Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 166: A New Ship

Chapter 166: A New Ship

The Clowns return to Water 7 after Little Hunter's funeral is finished. Buggy is just sitting silently on the front railing and no one disturbs him. He needs time to be alone now and everyone knows that.

They arrived on Water 7's Scrap Island soon and get out of the ship. The Clowns think that Buggy will still need time to be alone, but he has finished mourning and is ready for the future. There's no use to keep being sad because he can't change what has happened, so he needs to move on.

"Are you sure you're alright now?" asks Cricket.

"Yeah, don't worry. The new ship is read, right?" asks Buggy.

"It is," says Palu.

"Alright, let's see our new ship," says Buggy.

They all go to Tom's Workers place where the ship was being built. When they arrive there, they see the ship is being covered by a very wide cloth. Even before getting revealed, the ship has been seen to be far bigger and longer than Little Hunter.

"Are you ready? This is your ship that has been finished after a month," says Tom as he and his apprentices pull the cloth that covered the new ship.

The ship is finally being revealed and The Clowns are mesmerized by it. They've been forbidden from helping the shipbuilding since a week ago, so they don't know what it looks like. Only Palu & Ruff who have seen it before because they are the main shipbuilding team.

Their new ship has a total length of 82 meters, a width of 20 meters, and a height of 75 meters. The size alone has made this ship looks very strong already. It wasn't planned to be this big actually, but their Adam Wood was big & long, so they made the ship following the Wood's size.

But size isn't the main thing to look for from this ship because there are a lot of bigger ships out there. The thing that attracts everyone's attention to this new ship is its color. It has a pitch-black color all over its body, even the sails are black. But there is still some wood color accent on some parts to not make it monotone.

Buggy is really happy when he sees this ship. It looks just like how he wants it to be. The Tom's Workers and Palu have really nailed it. This is the ship that he always waited for.

"The Black Pearl," says Buggy while grinning excitedly.

That's right, this ship is based on the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Carribean. It's not completely the same, of course, because Buggy also doesn't know the details of the real Black Pearl. He just designed it based on that ship but still added what he wanted.

The clearest difference from the outside is the gold-colored valkyrie figure on the ship's front. But the insides are very different from the real Black Pearl. Well, not like Buggy knows the real Black Pearl's insides, but they must be very different.

"Black Pearl, is that the name for this ship?" asks Tom.

"Yeah, Black Pearl. It will be the fastest and most dangerous pirate ship on the 7 seas," says Buggy surely.

The Black Pearl in Pirate of the Caribbean is said to be the fastest pirate ship. It's even faster than the Dutchman that is faster against the wind.

"I will say that you have a very big mouth if I don't know what this ship has. But with everything that she has, I'm sure what you said will be a reality," says Tom.

Buggy grins hearing that because he's also sure that it will be reality. This ship has some mechanisms that can make it faster. Ruff has worked hard to build those mechanisms. But there are more mechanisms that he has made that can be used in other situations.

"How much do I owe you, Tom-san?" asks Buggy.

"Normally, I will charge some money. But I will make it free for you," says Tom.

"What? Why would you make it free?" asks Buggy curiously.

"Your friend there has helped me a lot in my Sea Train project. He is very brilliant and has helped me solve many problems. So let's say that we helped each other now," says Tom.

"Are you sure about that? You will need money for this project, right?" asks Buggy.

"Money isn't a problem for this project. All funds are from Government, after all, HAHAHA!" says Tom while laughing.

Buggy sighs hearing that and just nods in understanding.

"Alright then, but at least let us pay you with some food. Let's have a party to celebrate our new ship, the Black Pearl," says Buggy to everyone.

"YEAH!" replies everyone happily.

They immediately hold a big party in Tom's Workers place. Their party lasted for the whole night because the Clowns also want to wash away the sadness of losing Little Hunter.

But Tom's Workers can't last even past midnight even though they can build a ship almost 24 hours a day. Party is just not their stuff, it's pirates stuff, after all.

The Clowns rest for 3 more days before leaving on the 4th day. They need to fill their supplies and organize their items in the new ship. They also need to familiarize themselves with the ship first before sailing.

Now they all have private rooms too because they will be the executives of Clown Pirates. Even Magnus has a private room, although it's just to store his items. He is just too big to sleep inside any room, so he'll sleep on the deck.

Also, Cricket & Mantis are the only ones who share a room as they are a couple. They can have a different room, but they choose to share. No one has a problem with that as long as they keep their voice low while they're at it.

The ship also has some necessary rooms like a Lab for Ruff, an infirmary for Manba, a workshop for Palu, and other important rooms. They also finally have a training room filled with heavyweights and seastone bracelets of varying percentages.

"What will we do after this, Captain?" asks Cricket.

"This ship is too big for the 11 of us, so let's pick up our remaining 22 crewmates in Wono Town of Sobo Island," says Buggy.

Deon is excited when he hears that. He can finally meet again with his friends since their Rainbow Pirates disbandment and they joined the Clowns. They've been left on that island to train, and it's almost 3 months since they last met.

"I can't wait to see their progress," says Deon excitedly.

The Clowns then get ready to leave and Tom's Workers are there to send them off. They prepare their ship and finish shortly after that. Then they all bid farewell to Tom's Workers.

"Tom-san, if the Government tries to do something, just call me. I will immediately come to help you," says Buggy as he gives Tom his denden mushi's number.

"Hahaha, I don't think that will happen, but I will still keep your number," says Tom.

"Sigh, you're too optimistic. Anyway, we will take our leave now, see you in the future," says Buggy as he offers a hand to Tom.

Tom shakes it and says, "Yeah, good luck in your journey."

The Clowns then start to sail, but then they stop their ship while still close to the island and furl all their sail. It confuses Tom's Workers before they suddenly get surprised when they see the ship move very fast because of the Jet Dials that are installed on the ship.

"Tch, show-off," says Franky.

The others laugh and wave their hands to the Clowns who disappear on the horizon soon. They return to their workshop and are surprised to find a black case there. They open it and find 100 million Belly from the Clowns.

"Sigh, I told them I don't need payment. Well, I can't refuse it now, right? Thanks, Buggy," says Tom as he closes the case again.

Now the Clowns finally start a new chapter in their journey with their new ship.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 190 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 201 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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