A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 746 You’re A Deep One

Chapter 746 You're A Deep One

Archer beamed at Lucrezia, who joined him in the bath with a naughty smile. As the death witch settled in and let the warm water wash over her, she asked, ''I understand you're exploring an old dwarven underground city. What brought you there?''

Gazing at the stunning woman, he saw many different emotions swirling within her crimson-red eyes: curiosity, fascination, and unmistakable attraction intermingled with countless others.

This caught his attention, 'I wonder what she's thinking?'

He shrugged before answering with a smile, ''Yes, I am,'' Archer replied as he started explaining. ''It seems the Swarm are involved with the downfall of the Ironfoot Kingdom, so there's that, and I also want their wealth to invest in Draconia.''

After that, the two continued to talk about everyday life and the domain, which he learned fascinated her. When Lucrezia first found out about it, she wanted a house of her own nearby, which he agreed to because it would keep her close.

They spoke for a while until Archer, with a cheeky grin, offered to clean her back. To his surprise, she accepted without hesitation. Once she agreed, he spotted a bright smile on her pretty face, which completely charmed him. 'She's divinely beautiful. But what affects me is her smile which is mesmerizing and dangerous,' he thought while watching her.

As Archer observed her, she slid over closer to him until their thighs touched, sending a jolt through his body. He tried to ignore her soft and supple thighs as he turned his attention to her slender back, which was like a beautiful white canvas, drawing him into it with its beauty.

He admired her flawless, smooth white skin. Each soft curve seemed perfect against her blemish-free back. His skillful hands reached for some scented oils stored next to the bath, rubbing them into his hands before applying them to Lucrezia's soft back.

She happily sighed as the smell mixed with the rising steam from the hot water, and his fingers traced gentle circles across her smooth skin. Adorable noises escaped her with each stroke, her unseen tension melting away.

Ten minutes later, Archer leaned back after finishing cleaning Lucrezia's back. She was in a relaxed daze, chuckling at her reaction. Another contented sigh escaped her as the warm water and massage took her by surprise, putting her at ease.

He watched a genuine smile spread across her face as she sank into the water, visibly relaxed. Chuckling at her response, he began to wash himself, only to be interrupted by Lucrezia's playful statement, ''Your turn, dragon.''

Before Archer could respond, Lucrezia gently pressed a finger against his lips, silencing him. With a beaming smile, she reached for the oils, pouring a generous amount into her hands and massaging them together until they formed a frothy lather.

Slowly trailing her soft hands across his back, her touch sending shivers throughout his body as she spread the oil. But then her hands moved lower, reaching his lower back before she continued to massage his body.

Ten minutes passed, and the Death Witch moved to the front, causing him to open his eyes and find himself face-to-face with her slender body and ample chest, which jiggled around with every movement.

A naughty smile appeared on her face before she leaned in closer, her lips grazing against his ear. ''Enjoying the view, my White Dragon?'' she whispered, her seductive voice sending shivers shooting through his body.

Archer couldn't help but chuckle. "You're hopeless," he replied with a tone of amusement and desire.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Lucrezia continued to massage his back, her soothing and electrifying touch. Soon, Archer was all clean, and the two of them were lying back in the bath as the warm water washed over their bodies.

With his eyes closed in relaxation, Archer sensed movement before feeling Lucrezia's weight settle on him. Opening his eyes, he found her staring into his gaze. Archer greeted her with a grin. "Settled in comfortably?"

She gave him a provocative smile in response as her eyes locked onto his, and at that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them lost in their world while inside the bath.

Lucrezia closed the distance between them, her lips hovering just inches from his. His breath caught in his throat as he felt the soft brush of her lips against his own. Archer felt his heart speed up and answered by wrapping his arms around her slender but shapely waist.

Archer pulled her closer as her hands rested on his chest while he returned to kiss with a passionate one of his own. Their kiss deepened, a silent exchange of longing and desire that spoke volumes without a single word.

Time seemed to stand still as they melted into each other, lost in the intoxicating sensation of each other's touch. But eventually, as all things must, their kiss came to an end. Lucrezia broke away, her chest rising and falling with each breath as she looked into Archer's eyes.

There was a softness in her gaze, a vulnerability that spoke volumes. "I... I enjoyed that," Lucrezia confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her cheeks flushed with a delicate shade of pink as she awaited his response, uncertain yet hopeful. Archer smiled when he saw this and pulled her in closer while hugging the Death Witch, whose cheeks were bright red.

As he hugged the woman, he commented, ''When wereyou going to tell me you're a Deep One?''

When Lucrezia heard this, she went stiff before Archer reassured her. ''I don't care why you hid it,'' he said sweetly. ''You must have had your reasons.''

The blonde woman weakly nodded against his chest before speaking in a quiet voice, and it was only thanks to his hearing, ''We were told not to tell the surface race of our existence, so I donned the Death Witch name and embraced it because I can wield dark magic which helped me hid who I was.''

Archer nodded in understanding, ''Then Mary and the Primordials appeared.''

''Yes,'' she said before breaking away from him and staring into his eyes. ''A war is about to begin in the Underrealm as all the factions are active now.''

''Will it affect the surface world?'' Archer questioned.

Lucrezia shook her head, ''No, it normally shouldn't,'' she answered. ''But they seem to have an interest in you, Arch.''

He chuckled, ''Nothing new to me,'' Archer responded, wanting to see the true Lucrezia. ''Can I see your real form, please?''

She watched him closely before nodding. Her slender fingers reached out to cradle his face, and she said, ''I will show you the memory of one of my brothers hunting with me.''

In an instant, the world shifted. It looked like he was seeing a scene from the past. Archer found himself floating in an underground sea that seemed to glow. Strange beasts swam by, and underwater foliage lit up its surroundings.

Eerie shadows danced across the seafloor. Archer's heart raced as he felt a surge of energy coursing through him, a real connection to the power of the Deep Ones. While looking around, he spotted movement in the distance; Lucrezia began to change.

He noticed her smooth skin shimmered with mana and rippled like the water's surface, morphing into scales. Her body contorted, stretching into something that eclipsed everything around them.

Archer's breath caught in his throat as he witnessed her transformation. Lucrezia was now before him as a colossal creature, her true form revealed in all its brilliance. He spotted her skin, a mix of black and red, swirling together in a mesmerizing pattern that seemed to pulse with an inner fire.

Glowing red eyes, like smoldering embers, fixed upon him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine as he recognized what kind of monster she was. 'She's a Mosasaur!' He internally exclaimed.

But it was her sheer size that truly took his breath away. Lucrezia was the size of a mountain carved from the depths of the earth. Even though he was in a memory, Archer could feel the power radiating off her.

He could scarcely believe his eyes as he realized the magnitude of what stood before him. And then, with a graceful sweep of her tail, Lucrezia propelled herself into the depths of the underground sea as she spotted something below them.

Archer watched as she glided effortlessly through the water, her movements fluid and graceful despite her immense size. But his daze was soon interrupted by a sudden commotion nearby.

His head snapped towards the source of the noise, where he saw a massive whale thrashing through the water, its panicked cries resonating as it tried to escape from its impending death.

Just after that, he spotted Lucrezia diving deeper for a few seconds until she stopped. She ascended even faster, and with a thunderous crash, she targeted the whale so quickly that the beast didn't know what had happened when she caught it.

With a roar that shook the very water, she opened her building-

sized jaws and snapped them shut with a shattering crunch as she sank her razor-sharp teeth into the beast's flesh, tearing into it with a ferocity that left Archer spellbound.

At that moment, Archer realized the true extent of her power. She was not just a mortal woman but a force of nature, bound to the depths of the Thrylos. As the vision faded and reality reasserted itself, Archer blinked in the bath chamber's dim light.

The memories of the underwater sea and the monster whale still lingered in his mind, but now Lucrezia was still nestled in his lap while looking at him. Archer noticed the concern and nervousness in her red eyes and felt terrible when seeing it.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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