Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 165: Farewell

Chapter 165: Farewell

3 days after he left, Buggy returns to Water 7 in the morning. Everyone sees the ship comes with Buggy controlling it. They see the ship has some holes and blood on its body. Buggy is also seen covered in some dried-up blood patches and he is holding a rope that is tied to the mainmast.

"What did he do in these 3 days?" asks Magnus curiously.

"Maybe searching for women's panties," says Brook.

"That's what you did in this 1 month," says Deon to Brook.

Buggy docks the ship and releases the rope in his hand. Then suddenly the mainmast falls because it has been broken. That's why Buggy needs to tie it with a rope and hold it along the way.

"Where have you been, Captain?" asks Cricket after Buggy finally gets down from Little Hunter.

"Hunting, just like the old-time," says Buggy as he looks at Little Hunter sadly.

"Hunting?" asks Magnus.

"Captain was a Bounty Hunter before forming the crew. He worked alone at first and only has Little Hunter at that time. Little Hunter has been with him longer than any of us here. So this must be his way to say farewell. By doing something that only they can do," says Mantis.

The new guys and Tom's Workers now look at Buggy a little differently, especially Tom's Workers. It's very rare for a pirate to love their ship this much.

"He wants to enjoy the time with his ship to the fullest, huh? The ship must have liked it too because her owner still wants to be with her even though she has reached her limit," says Tom.


Right after Tom said that, Little Hunter's body suddenly break and split into 2. The front hull falls forward just like how Going Merry break. It breaks right on the arc of its keel because it's where most damages accumulated.

Tom widens his eyes a little and says, "Sorry, it's not just reaching its limit, it surpasses the limit. Such a great ship that you have here, Buggy."

"Yeah, and she can't go beyond this now. We really need to part ways with her. Take everything out of the ship. Then we'll go into the sea," says Buggy.

Everyone nods and takes everything out of Little Hunter. They all are surprised to see many new treasures and money on the ship. Their treasures and money have been taken out before Buggy left, so everything here is new.

"Just how many ships that you robbed to get all of these?" asks Cricket.

"I don't know, I didn't count it. Every time I saw a pirate or Marine ship, I would chase and attack it. Then I took their valuables before leaving," says Buggy.

"Sigh, no wonder the ship is full of new damages and blood patches too. You also have blood on you even though you don't seem hurt," says Palu.

"It's enemies' blood," says Buggy.

"As I thought. At least clean yourself before we go. You don't want to look bad for this, aren't you?" asks Palu.

"Sigh, alright," says Buggy before he cleans himself from the blood and lets his crew finish everything.

They finish taking out the items in 20 minutes. Then they tie Litte Hunter to the Galleon ship that still docked there. They are selling the ship, but there's still no offer, so it's still there to this day.

The Tom's Workers and Magnus then get on the Galleon while the others get on Little Hunter. They tie a rope to the front deck and then pull it so the ship can float on the sea for some time. The ship only needs to sail for a moment, so this is enough.

They go rather far from the island and then the Clowns get on some boats. Buggy gets on a boat and holds a torch near Little Hunter. It's just like how Straw Hats sent Merry. That's a great way to part with their ship, so Buggy wants Little Hunter to be sent similarly.

"The time has come, old pal. We can't prolong it anymore and there's no use to do that. It will just make you suffer more than this. Sorry for all of our mistakes that made you get damaged. Thanks for everything that you've done for all of us. We won't go this far without you taking us going through every challenge. Now we need to separate forever, but you'll always be in our hearts. Rest in peace, my Little Hunter," says Buggy with a sad tone.

Buggy then burns Little Hunter using the torch's fire and it spread fast. The ship is set ablaze and its whole body is covered in a fire soon. Jude, Mantis, Manba, & Ruff has tears flowing down their eyes seeing their ship get burnt. Even Brook who hasn't been in the crew for long also has tears in his eyes.

Then suddenly, they all hear a soothing angelic voice, "Thank you, everyone. It's been a fun journey with all of you."

"W-Who's voice is that?" asks Enel while looking around curiously.

"It's Little Hunter, it's her spirit. A Klabautermann," says Palu with a very shocked voice.

Palu's short answer makes everyone widens their eyes in surprise too. As sailors, they all know about Klabautermann's legend. But they never think that it's real.

"A Klabautermann, it really exists," says Iceburg with a shocked tone too.

"No wonder the ship can hold on for this long even with its condition. Even though they have Palu as a shipwright, there's a limit to it. This spirit must be the one that keeps the ship working to this day," says Tom.

Little Hunter then says something again, "Captain, I was a ship that you stole. But being with you is a lot more fun than with my previous owner. We've gone through a lot since then and every day is fun with you. Thank you for doing what we've done in the past again before, it's very fun."

"Yeah, it's also fun for me," says Buggy while smiling.

Little Hunter's body has reduced to half now and she says, "Everyone, it's also been fun to be with you going all around the world. I'm sorry I can't be with you again. Please take care of Captain for me and take care of yourself."

Jude's face is full of tears as she says, "Don't worry, Little Hunter. We will take care of Captain, so you can rest in peace. Huaa~"

"Yeah, we will take care of each other, so just sleep well," says Mantis.

Everyone then bids their farewell to Little Hunter in their own ways. Enel is shy to do it, but he still says it in the end even with a very low voice.

"Thank you for everything, goodbye," says Little Hunter as she disappears into the sea.

Those who cry now cry harder and those who don't are getting sadder. They won't be able to see their Little Hunter anymore now. Little Hunter has been the crew's ship since the beginning, for more than a year. So they all are attached to it one way or another.

Buggy who looked very strong and doesn't shed any tears before finally breaking down too. The tears that he held before finally come out of his eyes. He wanted to part with his ship while smiling, so now when it's over his smile is gone and his tears finally come out.

"Goodbye, old friend," says Buggy while looking into the sea.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 189 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 200 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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