The Villain's Story

Chapter 318 [318] Against A Horde.

Days passed by, and the World was busy with its own things. The Association was busy with the Aror incident. Twilight was busy with its own matters, like the rest of the guilds.

Kazikato was training with Ariel, along with Edward. Maxwell and Alice were busy with the guild's affairs whilst Emma was improving her healing abilities.

However…On Terra Damnum, The Demonic Continent it was chaos. Not because it was literally made of chaos, but there was chaos.

Whilst the World was busy with its own affairs, A certain someone who was a myth was training his disciples.


The land was filled with corpses, and soaked with rotten blood. Thousands of demonic beasts lay dead, their blood filling the land.

Who was it? Who could have created this sea of corpses?

Thousands of demonic beasts, each extremely strong. All laid to waste. Some were cut up into thousands of pieces, some were fried, whilst some were encased in large glaciers of ice.

Some were impaled on spikes of metal as well.


Suddenly, the ground rumbled.

A 6-meter-tall giant, with lightning running through his veins, Looked at the horizon, soon eclipsed by the thousands of more beasts, drawn in by the scent of blood.


Lucas grunted, whilst in his Thunder Giant form. He could barely form lightning now.

Alexander, In his half-werewolf form, coughed up blood as he took a stance. He was also having trouble standing.

"...You shouldn't have come here." He commented.

"The sage dragged me here!"

Lucas growled.

"Ha…Can you guys shut up?"

Alan, in his half-frost draconian form, said. His scales were in a mess and flesh was showing. Even he was injured. Even he was struggling to stand.

"You shut up!"

"You shut up!"


It was no use talking to those two.


The rumbling of the ground garnered their attention once again towards the horde approaching.


Lucas fell to the ground, his knees unable to support him. Alexander and Alan looked at him in worry.


He was gasping for breath, the lightning around him was disappearing and he was slowly losing consciousness.

"You alright?" asked Alan, also gasping for breath.

"Yeah…I just need a minute."

Alexander and Alan both knew he couldn't go on for long. It couldn't be helped, they were in the same condition as well.

"Hey…how long has it been now?"

Alexander asked, out of curiosity. Just how much time had passed? Until they started fighting?

"4 days."

Lucas answered…Standing up once again with Alan's help.


The horde was getting closer.

"Shit…I don't have any mana and aura left."


"Are you guys flexing the fact you have an aura on me?"

Alan's words raised the morale a little bit. Alex and Lucas laughed a little.



Proclaimed Alex and Lucas proudly. Alan only grunted.

"Fuck you guys."

Alexander and Lucas laughed more.


The horde was now near.I think you should take a look at

The abhorrent abominations at the front roared, and the group roared back at them.

After all, they were beasts as well.

Alan ran ahead with the Ame-no-sakahoko. Lucas followed with his gauntlets, while Alexander, who was usually the fastest lagged behind.

But they were all determined to kill these beasts. They all yelled together, harmoniously.



[Alan POV]

How long has it been? My vision is fading…

I'm just swinging my spear…I don't even know if I'm hitting something now…the blood is just too much.


From the corner of my eyes, I could see Lucas falling down. A monster with a horn had rammed into him, and that horn was embedded deep into his abdomen. The lightning which usually crackled around him to protect him was gone…and he was reduced in size.

I activated mana sense to see better.

Shit. Even Alexander is barely holding on, he's just swinging randomly now, Even resorting to biting.

I rushed towards Lucas, throwing the beast that had rammed into him out of the way, I grabbed him and yelled.


Wake up. Wake Up. This is serious. We are surrounded and all of us are tired.

Wake up goddammit…I can't go on for long… How long have we been fighting without rest? 4? 5 days? I don't know…I'm just tired.

I fired off a breath and kept the other monsters at bay with the Ame-No-Sakahoko before I even collapsed. Lucas was still hanging on my shoulder.

I could see multiple monsters rushing towards me with Mana sense.

"Damn it…"

Get up…Get up you fucking idiot.

I was talking to myself, not Lucas.

I am the strongest here…I need to protect them.

I slashed with the Ame-No-Sakahoko, Hundreds of monsters fell. I was surprised at the sudden strength I just showed with the spear…But I don't have time to rest.

Another one is coming at me. Another beast with a devilish horn. I turned around to face it but my knees buckled once again… I can't…I can't fight anymore.

I could only see that horn get closer…

And Closer.

Before Alexander appeared out of nowhere and cut the monster apart.

"What are you two doing?! GET UP! I CAN'T TAKE THEM ALL ON MYSELF!"

What are you saying? There's a ringing in my ears…

I can't hear you, Alex.

But…I can still see what's happening around me, I pulled Alex and made him dodge the attack of another monster. Without a second of delay, I bit into the beast's neck. Its throat and flesh stained my mouth…

I could feel the corrosion caused by its blood…that was the only thing I could feel.

What's going on now..?

Alex, are you still fighting? I don't know…

I…I am falling…Aren't I?

Alexander is too…I don't sense his mana anymore…

What is happening around me? I can't hear anything because of this damn ringing in my ears…My mouth is on fire…My muscles are just too tired…Am I even holding onto the Ame-No-Sakahoko right now?

I don't know…

Ah…I can feel the dead ground…So I have fallen.

'So this is how I di-'

"That should be enough for now."

Who's voice is that? Master…It's you.

I could feel the beasts had died in an instant with Manasense… He slayed thousands of beasts in seconds…


Before falling Unconscious…I heard something which caught my interest.

"Treat them quickly Oliver, we have visitors."


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