The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 256: Brotherhood

Chapter 256: Brotherhood

In the alley, I can see a group of people. 

They are crowding around 


He seems to be unconscious for some reason.

Their leader seems to be poking him with a sword. 

[Hey lady! What the hell are you doing?!] 

"What?! Who are you! This is a restricted area!" 

[Restricted area my ass! What did you do to my friend?!] 

"Your friend?! You consider the Gluto follower your "

[Yes, now step aside! Why is he here?] 

"I don't know! Now go away! This is now an official investigation!"

[If your so-called investigation is to poke him with a stick you may as well leave!]

She hides her weapon behind her back. 

C'mon I saw it already. 

I move closer. 

"We can't even tell if he is still alive without touching him and"

Without touching him she says. 

With a disgusted expression to boot. 

Please, saving a life takes priority. 

He needs to taste more of my pies. 

I move my ear closer. 

Is he not breathing? 

Actually, there is too much fat to tell.

I can hear them talking about how this isn't part of their job. 

Something about never touching such a disgusting creature with their naked hands.

Enough is enough. 

[All of you, leave!] 

At first, they are recalcitrant, but then I make eye contact. 

With every single one. 

Giving them that look. 

Promising them a slow death if they don't get out of my face right now. 

I don't mind them not doing their job. 

But I can do without the sly comments. 

Only the worthless leader is left. 

"T-that sorry about that. I'll teach them manners later."

Don't care. 


Gluto is all about eating. 

I know. 

Well, I hope this will work. 

I crouch down next to him. 

I raise the flab. 

Then I enter. 

Yes, that is the term. 

There is enough fat tissue to serve as a tent. 

The luxury kind that can host many. 





Pressing on me. 

Not the best experience. 

Finally, I reach what I think is the source of it all. 

Where the bones should be. 

Then I circulate divine energy full speed. 

Then I lift. 

With my back straight, cause I'm no amateur. 

I somehow manage to accomplish it. 

"How?! How are you even alive in there?! How do you have the strength to"

[We of The Unnamed God Sect never leave a man behind. Ever!] 

I mean. 

I never do. 

They simply all leave at some point. 

Ah, there is little Bai in a coma, but he's in good hands. 

Doesn't count right? 

This scene must look comical from an outsider's point of view. 

Or not, judging from the screams. 

A mass of flesh just getting carried all over. 

The skin is dragging a bitno, a lot. 

Nothing I can do about that. 

"How are you even breathing in there?" 

Actually, I'm not. 

That's my secret. 

I also have another issue. 

I am now outside the alley.

I have no clue where to go. 

My vision is completely obstructed. 

But I have a trump card! 

[Wolfie! Guide us back home! I need audio signals!] 

She starts howling softly. 

I follow the sound. 

I have a guide wolf! 

How awesome is that?! 

Wait a moment. 

I could also do that. 

Scouting ability activate! 

Oh god. 

This is disgusting. 

The moving mass of

Still, at least now I can see where I am going. 

I feel like a guy that just bought a brand-new car.

With the new one having cameras installed for once. 

Feel like a new world opened for me. 

I simply follow Wolfie. 

It's not needed anymore, is it? 

Well, it's kinda cute how she's dutifully escorting us. 

Acting like a bodyguard. 

Except people are really running from what they think is a monster. 

Seriously how do they live here and not know about him? 

He would be a touristic attraction from where I'm from. 

At least, I think.

That may sound mean at first, but if he gets fed he'd be 100% fine with it. 

After a while, we finally reach the bakery. 

The door is still destroyed. 

I leave him outside and enter. 

I quickly grab all the food I can. 

The old man is the only one inside.

He looks at me intrigued. 

I tell him to get more food ready. 

Then I throw a pie at the guy in the coma. 

Right at him. 

I'd aim for the face but I don't know where it is. 


Just as the delicious confection is about to hit his skin

His head stretches out and he gobbles it all. 

Now he is back to his unmoving self. 

I knew it! 

I keep going. 

Some people sleepwalk. 

He sleepeats instead.

No, devour would be the better term. 

After all, he has already gone through a few dozen pies. 

The lady that followed us here for some reason is just watching in awe. 

What can I say? 

I am truly handsome!

I bet she can't help but admire my throwing form. 

Perhaps she admires our brotherly bond too. 

Just a man caring for his sick friend. 

Actually, I still don't know the issue. 

Then again it happens to the best of us. 

I mean coma in an alley may be slightly extreme. 

I usually just sleep there. 

"Why are you helping him?"

[He is my friend.]

"I thought the church of Gluto didn't have friends."

[Then you thought wrong.] 


How is a human making such a sound by waking up? 

"Ah! That felt great!"

[Are you okay? What happened to you?] 

"Oh, nothing much. Attacked by some guy."

"That should be impossible! Our system is"

"Very flawed, yes. Very useless."

"There is no way that!" 

[Shut up! So, who's the enemy?] 

"Some necromancer, death-magic user. I got his physical body, but his soul escaped."


"His spirit. Well, actually it felt strange. As if there were multiple consciousnesses inside him."

[Gotcha, multiple personality disorder. I know that one.] 

"It's a shame I would have gotten him too if the worthless defense system didn't get in my way."

[So what should we do about it?] 

"Our unit will track him down and "

So she says, but we both ignore her.

"I'll be fine. Just be careful on your side."

[What about revenge?] 

"I'm good. These guys are hard to make resurface. They can hide easily." 

[So just be careful and wait? Gotcha.] 

We just nod and both leave to do our own things. 

In the background, the lady is clamoring about answering her questions. 

Not like I know anything, let's just get back to the pies. 

Can't wait for the wave of enthusiastic customers we'll soon get. 

I feel like I forgot something, meh whatever

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