The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 257: Spending a Chapter Looking for a Door

Chapter 257: Spending a Chapter Looking for a Door

Well, what now? 

Everyone is gone. 

The old man is taking a break. 

Wolfie is cute. 

It sure is breezy in here. 

That's about it. 

Guess I can fix the door. 

Now, how does one even go about this? 

I need wood or something. 

Now I probably shouldn't start chopping in the city. 

I mean that would make for an interesting crime. 

The silent woodcutter. 

He will sneak in your garden at night and.

Steal your trees! 

The nightmare of all tree huggers! 

Well seriously being an activist can be praiseworthy.

Depends on the means used to do it. 

Good thing there were none back then with the woodcutters. 

Deforestation is no joke

Add people hugging trees and it would have turned gory fast. 

Chopping a tree: another one bites the dust. 

Now I need to find a market. 

Secret technique: ask a bystander! 

Ah, the street is empty. 


The earlier action drove everyone away. 

I can see houses and shops nearby. 

They are all closed too. 


People were so hyped about the duel. 

Then a Gluto follower appears and they get scared. 

When fat terrorize you more than death itself. 


[Anyone here? I'm trying to go to the nearest place where I can buy wood or a door!]


Wolfie nudges my pants. 

Then she starts leading the way. 

Now anyone would wonder how she knows it. 

Yep, me first.

The more we leave the area Nomzilla was sighted in, the more people appear. 

Before long we are surrounded by liveliness. 

The sound of people trading. 

The sound of people walking. 

The sound of people breathing. 

The sound of too many useless details? 

It's a market. 

Same as the city, it doesn't have any sense of harmony. 

There are stalls of all kinds and styles. 

Actually, the market was my first idea, but a furniture shop would work better.

Maybe a woodworker and order a custom-made one? 

I could engrave a cool moto on it. 

Something like: Best pies in the world. 

Or maybe: let me fill you completely. 

Or even: Get a mouthful of that juicy delicious stuff. 

I'm kinda torn between the last two. 

No one easily forgets a slogan like that. 

Well the wording yes, but the meaning sticks.

It becomes a part of you. 

[Hey there stranger, I need a door where can I get one?]

The lady in front of me looks at me weirdly. 

"This gotta be the weirdest pick-up line ever!"

[No legit I just ]

She is already ignoring me. 

Let's try again. 

[Hey there, could you point me to the nearest shop I can get a door from please?] 

The guy in front scoffs. 

"This gotta be the worst pick-up line ever!" 

Are you fucking kidding me?! 

What's with these people?! 

Let's try this one last time. 

This guy will do. 

[I want to buy a door. Where should I go?] 

"This gotta be the coolest pick-up line ever! Yes! Take me!" 

What the fuck. 

What the actual fuck. 

That's it. I'm out! 

What is wrong with these people?! 

This isn't the place for that! 

There is an order to such things! 

Meet someone and realize you like each other. 

nvite them to lunch. 

Invite them for an activity. 

Invite them to Neetflex and Chill. 


These guys don't know anything about romance. 

Approaches a well-dressed man. 

He looks friendly enough.


"Hey there, I heard that you were looking for a door?" 

[Not you too?!] 

"Haha no. I'm not part of their try and meet love at the marketplace club."

[That's a thing?!] 

"Yes, I'm really not sure why, to be honest."

[So where can I buy a door?!] 

"We may have some in-store at our shop."

[Your business?] 

"Well, I'm part of a merchant group that handles specialized merchandise."

[That includes doors?] 

"Haha, we don't sell them usually, but I can get you one."

[Brother wouldn't it be easier to just point me in the right direction?] 

"Indeed. I'll be honest, I was tasked to try and get you to be our customer."

[Why me?] 

"We happened to hear of your exploits. How you were brave enough to challenge a champion. Of course, we helped to silence the news haha. How about it?"

[I'm not that rich either, what kind of product are you selling?] 

I mean I do have some silver from selling pies. 

"Don't worry. My job is just to let you browse our selection. Just see it as establishing a good relationship for the future." 

[Alright lead the way.] 

Now, this is weird for sure. 

Still, as long as it lets me accomplish my objective, I'm good. 

"Here, wear this."

He hands me a cloak and a mask. 

[What is that even for?] 

"Just a gift. We pride ourselves on maintaining our client's anonymity."

[Brother, this seems shady as hell.] 

"Just see it as a way to hide your wealth."

[I have none to hide.] 

"Exactly, wouldn't it be bothersome if someone started following you anywyay?"

[This whole thing is what starts sounding troublesome actually.]

"Please! My promotion relies on it!"

[Fine, lead the way.] 

As much as I grumble, this cloak looks nice. 

The mask is a yellow one. 

Black and yellow it seems. 

Am I cosplaying a bee? 

Soon we come in front of an awesome-looking building. 

There are golden doors. 

There is a sign with some obviously well-done lettering. 

This place is legit for sure. 

There is even a courtyard it seems. 

These guys seem well off. 

As we enter, I can't help but gasp. 

This place looks awesome! 

Even better than the Moon Keep. 

That was my previous best ever witnessed before. 

Well, if anything the service back at that sect was better. 

At least when they were thinking about me being the champion. 

Then again that was mostly because of Luna when I think about it. 

I wonder how she is doing. 

If I kill the official champion, could I go back? 

I mean they wouldn't have anyone else, right? 

Ah, I don't know. 

[Anyway, what is this place?] 

"Only the best slave-trading business in the city and"

Of fucking course. 

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