Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 184: Behind the funeral

Chapter 184: Behind the funeral

After Antares went missing, his absence had a significant impact on the Special Operations unit, but the vast Rakil Empire on the Enzo continent remained completely unaffected. The safety of a single so-called failed demon, whose achievements had been hidden, could hardly have any influence.

Right after expelling the Republic from their territory, the entire Empire was engulfed in a victorious atmosphere. Officials breathed a sigh of relief as the war expenses wouldn’t burden them further. The nobles maneuvered in the power vacuum left in the northern territories of the Empire, which had turned into a war-torn wasteland. The common people, while rejoicing that the fighting had ended, hoped for a reduction in the heavy wartime taxes.

However, this mood was shattered by an event that happened in the blink of an eye—the assassination of the emperor, who was the symbol and absolute ruler of the Empire.

Officially, it was announced as a death by illness, but no one believed it. The fact that the emperor had been assassinated spread like wildfire throughout the Empire, causing a significant shock.

The death of the emperor itself wasn’t entirely unexpected, given his advanced age, and everyone had anticipated it happening in the near future. However, the timing couldn’t have been worse. The reason being that the emperor had yet to clearly designate his successor.

The courtiers had been offering their advice at every opportunity, but it seemed the emperor had his reservations. He avoided giving a clear answer, no matter what they suggested. However, the courtiers could empathize with the emperor’s dilemma. This was because there were three princes who were candidates to become the next emperor, and each had their own strengths and weaknesses.

The three candidates were the first prince, Gnaeus, the fourth prince, Vasilius, and the twelfth prince, Remus. Among them, the most prominent candidate was the eldest, Gnaeus.

The Empire’s tradition dictated that the successor must be of legitimate bloodline and a male, often chosen from the elder sons. Hence, according to tradition, Gnaeus was the leading contender.

However, the preference for the elder son was a general principle and not an absolute requirement. Many emperors in the past had not been the first prince, and when the first prince was overlooked, it was typically due to some issue on their part.

In fact, it was quite rare for the first prince, who had no issues, to be denied the throne. Such instances usually occurred when there was an exceptionally talented alternative heir, or the throne was usurped by force.

Leaving that aside, in the case of Prince Gnaeus, the issue lay squarely with him. He was particularly problematic. From a young age, he showed no interest in affairs of state, preferring indulgence in luxury and the company of beautiful women.

He was already well into his forties, yet there was no sign of him settling down. He had no popularity whatsoever among the officials and soldiers who were meant to support the emperor.

However, strangely enough, he wasn’t entirely unpopular among the common people. The reason being that, when he did indulge in extravagance, he would spend lavishly, and that warmed their pockets… the funds for his extravagances were, after all, the taxes they paid.

Moreover, he had garnered a fair amount of support from the nobles. His mother’s family held considerable power among the nobility, and his incompetence made him a convenient puppet for them to elevate as a relative. If he were to become emperor, the imperial family’s influence would undoubtedly wane, and the tyranny of a select few nobles would likely get on with.

On the other hand, the lowest-ranked candidate was the fourth son, Vasilius. He had the remarkable ability to handle political affairs competently, was gentle in his interactions with the common people, and thus enjoyed great popularity. Although he wasn’t known for his martial skills and wasn’t favored by the soldiers, he had immense support from both officials and the common folk.

He was a prince whose name could be mentioned as the most likely candidate, but in his case, his mother was the problem. His mother was the daughter of a noble who owned a territory on the frontier of the empire. This noble family had originally ruled a separate kingdom that had been annexed by the empire, which had once been a royal family itself.

In essence, their situation was much like that of Tigar and Zald’s ancestors. The difference between their descendants and the Atonement soldiers was that this noble family had surrendered to the empire while they were still in a position of strength. In exchange for their submission, they secured their rights as lords and the safety of their subjects.

However, there were few nobles like them who had preserved their territories when they surrendered to the empire. At the time, the imperial army was formidable, and most were crushed before they could submit.

Therefore, the former royal families who were relieved of their territories were all those who surrendered without a fight. Because of this history, among the nobility, former royal families were derided as synonymous with weakness. No other family had fought the Empire on equal or greater terms, and they were lumped together and treated like other lords.

As a result, Vasilius’s mother, who entered the imperial harem because of her beauty, was scorned, and he, as one of her offspring, was also looked down upon by other imperial family members. Nowadays, his abilities and popularity spared him from such contempt, but his origin of birth lowered his rank as a potential heir.

On the flip side, the fact that Vasilius was considered a strong contender despite the handicap of his lineage vividly attested to his high capabilities. And while some nobles had high expectations because of his high ability, others regarded him as dangerous because of it. All in all, his popularity among the nobility was somewhat ambiguous.

However, it was widely known that Vasilius himself wasn’t enthusiastic about ascending to the throne. His lack of desire for the imperial throne set him apart decisively from the other two imperial princes, regardless of bloodline or abilities.

Then there was the twelfth imperial prince, Remus, who was deemed as influential as Gnaeus. He was the sole prince, boasting martial power significant enough to lead in battles against the Republic’s army.

His mother’s lineage was of similar standing to Gnaeus’s, and he faced no issues in terms of his bloodline. While not as proficient as Vasilius in administrative matters, he was also capable of political affairs, and when it came to military affairs, he outshone all the other imperial princes.

However, there was a significant character flaw. Remus was an arrogant bloodline purist who looked down upon those who were not of noble blood with arrogance and disdain. He believed, without any real basis, that he was above the people and that the common folk, whom he considered inferior, should labor for his benefit. Such were his convictions.

Once, his nose had been physically broken in front of the emperor by Antares, but that didn’t shatter Remus’s spirit. Instead, he channeled his anger over his defeat into honing his martial arts, mastering tactics, and achieving military success. Eventually, he secured the position of first commander of the newly established “Imperial Sword Knights”.

It would have been great if his character had improved along with his abilities, but unfortunately, the opposite had occurred. One might even say it had worsened. The experience of defeat at the hands of a demon like Antares had gradually transformed his disdain for those of lower social status into a deep-seated hatred and fear.

Particularly, the demon regiment that achieved victories in various regions was his primary target of hatred, and during the war, he didn’t hesitate to express that demons were unnecessary. It was said that if Remus were to become the emperor, he would issue a decree to purge all demons immediately.

His significant support base came from those connected to the military. Surprisingly, he treated soldiers kindly, regardless of their social status. Although the “Imperial Sword Knights” he led were composed of individuals of a status higher than knights, he was popular among the soldiers as he often encouraged soldiers with superior abilities to advance through the ranks. However, the demon regiment was an exception.

Apart from the three princes, there were hardly any noteworthy contenders among the other imperial princes and no ambitious individuals with the qualities to vie for the throne. Those in the know were convinced that one of these three would ascend to the throne.

“Quite the grand ceremony, isn’t it? The late emperor was deeply beloved by the people.”

“Perhaps, but he was also feared. Always silent, his thoughts hidden, and ready to act ruthlessly when necessary. He was a disconcerting and eerie figure that made everyone uneasy.”

On the night following the grand funeral of the emperor, two individuals held a secret conversation away from prying eyes. The room was empty except for the two of them, and they had taken thorough precautions against eavesdropping. It was clear that they were discussing matters that must never be overheard.

From the very beginning, their conversation was highly disrespectful toward the late emperor, who had been assassinated. If their words were reported, no matter what their status was, they would likely face execution.

“Even if it’s against your own father, you don’t hold back, huh? Well, I guess it’s not my place to say that after getting my hands dirty.”

“Yeah, you saved me there. Everything went according to plan.”

“No need for thanks. Your plan has worked out quite well for me too. That’s why I’m cooperating with you, Prince Vasilius.”

“That’s right. We are allies with mutual interests. Let’s each do what we need to do, Mr. Larman Haddin.”

The two individuals engaged in this secret conversation were the fourth Imperial Prince Vasilius and the researcher Larman Haddin, who had defected from the Republic to the Empire. Although the two of them seemed to have no common ground, they each had their own different objectives, and they had decided to collaborate on achieving them.

Their means of collaboration involved causing civil war within the Empire and chaos within the country. The first step was to assassinate the emperor.

“Officially, it’s a death from illness, but in reality, it’s an assassination. Those who know must suspect that either Prince Gnaeus or Prince Remus is responsible.”

“And the two princes will assume that the other side did it. No one would think it was you who’s considered the most sensible and least ambitious among the candidates… Have you been planning this opportunity for a long time?”

“That’s right. To achieve this, I’ve been tirelessly networking, amassing talent, finding like-minded allies, and concealing my true intentions within the imperial capital.”

“You’re quite the fearsome character. I’m truly glad you’re on my side.”

Why was Vasilius trying to sow chaos in the Empire? There was one simple reason for that: an intense hatred for the Empire itself.

Vasilius, born as an imperial prince, endured a childhood marked not by the warmth of siblings or the respect of the nobility but by contempt. Only his mother and her relatives showed him any kindness. While their motives may have been driven by self-interest, his mother bestowed unconditional love upon him. It was her love that enabled him to endure a life of scorn.

However, the Empire and its nobles were far from kind to the son cherished by his loving mother. The emperor, who should have been a husband and protector of his wife, remained indifferent, never extending a hint of protection beyond treating her as no more than just another consort. No one acknowledged the one person who was truly dear to Vasilius—his mother.

And it was when Vasilius witnessed his mother, who behaved bravely in his presence, shedding tears of longing to return to her family home when she was alone, that he made a firm resolution. He would grant his mother’s wish. For that purpose, he was determined to overthrow the oppressive empire. These two objectives were his sole purpose.

“Prince Remus, known for his kindness to the soldiers, made a brief appearance during the victory parade and then returned to oversee the aftermath of the Eastern Front. It was at that moment that the emperor was assassinated, and Prince Gnaeus took the lead in managing the funeral. This would lead everyone to believe that Gnaeus is the next emperor…”

“Remus may be impulsive, but he’s not foolish enough to launch an all-out attack on the imperial capital in a fit of rage.”

For those behind Gnaeus, it might seem perplexing why Remus carried out the assassination. However, it presented an excellent opportunity to make it clear, both inside and outside the Empire, that Gnaeus was the next emperor. They hurriedly made arrangements, with Gnaeus taking the lead in a grand funeral.

Nevertheless, Remus would undoubtedly find this situation unacceptable. Moreover, the circumstances were suspiciously convenient for them; hence, he would certainly believe that Gnaeus’s faction was behind the assassination.

However, without evidence, launching an attack on the imperial capital would be seen as mere rebellion. Additionally, a significant portion of the Imperial Army was still present in the capital, having arrived for the victory parade. No matter how strong the “Imperial Sword Knights” were, they would be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers.

“However, on the flip side, it means that if there’s a justifiable reason to attack, they will eagerly launch an offensive.”

“The preparations are already complete. By the time Prince Remus returns, I will ensure that Karelvo’s reckless experiment takes place.”

“Heheh, we’re quite alike in wearing a facade to gain trust, aren’t we?”

“Yes, you’re absolutely right.”

Larman’s goal was to take the knowledge he had acquired in the empire back to his homeland. To achieve this, he needed to escape from the empire and acquire a Republic-made ship capable of crossing the open sea, something that seemed nearly impossible given his current situation.

That’s when Vasilius approached him. Leveraging his position as a prince, Vasilius had located where captured Republic soldiers were being held, along with the storage site for captured warships and weapons.

Larman alone couldn’t make a successful return, but with usable warships and the help of his compatriots, the odds of escape were significantly higher. Seeing a greater chance of success, Larman made the decision to cooperate with Vasilius.

“Well then, let’s break up now. I’ll be taking my mother and leaving the imperial capital as soon as possible. We probably won’t see each other again.”

“Yes, it’s not the kind of parting that brings joy… But I’ll keep you in my thoughts and wish for your future success.”

“Yeah, that’s right. I’ll also be hoping you make a successful escape.”

After a firm handshake, the two of them stepped out of the room simultaneously and walked in different directions. Their conspiracy to literally bring down the Empire was reaching its final stages.

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