The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 271: Just Observing

Chapter 271: Just Observing

We are waiting in front of a side gate. 

I didn't even know they had those. 

Apparently, it's only for established organizations here. 

Anyone else needs to pass through the main gate. 

Somehow, we have to wait a while before anything happens. 

I'm blaming the overenthusiastic messenger.

The whole family is here too. 

I stay a distance away from the crowd with the kid staying with me. 

They slightly nod at me from a distance. 

The grandfather seems to want to come over to chat, but his grandson stops him. 

I can hear a rumble and a clanking sound. 

Before long appear a few carriages. 

On it is the family's emblem, I finally understand that it's supposed to be a gem. 

The kind of logo that you need previous knowledge of to determine its identity. 

Yes, drawn badly. 

Like seriously I already saw that one artistic guy...why didn't they hire him?! 

The carriages come to a halt and many people exit them. 

Then they all stand in line on both sides.

This is way too pompous to my tastes. 

I can understand why one brother ran to another city and one is outside playing.

I would too in their place. 

Comes a relatively young man. 

Back straight, proud posture, radiating confidence. 

Good thing I don't act like him. 

With my handsomeness, I would charm everyone on sight. 

He is almost as good-looking as me actually. 

Far in the back, there is a crowd. 

A few young ladies andthere are even old men?! 

Tell me they are here to accompany their granddaughters?!

Maybe propose a marriage. 

OtherwiseI don't want to think about it.

They are all looking at him excitedly. 


"Welcome my son! How has everything been?!" 

Then they proceed to talk about how well the business is going. 

Loudly at that. 

This feels so fake. 

You know like these virgins that loudly tell everyone about their numerous conquests. 

If you can't relate, good for you.

These pricks are annoying as fuck. 

Rule of thumb anyone that goes around tooting one's own horn is a dumbass. 

[*Whisper* So are things really going well?] 

"Yes, *Sigh* they do enjoy making a show of it, however." 

Go figure.

They could also take long walks with a sign saying I am very successful. 

It would have the same effect. 

Or not

There are many in the crowd that are getting excited hearing all this. 

[So why are all these dumbasses trusting them so easily?] 

Someone that overhears me gives me a disdainful look. 

Another looks at me like I killed one of their ancestors. 

"Haha, see the bell he is holding in his left hand?"

Ah, now I see it. 

Even had I noticed I would have believed it to be a fashion choice.

"This is a truth bell. It rings every time a lie is told in its near vicinity." 

[What happened to enchanting being a lost art?] 

"Well, the profession of an enchanter is kinda dead. The art itself you can find some remnants of it a bit everywhere."

[And your gems help with that kind of stuff?] 


I see so at this point it's more of a quality-of-life thingy. 

Then again it does have core utilities too. 

That's actually better than I thought. 

Niche usages, but some that are vital. 

How the hell am I learning so much talking to a kid? 

When I was his age, I was .

Actually, I'm not sure but I get the feeling it would be dark history. 


Once he's done, people start cheering. 

Then many beauties, middle-aged men and old men crowd around him. 

He starts talking to the latter to my surprise.

[So, who are these guys?] 

"People of importance in the city. 

Well, most are representative actually. 

Still, any business deal can be made through them."

[Won't they ask your father or grandfather for that?] 

"No, they only take care of the internal things. Eldest brother is the one in charge of dealing with the mines themselves."

[That sounds like a lot of work.] 

"It is. This is why I'll have to help him manage it soon." 

[Then why are you always wandering around playing?] 

"What are you talking about? I'm always doing something?!" 

[Please you are always hanging around the bakery nowadays!] 


[What?! Don't tell me I'm one of your targets?!] 


[Are you sure you are supposed to admit it that fast?!] 

"Does it matter? Would you prefer I lie?" 

[I don't know. It feels weird.] 

"Haha, I don't have any bad intention in any case."

[Guess it's fine too.]

"To be honest the main reason I'm often there is that it's hilarious to see my sister getting ordered around."


"As if you weren't having fun yourself haha."

Okay, I can't deny that one. 

It did feel good to have her try to get revenge only for her to fall in my hands. 

[So, why exactly are we here? Are you going over to say hi?] 

"Not really. If anything I'm just here to observe."

[How so?] 

He lowers his voice. 

"Well, see these people in the back?" 

I'm not exactly sure who he's pointing. 


"These two in the back are evading each other."

[So they are enemies?] 

"Nope, allies." 

[Trying to hide it?] 

"Very much so."

[I see.] 

"See these two there?"

[Yes? The ones apart?] 


[They are enemies too?] 

"Nope, lovers." 

How the hell does he know that?! 


"She has been ignoring him for a while."

[That doesn't mean that] 

"Except that right after seeing his face she has been looking at the hand of other ladies with a hint of jealousy."

[How can see you that?!] 

Ah, also a ring to show commitment is a thing here too. 

Gotta remember that. 

"Habits. You get used to it."

[Wait a minute so you are never really playing?!] 

"Well, it is a type of game you see. *Wink*" 


"Why am I doing it?" 

[No, why are you telling me?!] 

"You know anyone would tell me they are not from this world I wouldn't believe them. Not one bit." 

That is normal, I guess. 

"Well, you are different. I figured showing you a glimpse may help you in the future."

[Again, why?] 

"Well, you've shared some of your secrets with me. I am simply doing the same. That is what friendship is all about isn't it?" 

That is what friendship is all about eh? 

This sounds nice.

Holy shit I just realized something! 

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