The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 209: High Demand

Chapter 209: High Demand

So, should I run away?

This fan club isn't mine.

It is the unicorn's one.

This is kinda sad.

Then again it makes sense, that is what fan clubs are like.

Having an idol that you won't ever meet.

Most of the time anyway.

"Guys, stop saying bullshit like that! Her master is here! Stop complaining and ask him questions about taming!"

Nice! Finally out of my friend's shadow.

"Ah, true! What are your views on taming?"

Not nice! I need to answer that.

Should I just say I have absolutely no idea?

Then again, I don't want to lose my image of a respected senior.

What do you do when that happens?

You look convinced and convincing.

This is the secret to marketing by the way.

No matter the crap you are selling.

Gotta act like it is the best thing ever.

*Cough while straightening the back*

[You see many have the wrong idea about taming. They see it as way more complicated than it is. It is simply about trust. As simple as that.]

"Trust? But how can trust make your creature obey your orders?"

[If you want to have a truly strong partner, you need them to be helping you of their own free will. This is the only way they will realize their true potential.]

"So ultimate trust before establishing a soul link?"

[A soul link isn't even required. As long as you share an understanding everything is fine.]

"But won't betrayal be possible then?!"

[Yes, but it won't happen. Trust, remember.]


"What?! A soul link is required to make your pet stronger and"

"Oh my god. I just had a crazy thought! There is a limit to the number of creatures one can soul-link with!"

"You don't mean by foregoing the soul link one could create an army?!"

"This is impossible"

"Yeah, there is no way"

[You. Yes, you. You got it right. As long as there is trust there won't be the problem of splitting your soul to tame many beasts. You can get as many as you want.]

Good thing he thought of that.

I really wasn't going there.

It does sound logical, however.

This is why being an opportunist is a must.

Gotta praise people for figuring out ideas you never had in the first place.

People are impressed again.

"Then how did you gain the trust of your pets if I can ask?"

[Let me see. For Wolfie, I used my amazing culinary talents. I may not look like it, but I can barbecue like a god.]

"Wow, where did you meet her?"

[Hum, ever heard of the savage archaic forest?]

"A disaster zone?!"

Disbelieving expressions and yet impressed ones all around the place.

Like they can't believe it, but they kinda do too.

You know that feeling.

"What about the donkey?"

[I sang her a powerful war song to convince her of my valiance!]

"Wow! Sing it for us too!"

[No way! You guys would be way too impressed afterward!]

"Awwww, alright."

"If you had any advice for newcomers what would it be?"

It is in time like these that I need an 8 ball.

You know to pretest the bullshit beforehand.

Anyway, time to use an old fortune-teller trick.

So what you want to do is be as vague as possible.

Then as you keep talking you observe your audience.

As long as they agree you keep developing.

As soon as you see someone frown you change it.

Oh, my bad did I say an A? I meant an E.

You know. Stuff like that.

[The trick is to go one step at a time.]

They seem to be buying it.

"That makes sense."

"So to make sure to be patient."

"After all one needs to be patient to tame a strong creature."

"This could also mean patient to wait for a weak creature to grow."

"True that would make sense."

"Does that also mean to always keep working every day?"

"Yeah, he did talk about many talents like cooking and singing."

"It must have taken a long time to learn all that."

I'm here just watching them interact with one another.

Do I even need to be here?

They seem to know what they are talking about.

This situation is similar to a master asking an apprentice.

I can say a lot, but honestly, I don't know.

Still, they seem happy.

That's when we hear a commotion outside.

One of them goes to check it out.

What is happening to cause such a ruckus here?

Probably a beast on the loose or something.

I'm sure that kind of stuff happens here on a daily basis.

Or not, I don't know really.

"This is bad. They are looking for you!"

Wait, is she pointing at me?

"Yes! The star tamer sent a notice that everyone should look for you."

What now? Am I screwed?

There are 40 of them here.

I think I can get away.

What about all the others outside?

"Don't worry we'll hide you! We can't let the donkey's master suffer! Otherwise, we wouldn't be worthy of our convictions!"

What? Let me get this straight.

This wannabe fan club is about to go against the whole tamer guild.

Only to help me?

Only because I am the master of the unicorn that they think is a donkey.

I want to be grateful and touched.

However, all I can think about is what the fuck?

Are these guys retarded?!

That's when someone barges in.

"C'mon all you guys you gotta stop slacking! Stop your useless gathering and join the search!"

They are about to protest but

"Hurry up! Go out, you guys! We are looking for Eternal Ice's student. Go and call out to him in town!"

What now?

Everyone is exiting.

They sometimes glance at me nervously.

I just follow them.

They start going around shouting.

They don't know my name, so they just use my title.

As I'm at a loss on what to do the previous guy hollers at me.

"You! Yes, you! I want you to shout too! No slacking!"

[Eternal Ice's student! Where are you?!]

"No, I want you to have more pep in your voice!"


"Now that's good! Keep going like that!"

He gives me a satisfied look.

Guess it's time for me to go look for myself?

But seriously what do these guys even want?

I've been super low-key recently.

Well, there was that little hiccup with the murder and arson but .

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