The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 272: Mystery Gems House

Chapter 272: Mystery Gems House

I can't help but look in horror at my companion. 

He's been faking all this time?! 

Looking like a normal kid and all. 

Wait, this ain't normal. 

Is he a reincarnator or something?

Naw, that would be ludicrous. 

I guess the education these guys receive is simply different. 

From a young age, they must be taught to observe their surroundings. 

This is crazy. 

What kind of training is that?!

Then again, he seems happy with his life so whatever. 

His brother is still talking with many men. 

[What are they even discussing?] 

"A pre-selling discussion." 


"They'll figure out the details later, but right now they are buying the rights to bid for this shipment."

[This sounds needlessly complicated.]

"Kinda is, to be honest."

I can see some people start moving cargo. 

[Where are they bringing that?] 

"To the Mystery Gems House. The rest is going to a warehouse waiting to be sold." 

[That sounds like the name of a game or a tv show]

"What's a tee-vee ?"

[Don't worry about it, what is that place exactly?] 

"Simply said they sell rocks." 

[Let me guess people buy rocks in hopes of there being a gem of value inside?] 


[Wait, so you guys carry these things all the way here with no guaranty of there being anything in it?!] 

"Ah no, remember our god? While we can't exactly determine the value of things, we are able to quickly determine what contains something or not."

[Oh? You guys just don't know if it's valuable is that it?] 


[Still can't you guys simply test every piece at the mine and only keep the most valuable ones?] 

"We can, but then it makes it really easy for bandits."

[You mean]

"Yep, even if someone attacks our convoy, they won't have any way to quickly determine the pieces that are worth it."

[By the time they finish cutting it you guys are ready to attack?]


It all sounds so weird, but I guess there is logic. 

"Do you want to go and see it?"

[See what?] 

"Rock gambling."

[What about your brother?]

"He'll be busy for a while anyway. They always try to bargain for a while."

[Go figure.] 

I gesture him to lead the way. 

Before long we arrive in front of a magnificent pavilion. 

The entrance is a stylish arc. 

Apparently wide open for anyone to enter. 

Beside stands a guy that looks like he has seen better days. 

His unfocused gaze checking every newcomer out. 

He doesn't look very strong. 

[What's up with that guy?] 

"He's a disciple of Talion. He's here to make sure no one cheats."


"Try and use any kind of magic."

[I can't.]


[No, I mean I was never able to.]

"Oh, I see. Anyway, he curses his surroundings creating a no magic area."

[That's overpowered!] 

"Not really to be honest. These guys are the weakest there are. Every curse they inflict on others also affects them."

[Still can't one use that ability to get rid of powerful enemies?] 

"Not really. Here is the thing, this ability is extremely easy to dispel. As in anyone that is the same level of power as them can and will."


"They will feel a barrier preventing them from using magic. If they voluntarily destroy it, they'll be fine."

[Damn, if it's that weak why are they counting on that to] 

"The rebound from that kills the Talion disciple."

[OMG! He is guarding the rules of this place with his own life?!] 

"Indeed. I mean, it's hard finding a good job for these guys."

[Can't they become assassins or something?] 

"Nope. Their curses leave issues for them when they use them to fight. The longer a disciple of Talion is on the battlefield the more useless he becomes."

[Who in their right mind would worship such a divinity?!] 

"A few people that need a job. They start working for places like these. Easy jobs albeit dangerous."

[How many times has one of these guys died on duty?] 

"Every other week."

[How are there still people that work here?!] 

"Oh, they recruit beggars amongst other things. 

Damn, that is next level. 

[They all voluntarily work here or are they forced?] 

"It's all voluntary. Actually, they all have a deal going on. If any of them manages to live a year they can retire."

[Just a year?!] 

"Well, it has rarely happened. Most are counting on their luck and wishing for the best."

Is it me or this city just turned really dark? 

Diplomacy, is it? 

I guess it lets everyone do whatever they want. 

Thus creating messes like this one. 

Then again, some people probably just don't care. 

Well, as troubling as this is it isn't my business either. 

I am just here to look at rocks. 

This sounds really boring when said like that. 

We are now in a courtyard. 

One extremely spacious. 

There are many attendants all over the place. 

Many customers too. 

Of all kinds. 

I see kids, I see adults, I see old people. 

I get the feeling some of the youngsters are here unsupervised and just wanting to play around.

Won't that be dangerous? 

[Right, what would be the consequence of using magic here? I mean for the user.] 

"Either a really heavy fine or straight-up death." 

Still kinda sad.

People can get away with murder easily if they are rich. 

Well, I'm pretty sure the problem isn't the murder itself but the disturbance to the business. 

It still feels surreal. 

Talking about murder as likely. 

Different moral rules for sure than where I am from. 

Oh well, I'd be a hypocrite if I tried to push my values onto them. 

All I can do is make sure no one messes with me. 

That should be sufficient. 

Actually, there is one thing I am wondering. 

This place prevents people from using magic right? 

But what about divine power? 

Would it bypass the restrictions? 

Time to do this. 

Ever so carefully. 

I start driving divine energy. 

Meanwhile, I keep looking at the guy at the entrance. 

Any sign of malaise from the gatekeeper and I'll stop. 

Now to slowly bring that power into my eyes. 

I want to be able to see what lies beneath. 

I want to.


Oh no! 

That Talion guy just fell! 

What did I do?! 

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