The Villain's Story

Chapter 317 [317] Training, Has Begun For All.

Two individuals were present in a room inside Twilight. The room was pretty basic, the only remarkable thing about it was that there was a platform where one of the individuals was chained down.

Yes, he was Chained down. Like a criminal. His feral attitude was what garnered this treatment.

Of course, this was Edward Foxglove and the other one beside him was his sister.

Emma knelt down and said.

"You know…this is just excessive."

She said, referring to her brother's attitude.

It had come to the point where even she thought this was needed.

Ever since Edward had awoken from his slumber(that was caused by Kazikato) He had begun fighting everyone. He had acted like a wild beast. He tried to take Emma away and run.

She remembered the moment vividly when he attacked Richard, one of the strongest humans and also the Guildmaster of Twilight…and got his ass beaten in seconds.

It was hilarious. Richard just slapped him once and Edward was done for. The problem was that He had done it again…and again…and Again.

At that point, the officials were annoyed by him and he got a beating. And when that didn't work this was the solution.

"Why are you fighting them? Like…we are official guild members now."

Emma said as she healed her brother. However, she made sure he wouldn't have enough strength to break free from the chains.

"Why are…helping them?"

Edward's weak voice hurt her. She was still his sister. She cared for her brother like no other, she was his only family.

"For a better life…We would have died in Aror if not for these guys. Besides…I did this for us."

"Did you learn nothing?"


Emma quietened down at Edward's scolding.

"They are humans…they will hunt us down and use us for their own purposes…Did you learn nothing?"


"They will just kill us! Or Use us as Slaves!"


"I'm fine, but what about you? You are a girl!"


"They wi-"


A tooth fell on the Floor…Edward looked at Emma with shock. There was a visible imprint on his face.

Tears escaped Emma's eyes. Edward looked at those tears with sorrow.

"Hey…I didn't me-"

"Shut up."

Emma interrupted him.

"They have been taking care of us for the past few days…Yet you are still acting like a brat. This is the third-ranked guild! We can finally have a good life but you are ruining it! Even the demihumans here complement it! But you…you…"

Edward looked at Emma's tears with a weird gaze.

But could he be blamed? He was a brother who had protected his sister since they were little.

He had seen things she had not. He had seen the cruelty of Humans. He had seen their horrific deeds. He tried his best so that Emma would not bear witness to them. He sacrificed so much for her.

It made sense why his guard was so up. Why did he detested humans? Who wouldn't?

"Until when are you gonna continue this?"


Edward states quietly. Not knowing how to respond. This was the first time Emma was so adamant about something.

"Tell me! Mister Alan's reputation is being ruined because of you!"


"Predator is facing complaints from elders because of your fetal attitude!"


He didn't know how to answer. No…he knew how to…he just didn't want to answer her.

Suddenly, Edward sensed something.


The chain rattled in response to his sudden movement. Emma became startled.

"Emma! Behind you!"

She looked behind her, afraid…I think you should take a look at


She realized it was just Kazikato. So she calmed down. Edward on the other hand was going rabid.

His skin was tearing apart as he tried to attack Kazikato.

"Emma, can you leave? I need to have a talk with him please."

Emma, although surprised by his sudden appearance, listened and left.

"I'll kill you!"

Edward, on the other, got only more violent after she left.

"Can you though?"

Kazikato asked. Could he really Kill kazikato? He could not.

Even if there were hundreds of him. He could not kill Kazikato.

"Still, it's a surprise you sensed me."


Edward's skin was peeling off, His hands were now free but his neck was still restrained.

But a kick from kazikato to the face knocked him unconscious.

"Oh…didn't mean to do that."

[Primordial Dragon of Death Ariel suggests he be disciplined.]

"I know. But no matter how much we beat him he doesn't listen."

Suddenly…Kazikato felt a chill run down his spine.

[Primordial Dragon of Death Ariel suggests you come to the Realm of Death for some special training.]

"Let me try to discipline myself first…I should be able to do it…"

He pleaded. He knew where Ariel was taking this too. She didn't want to Welcome Edward and discipline him…the one she was talking about was him!

"Grandma…let me do it."

[Primordial Dragon of Death Ariel tells you she will do it with a smile.]


I'm fucked.

Thought Kazikato. But even in this hopeless circumstance he still tried to bargain…he still tried to escape.

But it was just fate.

[Primordial Dragon of Death Ariel suggests you stop resisting.]

"NO! PLE-"

But before he could finish his words…He fell into a black portal. Both he and Edward.


Kazikato's scared screams were the only things heard.

Now…his hell also began.



Edward woke up in a desolate world filled with nothing but skeletons, glaciers, and shadow beings.

He saw the black, dead sky and wondered.

"They killed me…I knew it."

The poor soul, he thought he had been killed by the humans. He thought he was in the underworld.

But then…as he heard sounds of explosions and other things…he got up and looked around.

He saw a black dragon with six eyes and eight wings…A dragon as large as a continent.

He also saw another dragon, an eastern dragon of bones getting absolutely thrashed by it.

The Large dragon threw the other smaller dragon and its large body landed beside Edward.

[Oh? Are you awake? Great.]

Edward pissed himself.

Meanwhile, Kazikato wondered.

'...what's boss Alan doing?'

He didn't know what he was doing…but he did know that at least someone else will suffer here together with him now.

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