A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 747 Sorting Through

Chapter 747 Sorting Through

Archer observed her nervous anticipation, curious about his response to revealing her power and true form. Yet, within him, surged only excitement at the sight of her strength—a thrilling rush that left him breathless and illuminated his expressions.

Feeling this, he couldn't help but smile before reassuring the Mosasaur girl, ''I find your real form beautiful, Luce,'' he sweetly said. ''And I would be lying if I said seeing your power turned me on.''

Her brow furrowed in confusion when hearing his answer. Archer watched the myriad of emotions that flashed across her face before she asked, "You're not going to reject me? You're not repulsed by what you saw?"

Archer shook his head while lifting her chin. "No, why would I? I find powerful women attractive, and you're certainly powerful," he comforted her by pulling her closer. "In fact, I'm amazed by you. The power you possess, the strength and beauty... it's awe-inspiring."

A hesitant smile tugged at the corners of Lucrezia's lips, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of relief and disbelief. "I... I never expected you to react like this," she admitted, her voice tinged with emotion.

He reached out, gently taking her hand with an honest smile. "Lucrezia, you've shown me a side of you that I never knew existed," he said earnestly. "And I'm grateful for it."

Archer could see the tension melting away from Lucrezia as he spoke, replaced by a softness that warmed his heart. She moved closer and hugged him before kissing him with a relieved smile.

''Thank you Arch,'' she said. ''But I'm not ready for anything serious. Maybe some kisses if that is okay with you?''

''Of course,'' he nodded in agreement. ''We can take it as slow as you want, Luce. There's no need to rush into anything, as we both are part of the longer-living races.''

Her smile widened even more as she quickly kissed him again before rushing out of the bath, wrapping a towel around herself, and exiting the bath chambers. Archer chuckled at her reaction and found it adorable as she acted like a teenager instead of the hundreds of years old she must be.

As he settled back in the bath, something inside buzzed, only for him to realize the Stone Men were done for. Swiftly, Archer dried off and teleported outdoors, clad only in his pants, greeted by the chill air.

Out in the open, he opened a Gate to the underground chamber he left behind, and the Stone Men emerged, bearing heaps of hearts before dumping them at his feet. When Archer saw this, he started sorting through them; he incinerated the rotten ones while consuming the remainder in his Shadow Prince form.

While doing that, he felt all the experience pouring into him as Teuila, Talila, and Nala joined him while some other girls visited their families and did their own business. He was baffled as they didn't say goodbye, but the lioness quickly explained.

He nodded when Nala explained that they wanted to say goodbye, but he was busy with Lucrezia in the bath chambers, causing him to apologize, which they waved off. Archer flashed them a charming smile before asking, 'What do you girls want to do before the festival?'

When they heard him, three different smiles appeared on their pretty faces, ranging from happy to excited to lustful, and Nala declared with barely restrained eagerness, ''We will fight! Us girls versus you, Archie!''

Archer chuckled at seeing her pretty blue eyes glow excitedly as Talila and Teuila nodded radiantly. He could tell they all wanted to fight him. "I'll use my limiter, fists, and tail while you're free to use your weapons," he stated.

They all agreed, but Teuila worriedly said, ''What if you get hurt? Our swords are well made.''

He waved them away. ''It's fine, babe,'' he said accidentally, which caught Teuila's attention as the other two went to prepare.

The blue-haired girl closed in on him. ''Babe?'' she questioned. ''I've never heard of such a word. What is it?''

Archer laughed at himself. ''It's a word someone calls their lover in my old world, and it just slipped out.''

Teuila smiled while nodding. ''I like it,'' she declared. ''Call me that from now on.''

After speaking, she leaned forward and pecked him on the lips, ''I love you, Archer Wyldheart.''

''I love you too, my Aquarian Princess,'' he replied.

Teuila beamed before turning on her heels and rushing toward Talila and Nala while looking back with a bright smile. When she was gone, Archer closed his eyes and changed the domain's weather to hot with a pleasant breeze.

After changing the weather, he shed his shirt and walked over to the nearby training field where the girls used to practice often as they honed their skills. When arriving, he started stretching as the three walked toward him, which caught his attention.

Teuila's blue eyes were filled with love and devotion while shimmering with Infatuation due to his state of dress. Meanwhile, Talila's blood-red eyes showed excitement, love, and joy, reflecting her eagerness for the coming challenge.

Archer looked at Nala, whose sapphire-blue eyes sparkled with excitement, love, and a hint of mischief as she bit her bottom lip while eyeing his body. Their reactions made him smile while he stood at the center, his muscles coiled like springs, ready for the impending clash.

Teuila and Nala, armed with gleaming, powerful-looking swords, took their stances opposite him while Talila, her mana bow drawn, positioned herself at the back to rain down arrows. Archer smiled at each girl before asking, ''Are you three ready?''

''Yes, Archie!'' Nala replied in an eager tone.

They nodded while readying themselves. The air crackled with suspense as the battle started. Teuila and Nala charged forward unison, their blades slicing through the air. Archer quickly reacted and moved, evading their strikes with ease.

His movements were a blur, a dance of strength as he countered their assaults with powerful strikes from his fists that sent them stumbling backward. Nala was sent flying backward when a sudden swipe hit her.

As that happened, Teuila lunged forward, skillfully attacking with lunges, stabs, and slashes that Archer's scales easily blocked. A dozen arrows slammed into him while fighting with the two girls, causing him to grunt due to the sudden impact.

The attack caught him off guard and distracted him, allowing Teuila to jump over one of his tail swipes and land a solid kick to his chest, sending him crashing backward. Archer quickly recovered and jumped back up just as even more mana arrows streaked toward him like shooting stars,

Each one was like a homing missile, but Archer wasn't slow. He dodged the attacks with lightning-fast reflexes as he weaved between the incoming spells, his senses heightened to the battle around him.

All his dodging led him to the mixed elf Talila, whose eyes widened as he got close enough to unleash a barrage of attacks, his fists and tail striking out like lightning bolts. Talila managed to block some of the attacks with her bow, but he was too fast.

She was sent flying into a group of bushes with a yelp, which made him laugh. Soon, Teuila and Nala rushed in and started attacking him, as the lioness sent a spell called Cleave toward him.

It was like a blade of translucent mana streaking toward him, but he jumped backward without wasting more time. Just as he did that, a fist slammed into his jaw when he did, sending him flying down the training field again.

Archer crashed along the ground before stopping on the opposite side of the girls, which baffled him. He looked up to see Teuila's fist wrapped in dark blue water, and he remembered her magic, 'Ah, Aquarians used deep sea pressure in their spells.'

With that thought in mind, he stood back off as the Regeneration repaired the damaged parts of his body. While that happened, he brushed the dirt off his pants and chest. Archer looked at the three girls who were preparing for another attack.

Talila climbed out of the bush and gave Archer a dirty look. Archer quickly spoke to the brown-skinned elf before he started laughing. ''Sorry for that attack, Tali,'' he said. But your arrows were annoying me.''

The silver-haired elf brushed it off with a smile as she realized they were fighting, ''That's okay, darling,'' she replied. ''Let's continue, shall we.''

This time, Archer rushed toward Nala and dodged several mana arrows by side-stepping them before reaching the lioness. He sent her hurtling through the air with a powerful sweep of his tail when she tried to block his swipe.

As Archer engaged Nala in combat, Teuila swiftly advanced, aiming to strike at the back of his legs. However, his tail intercepted her blade, creating a shower of sparks. Reacting faster than Teuila, Archer landed a solid punch on her chest.

The impact resounded with a loud clap as Teuila was propelled into a cluster of trees, leaving only Nala and Talila remaining. Sensing that Teuila was unharmed, Archer refocused on the battle, sprinting towards Nala, who braced herself for his assault.

Archer moved with incredible speed, resembling a blur as he dashed towards the lion girl. Despite her barrage of powerful mana slashes, his Anti-Magic effortlessly negated them. As he closed the distance, he blocked a swing using his left arm before using his tail to sweep her legs out from under her.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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