"

"I'm not. I'm just grateful is all. Doesn't it feel strange to watch the people who treated you so well, die like this?"

"Not really. I've tasted death too many times to feel it the same, even with others. I'm a bit desensitised. If you knew how many times I've died so far..." Skullius said as he stroked his chin.

Ah, that was twice now, not counting how he died in his original life. Or was it... thrice.

Vali and Maxim looked at him weirdly.

'Ah, another thing Erlton didn't tell...'

"Well, I want to go out there and help," Maxim said. "Better to be in the know right about now. We might just die without knowing what hit us," Maxim said. "It's best to get to the battlefield."

"I second this. I expanded my Family's reach and wealth, and I'd like to enjoy that prosperity. Unfortunately, to do that, I have to survive this ordeal, and I'd prefer that to be under my own terms," Vali gave an unintentionally seductive smile as she declared.

Skullius nodded to both of them.

"I agree. I didn't say I want you cooped up in here," he said. "In fact, I want you to join the battle with me. But first, I need to call in that favour."

Skullius looked to Vali who tilted her head.


The Hybrid Luman sighed and raised his hand.

From an unseen, hidden space, a very long scabbard emerged and fell to his grip.

And then, only to Skullius' ears...

"Aaaaaah! Dear Master! You've finally summoned me! What did I do wrong?! Why didn't you call for me sooner?! Is it because of that wretched, green blade?!"

The Bashful Abomination cried bitterly.

"Calm down, dammit. You haven't been abandoned," Skullius growled.

"Who are you talking to?" Maxim asked, puzzled. "And what's that sword?"

"Don't worry about it," Skullius said, waving her off.

"Dear Master! Who are these two women?!" the Bashful Abomination cried again, this time quivering in its scabbard.

"Don't start," Skullius frowned and knocked the hilt of the sword on the floor, to which he heard several ouches from it.

The Bashful Abomination was the Pseudo-Mythical grade zhanmadao Skullius had acquired after defeating the Cluster General Hobbu Gobbu. As an ancient sword of a high grade, Skullius found that it could indeed talk, having developed a consciousness.

This was something he hadn't seen all too much however. The next best thing was Demion's Dance, which behaved more like an animal instead of using speech.

"Listen," Skullius said to the sword, but then he noticed the strange looks he was receiving from the two wet women before him. "The sword talks," he gave a succinct explanation before returning to addressing the zhanmadao.

"I'm ready to add an affix of my own."


"Hey. Did you hear me?" Skullius asked, a little annoyed at the underwhelming silence.

The Bashful Abomination suddenly shook violently.

"Dear Master! You're serious?! I can finally...!.... This is the best day of my life! First, you got me a scabbard and now... ... What do you want me to do? Do you want me to make you immortal? Well... partially immortal. Do you want me to make you capable of cutting anything... well, almost anything? Or—"

"None of that," Skullius interjected.

The Bashful Abomination only grew more motivated, though.

Was it going to be something unique?! Something NOT like Hobbu Gobbu's [Ghost Rending Divine Sword Art]?

Skullius turned to Vali.

"Just how much are you capable of with Rias EverSword's Imagining Technique? You didn't acquire its full capabilities, right?" he asked.

The Kinn Family Head folded her arms and gazed deep into Skullius' eyes.

"That's right. I'm not capable of creating anything too complex, like that kid, not to mention imagine something on the fly and make it appear instantly. It must take a lot of practice. The only thing I was able to do is make myself as strong and as relevant as a Cluster General back then," she said.

"Hmm. Is that effect still ongoing?" Skullius asked.

"No. I'm still working on how to make what I imagine stick," Vali said before narrowing her eyes. "What do you want?"

Skullius leaned forward and wagged the Bashful Abomination.

"Something a little complex. This sword is capable of creating one stipulation, an affix, that benefits me. Anything I want. Pretty hand," he said.

"I want you to make it so it can allow me to create two."

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