A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 745 Fluffy Ears

Chapter 745 Fluffy Ears

Archer watched Elara think for a minute and found her expression adorable as she bit her lower lip while fiddling with her light-red hair. ''Bring in the other two legions and let the Marshals lead them, Your Majesty,'' she finally started speaking with a knowing smile. ''This would give them battle experience and teach them how to command the soldiers.''

''Good, I like it. We will go with your idea, and you will be in overall command of all forces on this cold island,'' he said before informing her of the current plan. ''I will go outside to open a portal to Draconia so the other legions can join you here so they can start their training.''

Elara nodded, ''Yes, Your Majesty,'' she said. ''Don't you want to meet the commanders?''

Archer nodded, wanting to return to the domain, ''Next time. Sera needs rest, and the festival starts tomorrow. I need to relax for a while.''

''Okay, Your Majesty,'' she replied with a lovely smile and small bow.

After speaking, he left the inn while carrying the sleeping Sera, followed by Elara, and walked toward the town's new entrance. During their stay in the Ironfoot Kingdom, they passed through the Hammergate, which was now a temporary home to the First Draconian Legion.

While walking, Archer spotted hundreds of soldiers bustling about or guarding one of the roads. Soon, they arrived at the main gate, where he saw dozens of Drakeguards and Dragon Legionnaires guarding the wall alongside the cannons now set up on top of it.

The soldiers were patrolling the top of it while looking out over the dark, foreboding landscape that started to unsettle the lower-ranked people. He noticed the warriors had serious and determined facial expressions, which was good as they were prepared.

Archer saw Drakewing Outriders getting ready to scout the surrounding areas. He knew they had found half a dozen mines full of precious metals and gems. The soldiers stored the metals in the commander's ring before depositing them in the temporary vault Elara set up and guarded by the White Dragon Knights.

Once outside, he cast Gate and opened a portal to the Bastion so the other two legions could join after he called for them. When he completed that task, he turned to the beautiful Dragon Marshal and bid farewell with a charming smile.

''I will be back in a few days,'' he said. ''And if you can try to take the bridge and some of the main city so we can get a foothold there. But only if the opportunity presents itself as we can't waste the lives of our soldiers.''

Elara nodded, ''Yes, Your Majesty, but what if anything happens during your absence? Should I call for you?''

''I trust you to take care of it yourself, Elara,'' Archer instantly replied. ''Mohamet said you were skilled at the ways of war, so I'm sure you can handle it.''

The older woman smiled as he returned to the domain as the sun started to set. When he entered the treehouse, he saw four girls sitting in the living room. Teuila, Nala, Talila, Kassandra, and Ella were chatting while drinking tea.

As they saw him, each girl's face lit up with smiles, but these soon faded into expressions of concern as they hurried toward him. Teuila spoke first, her voice laced with worry, "What happened to the Gremlin?"

Archer couldn't help but chuckle at the nickname, but he explained their discoveries and current activities, earning himself some disapproving glances.

Nala scolded him as her tail stood straight and her blue eyes gleamed angrily, "You can't just venture into an underground city without informing us! Ella might have known you were out exploring but not delving into a city teeming with creatures."

''Well, I'll bring some of you next time, so I'm not alone,'' he quickly spoke. ''But now I just want to relax before the Frostwinter Festival begins and I get rewarded.''

The lioness calmed down but was still annoyed, which made her look adorable as she huffed at him. Her dirty blonde hair bounced around like a lion's mane. Archer started pampering the lion girl by stroking her fluffy ears.

Nala started to tremble while letting out a growl, which caused Archer to continue his stroking until the lioness started smiling. He leaned down and kissed her soft lips, which caused her tail to go stiff.

After they seperated, the rest of the girls all greeted him with a kiss after putting Sera to bed. When he returned to the living room, Leira and Hemera joined the group. Archer sat down and relaxed as the moon shone through the windows.

The scene caused Leira to speak with a bright smile. ''The festival is ready to start,'' she said before continuing. ''Mother said everything has been organized, and the city has been set up for the week-long celebration.''

"Remind me, what exactly does it celebrate?" Archer inquired, realizing it had slipped from his mind for some time.

Hemera was the one to answer, and her yellow eyes gleamed excitedly. ''The end of Frostwinter and the beginning of Elderbloom, darling. The whole continent celebrates it, including the Solari and Lunaris Empires.''

Archer nodded, ''What will we do there?''

''Mother and Father want us to eat at the palace; there's the reward ceremony where Father names new nobles and such,'' Leira answered his question.

''There is the Winter Lanturn Tradition that happens every year. It's pointless but beautiful,'' Nala commented.

Leira and Hemera nodded before Ella added, ''The Snowfall Ball is held in the palace where nobles all over the empire gather to mingle and build relationships.''

''Are we going?'' Archer inquired, earning several nods from the girls.

"Oh god," he said, causing them to laugh, but Leira declared while jumping up and reaching into her storage ring, ''We have a suit for you that Mother commissioned from the imperial store.''

Leira's smile widened as she pulled out a garment bag, revealing a stunning white suit made from a rare-looking fabric that shimmered in the room's dim mana light, resembling the sparkle of freshly fallen snow.

Archer's eyes widened in surprise as he beheld the suit. "Wow, Leira, it's stunning," he exclaimed, touching the soft material.

"It's made from Stardust Silk, Mother specially commissioned to match your hair," Leira explained, her pride evident in her voice. "We thought it would be perfect for the Frostwinter Festival and The Snowfall Ball."

Archer ran his fingers over the smooth fabric, marveling at its beauty. "Thank you, Leira. It's amazing," he said, genuinely touched by her thoughtfulness.

Leira beamed with delight, pleased by his reaction. "I knew you'd love it," she replied, a hint of satisfaction in her tone.

After chatting for a while, the group grew weary. Archer rose from his seat and went to his bedroom with the seven girls trailing behind. While walking, he scanned the treehouse to check on the other girls and found them fast asleep.

Once in his room, Archer started to undress and slid into bed, soon joined by the girls. He reached out for Teuila and Hemera, pulling them close as they settled beside him. Talila and Kassandra occupied the spots next to them, while Ella nestled comfortably on one of Archer's thighs and Halime on the opposite.

Leira, feeling exhausted, curled up next to them, seeking her own space amidst the cozy arrangement. As the warmth of the bed enveloped them, Archer found himself drifting into a peaceful sleep, surrounded by the girls.

Teuila's soft purring and Hemera's gentle breaths provided a soothing backdrop to his thoughts. Outside, the last storm of Frostwinter raged on. Its howling winds and rain pounded against the window.

The rattling noise didn't bother Archer, and the girl's comforting embrace distracted him from the noise. They wrapped their limbs around him, and some lay across his body. But soon, he fell asleep to the rain hitting the nearby window.

As the first light of dawn gently filtered through the windows, Archer stirred from his sleep, the warmth of the bed slowly fading as he became aware of the new day. With a soft sigh, he carefully disentangled himself from the limbs and hair of the girls.

With a tender smile, Archer glanced back at the sleeping forms, grateful for their warmth and comfort throughout the night. He silently made his way out of the bed, careful not to wake them, and tiptoed across the room towards the bath chambers.

Once he entered the bath chambers, he let out a contented sigh, feeling the soothing warmth of the water enveloping him as he eased himself into the large tub. Leaning back against the smooth surface, he closed his eyes and relaxed.

As he submerged himself in the water, the door creaked open, and the soft rustle of fabric signaled Lucrezia's arrival. Archer glanced up to see the Death Witch clad in a sexy blue bra and thong that left little to the imagination.

Archer had to admit that he loved her cheeky smile and slender pear-shaped figure with generous hips, shapely smooth thighs, and generous breasts perfectly nestled by the bra, which attracted his gaze.

Lucrezi's platinum blonde locks were haphazardly tied into a loose bun, with tendrils escaping to frame her face in a captivating halo. Archer's smile grew mischievous as he took in the older woman's form.

"Join me, Luce," he invited, his gaze lingering appreciatively over her form. "You look stunning. Your body is out of this world. Did the gods craft you?"

The blonde witch giggled before stepping into the water and slowly slipped under the water, allowing her boobs to jiggle, causing Archer's gaze to drop again, which earned a sweet laugh, ''You are a lust-filled dragon,'' she commented. ''You've recently had sex and still want more.''

Archer chuckled, ''I can't help it, Luce,'' he answered with a smile. ''It's in my nature. Dragons are greedy beings and horde everything, including women, but most forget about some of the women, which scares me.''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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