The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 210: Escape

Chapter 210: Escape

We slowly exit the compound.

The whole way I keep shouting as if looking for myself.

I do get some weird looks from people that think they recognize me.

But then my accomplices tell them I just look similar.

Add to that the fact that only a fool would look for himself.

Plus the new clothes that make me look more refined.

Somehow, we manage to make our way toward the city.

The good news is that this thing doesn't seem to concern the city itself.

That is the weird part about it.

"Psst, why are they looking for you?"

[That I truly don't know.]

"Did you do anything out of the ordinary recently?"

Thatshould I tell or not

"As long as it's not something evil I won't judge you know."

[I may have destroyed the hideout of some bad guys. The kind that are involved in many shady businesses.]

"Wait?! Are you the one that destroyed the Corpses guys?!"

[Yes, but keep your voice down.]

"Wow, that's amazing!"


"They should reward you for that, not hunt you."

"Maybe they are looking for him to reward him?"

[Would you take the chance in my shoes? They wouldn't do such a manhunt if they meant anything good.]


"Where should we go to hide?"

[I may have an idea. I have a friend at the city library.]

"Oh! That guy is actually an unofficial member of our club!"

[What do you mean unofficial?]

"He agrees with us, he just doesn't want to join the group. I think he's shy."

That would make sense.

Plus he may very well be busy with his actual job.

[Lead the way, you guys. The faster we get there the better.]

Then happens an intense sneaking scene.

Then we get spotted.

It finally ends up in an action-packed chasing scene.

Or not.

We just keep acting like we are properly searching.

We reach the library.

Wolfie comes from out of nowhere and joins us.

Seriously I don't know how she does that.

My guess is that I'm just not attentive enough to my surroundings.

After all, I come from a peaceful world.

At least, I think.

As we are reaching the door a guard blocks our way and

"There are no animals allowed inOUCH! What's your problem?!"

"You shut the fuck up! *Now looking at me* Sorry about that he's new on the job. Have fun reading Sir!"

What was that about?

One guard is totally baffled.

The other is smiling while bowing.

Why do I get the feeling he is stressed a bit?

Ah, I see!

My library friend probably gave them orders to give me preferential treatment.

This is awesome!

Meanwhile, the other tamers are looking at me in awe.

"Why was he being so respectful?!"

[I told you, I know the guy in charge of this place!]

Just as I am talking about him, I notice him there.

Reading some book near the entrance.

[Hey man.]

"Hum? You?! What are you doing here? Where is your unic. donkey?!"

[Ah, she's gone. Had some stuff to do. Long story. Listen, don't freak out but I need a place to hide.]

"Why? Who are you running from?"

[Just the entire tamer's guild.]

"What?! How the hell did this happen?!"

[What did I say about freaking out?]

"Fine, you can stay here for now, but it's only a matter of time until they search here. You'll need a plan of action."

[Thanks man.]

A girl on the side is remarking that they are with me so it's not the whole guild.

That is true, my bad.

We slowly make our way into what appears to be a small reading room.

Most of our companions have left at this point.

Would be pretty conspicuous to have 40 individuals all chilling here.

[Now time for a plan! Quick we need a map of the city! We need a copy of the guards' schedule! We need to plan for a diversion so I can escape!]

Time for some advanced plan!

I may be lacking, but together I'm sure we can figure it out.

"I don't have a plan of the city. Not a recent one anyway.

Why the hell would we have the guards' schedule?

What exactly do you have in mind for the distraction?"

I don't know.

I was counting on them to give ideas.

As for distraction, we have a bunch of tamers.

We could have them rampage in town but that would be an issue for people.

[No one here can use illusion magic by any chance?]

"Brother we are all tamers. Don't ask the impossible."

[Fine. I guess I can just charge through.]

"Wait, are you saying you want to take on the entire tamer's guild?!"

I mean let me think about this.

If I use body reinforcement to run fast.

I could simply keep running until they can't follow anymore.

Is it risky? Yes.

But I'm probably better off taking initiative.

Instead of waiting for them to corner me.

I can just run.

Never to look behind.

[Yep, I guess that will do.]

"That's insane! There are many rank 3 beast tamers at least!"

[Yes, but my teacher may help too. Chances are only a few will be able to chase. Plus I won't fight. I'll just run.]

"At some point, you will have to slow down to block attacks! It will only be a matter of time before they catch up!"

[Haha, don't worry. As long as they stick to regular attacks I'll be fine.]

No, what I'm worried about is unknown special magic.

This is what may cause my demise.

I swear, the unicorn really chose a bad time to leave.

I could have simply jumped on her back.

Then we could have escaped easily.

I'm not sure how strong she really is.

But she is super-fast.

Kinda sad we could have played the toppling an army game again.

Except this time not just with skeletons.

Hey, I'm not one to encourage violence.

But it is satisfying to see all your enemies just get launched all over the place.

You know after an awesome charge.

*Sigh* Such a shame.

Then comes a voice from the general direction of the entrance.

"I heard Eternal Ice's student is here! Please answer me! I have a message!"


How did they get here so fast?!

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