Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 183: In the room where Antares left

Chapter 183: In the room where Antares left

“Mmm, it seems he’s gone.”

Aiwass groaned in disappointment as he gazed at the spot where Antares had been. The reason for his frustration was that the teleportation technique for Antares hadn’t activated as he had anticipated.

He had designated a desolate plain on the outskirts of the imperial capital as the teleportation destination. However, a sudden surge of significant spiritual power near the intended location caused a disruption in the coordinates. Aiwass tried to make a quick adjustment, but modifying the technique that was already intricate and delicate posed a considerable challenge. There wasn’t enough time to make a complete correction.

As a result, while he had managed to teleport Antares in the vicinity of the coordinates, Aiwass himself had lost track of the actual location. If he hadn’t made adjustments, the impact could have been significant enough to transport him to a place outside of the Enzo continent, so this could be considered a commendable achievement.

Nevertheless, Aiwass was a perfectionist. He didn’t view the teleportation’s negative effects as his fault, but he saw it as a reflection of his own inadequacy in not crafting a resilient technique that could withstand external factors.

“Is Antares all right?”

“…In that regard, there’s no need to worry. He’s the first and current strongest demon. He will survive any situation.”

Eins was concerned about Antares, but Aiwass had no worries on that front whatsoever. When they had first met, he hadn’t bothered to conceal the vast amount of spiritual power within him. This wasn’t to show off his own power or intimidate him, but rather to test Antares.

If he were actually insensitive and incompetent, he might not have noticed the presence of Aiwass’ spiritual power. Those with the capability to understand the difference in power would usually be overwhelmed and cower. Over the course of many years, Aiwass has seen numerous individuals react in such a manner when facing him.

However, there were those who, despite understanding the gap in power, didn’t cower and instead held onto their resolve. Such people didn’t die that easily; they were quick thinkers who could turn the situation around on the spot, this was a lesson Aiwass had learned from his past experiences.

“Well, if master says so, ain’t no need to worry. Oh, right, the last thing Antares said didn’t make much sense; what’s that all about?”

“Something that didn’t make sense? Ah, he said something about the islander you treated. What’s the matter with that?”

“Yeah, sure thing. We did help out an island boy who got hurt, but ya see, that one, he’s got a little sister, but he got no big brother.”


Eins brought up this strange topic but suddenly fell silent. Aiwass, who had been examining the effects of pushing the spiritual circuit to the limit while listening, turned around when he sensed something amiss. And there, Eins stood in a state of complete immobility.

Aiwass then turned to look outside the room’s window. To his eyes, the sky appeared to be as blue as usual. However, there was something amiss—a peculiar feeling nagging at him. The true nature of this discomfort…

“The clouds, the plants, and even the wind, everything has come to a standstill. Even the leaves dancing in the air under the wind’s touch have frozen in mid-air. Time has been halted… No, was this a pocket of time created specifically for me?”

“Correct~. As expected of little Aiwass, you saw through it at a glance. ‘The God of Wisdom’ title isn’t just for show, huh?”

Aiwass was only muttering to himself, but to his surprise, there was someone applauding and praising him from behind with a series of claps. As Aiwass turned slowly, the place where Antares had been just moments ago was now occupied by a young man.

With hair as dark as the night and a sickly pale skin, the young man had an androgynous, enigmatic appearance that Aiwass had never seen before. But Aiwass knew his true identity and immediately knelt down in a respectful manner.

“It’s been a while since I last saw you, oh great ‘Ancient God of trickery’.”

This young man was the “Ancient God of trickery” one of the six ancient gods, to be precise. He was the same god who previously went to protest against the “God of Justice” alongside the “God of War” and the “Goddess of Victory”. Unlike most other ancient gods who did next to nothing, he was a peculiar one who actively interfered in earthly matters.

Although he hadn’t deliberately disclosed it to Antares, Aiwass was indeed a god, just as the “Ancient God of Trickery” had mentioned. Moreover, he ranked as one of the highest-tier gods, often referred to as a quasi-ancient god, standing second only to the six ancient gods. The reason why he looked so young, even though he had a great-great-granddaughter named Hectia, was because he had become an ageless being by reaching godhood.

His ascent to godhood had occurred in the earliest days, and by the time the two divine birds’ battle had erupted in the southern reaches of the Enzo continent, he had already become a god. At that time, he had been observing the punishment inflicted by the “God of War”. Antares thought he was talking “as if he had seen it all” but in reality, Aiwass had witnessed the events with his own eyes.

“Don’t be so stiff, little Aiwass. We’re not strangers.”

“Respect is essential… Nevertheless, I will do my best.”

Even though he was urged not to be overly formal, Aiwass maintained his humble demeanor. His exceptional intellect and extensive knowledge meant he fully understood the immense significance of the “Ancient God of Trickery” before him. Being aware of this, he could not afford to exhibit any impudent behavior.

The “Ancient God of Trickery” was well-acquainted with Aiwass’s personality, so there was no need for further words. Instead, he simply sported a cheerful, almost mischievous smile.

“Nevertheless, your abilities remain as versatile as ever. I envy that.”

“Hehehe, the only one who would say that is little Aiwass.”

The “Ancient God of Trickery” scratched his head in a somewhat embarrassed manner. Still, he seemed far from displeased with the compliment. However, Aiwass’s envy was no mere flattery; it reflected his true feelings.

The powers of the “Ancient God of Trickery” were extraordinary. He possessed the ability to interfere with and alter all phenomena and substances. Even now, he manipulated time, creating a timeline known only to himself and Aiwass, and he casually traveled to different worlds by manipulating space. Though it came with certain constraints, it was fair to describe his abilities as all-encompassing.

However, the “Ancient God of Trickery” wasn’t the only one with exceptional abilities. The ancient gods possessed equal and remarkable powers. While the specifics of what they could do varied due to differences in their abilities, they all held tremendous power. The gods that had existed since the birth of the world were not just for show.

“May I ask what those clothes are?” Aiwass asked.

“Oh, this? Well, I watched a Western film after a long time, and I found it quite fascinating! I thought I’d give the look a try, even if just for fun.”

“Western film… Ah, if I recall correctly, that’s a form of entertainment from another world, isn’t it?”

“Exactly! That’s it. And here, it’s a little souvenir for you.”

“Oh, thank you very much!”

What the young man handed Aiwass were several thin booklets. Aiwass promptly opened the first page. It contained complicated graphs and difficult-to-understand information written in characters that did not correspond to any language used in this world.

“Aiwass, you’re the only one who’d ask for academic books and the latest research papers as souvenirs from another world. I’ve always wondered, though, does it really make sense to read papers from a different world that differs in laws of physics?”

“It does. There are several points that can be useful, such as experimental methods and results.”

“I see. As long as it’s helpful, it’s all good.”

“By the way, what brings you here today? I assume it’s not just to deliver these papers, right?” Aiwass asked.

Aiwass contained his excitement upon receiving the otherworldly papers and inquired about their true purpose. The “Ancient God of Trickery” would sometimes appear abruptly, but there was always a reason behind it. Aiwas knew that, despite his whimsical and hedonistic side, the god was well aware of his influence.

“Well, well, little Aiwass, you’ve caught on quickly, haven’t you? The reason I came today is to express my gratitude to you.”

“I don’t think I’ve done anything to warrant your gratitude… Oh, by any chance, are you talking about Mr. Antares?”

“That’s right!”

Aiwass couldn’t recall a single thing that would make the “Ancient God of Trickery” grateful to him. Even without his keen intellect, it was inconceivable that he would forget something related to a great ancient god.

However, at this moment, he pieced it together. Aiwass realized that the demon he named Antares was liked by the “Ancient God of Trickery” just like him when he was just a mere human.

“I see; it all makes sense now. His arrival here was due to your intervention, wasn’t it?”

“Why do you say that?”

“After being swallowed by the sea emperor whale, he didn’t give up and managed to survive inside its stomach. That was certainly his effort. However… the whale’s corpse didn’t sink to the ocean floor, nor was it consumed by larger marine creatures. Instead, it drifted through the currents and happened to wash up on this island. The probability of that is just too low. It seems more natural to think that your influence played a role, rather than chalking it up to his good luck.”

Aiwass had previously believed that the arrival of the sea emperor whale’s carcass, which swallowed Antared, was merely a coincidence. However, now that he knew that Antares was favored by the “Ancient God of Trickery” he was certain it was not a matter of chance.

The “Ancient God of Trickery” had the ability to interfere in all sorts of phenomena. It seemed more plausible to accept that the nearly unscathed carcass had washed up on this island as a result of manipulation rather than a miraculous accident.

“Oh my, I’ve been found out. I can’t keep secrets from little Aiwass.”

“So, Mr. Antares is your current favorite. Ah, then that islander boy’s brother who shouldn’t exist, as Eins mentioned…”

“Hehehe! Sometimes, I’m a friendly soldier who brings gifts, and at other times, I’m a mysterious islander who offers sound advice! That mysterious figure is none other than me!”

After transforming multiple times with graceful rotations, the “Ancient God of Trickery” reverted to his original form and struck a mysterious pose. It turned out that he had been in contact with Antares many times under false identities.

That soldier who had offered Antares to drink alcohol or brought him gifts, as well as the islander who listened to his troubles and helped him organize his thoughts, were all the “Ancient God of Trickery”. It was no wonder that Altissia and Alexander couldn’t trace any traces, no matter how thoroughly they investigated. The opponent was simply out of their league.

“Well, it’s safe to say that any effect on the destination was probably your doing.”

“Perhaps so. Once I get involved, there’s no escaping a turbulent life.”

“…Well, it should make for an interesting experience.”

“Oh, there’s a saying that goes, ‘experience is the best teacher’ you know!”

As evident from Aiwass’s heartfelt murmurs, he, too, was favored by the “Ancient God of Trickery” before ascending to godhood. Perhaps that was why he had led a tumultuous life and gained a wealth of experience, ultimately elevating himself to the status of a god.

Aiwass briefly reminisced about the hardships of those times, but he soon shook off those thoughts. Being as experienced as he was, there were countless things he’d rather not remember.

“Besides, you know, Antares is actually in a somewhat similar situation to you, Aiwass.”

“Oh? Is he also a reincarnated soul from another world?”

“Exactly. The circumstances of his soul coming here and the original world are quite different, though.”

“I see. Given the number of people we have here, it’s not all that surprising… but it does give me one more reason to keep an eye on him.”

Just like Antares, there were not just one or two, but several reincarnated souls who had moved from another world. They were born with a hidden mission, an instinctual priority that they couldn’t share with anyone else.

Aiwass was one of these reincarnated individuals. He had fulfilled his mission before ascending to godhood. Incidentally, his mission was to “invent more than twenty new technologies”. It goes without saying that this mission had a significant influence on his decision to become a researcher.

“Reincarnated souls rarely get to meet, you know. Even if you’re not from the same place, you can’t help but be curious about each other, right?”

“Yes, indeed. Though I may not have your level of power, I’m more than willing to assist him from the shadows.”

“Fuffuffu! It looks like we’ve got ourselves a new friend!”

And so, unbeknownst to Antares, the “Ancient God of Trickery” and the “God of Wisdom” one who was an ancient god and one called a quasi-ancient god, made a silent pact to watch over him. Little did they know that by being observed by these two deities, Antares’ life would become even more tumultuous.


TN: There was so much info in this chapter but I’m still shocked that the guy went to earth to watch a western film; well he got some research paper too.

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