The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 202: Precious Keepsake

Chapter 202: Precious Keepsake

After the jobless ex-captain leaves, comes the unicorn.

It's been a while since I've seen her.

I wonder how she is doing.

Still, I was never truly worried.

After all, she is both strong and kindhearted.

Not the type to get into trouble.

She looks serious.

How does a horse look serious?

Well, ask any animator of that D. company.

I'm sure their horses have many expressions.

Apparently, she has new information.

First that guy, now her.

Who will be next?

Wolfie briefing me?

Not like she can talk in the first place haha.

Now the unicorn has a new goal.

One that is a secret and that I can't help with.

I would have helped to think of solutions but...

I'll respect her choice.

Still, this is sad.

I will be losing my bodyguard.

Her presence brought me safety.

Guess I'll have to be slightly more low-key in the future.

Not overly, just need to make sure I don't piss the wrong people.

I do take the time to remind her that she is very valuable.

Mostly her horn.

As long as she hides it she should be fine at least.

But what happens if she meets people that can see through her disguise?

Talking about valuable I just realized something.

Could the other parts of a unicorn be valuable too?

What about the hair?

That stuff grows back either way.

I'd like to ask Kim but it will be too late soon.

I guess she sees my gaze because a moment later she hands me some.

I keep it, but I'm wondering something.

Should I shear all of it?

What if it turns out to be very valuable?

Then again, I wouldn't really know how to ask for that.

Plus she'll be back at some point.

It won't be too late then.

Thus she says goodbye and leaves.

This is sad.

Welp anyway time to get to business.

Let's leave this place before someone else .

Comes running a woodcutter.

"I bring news!"

[What is it?]

"Lunch is ready! Someone made soup!"

He came to disturb my thoughts just to tell me that?!

There is only one way I can answer this.

[Hell yeah free food! Lead the way!]

Thus after a short break, I head to see Kim.

You'd expect a lady to stay at an Inn or something.

Naw, I find her in the sewers.

Observing some slimes bouncing around.

It's either that or lazing around.

Slimes have it good, to be honest.

If I ever get reincarnated imma pick slime.

Chances are you get a peaceful life.

If you get lucky you end up spawning in an end-game dungeon.

Then you meet a tsundere dragon or something.

Later on, you become a demon lord.

Don't ask me for the specifics.

What about the bloodthirsty humans?

Well, I have one word for you: Hide!

That's it.

[So, any progress with the research?]

Comes a barrage of sentences.

So many it would fill the screen entirely if we were to type it all.

Then again, I'm used to it.

She gets like that everything she gets excited.

Summary of it, no progress whatsoever.

She does describe her methodology in great detail, however.

To be fair it's mostly to keep observing.

To do everything a human needs for survival here.

Eating, shiting, bathing, sleepinghow she is still alive is a mystery.

Ah, apparently she has some kind of slime repellent.

She brags about how much of an alchemical advancement it is.

Sadly it seems it isn't popular with the various sects.

Most don't seem worried about getting attacked by slimes.

Especially considering that even here, they mostly only stay in the water.

There is only an issue if they let the numbers increase too much.

Could you imagine a veteran warrior in expedition bringing that out?

His companions marveling at how prepared he is

Only to learn it only works on slimes!

Wait, maybe it could work on a specific demon lord!

Or not.

I spend a little while watching the slimes with her.

It is relaxing.

I could do this allwait a minute!

I almost forgot my purpose.

She has a way to drag you in her pace somehow.

[By the way, can we do anything with that?]

I show her the unicorn hair.

"What is that supposed to be?"

I look at her mysteriously.

[Care to guess?]


C'mon! Play along!


[This is hair from a unicorn!]


[What do you mean and? Can't we do something alchemical with that?!]

She takes a time to ponder.

"You are right. Do you have more? We could make a wig."

Okay, seems I was overthinking.

Meh, screw this.



[Can slime eat hair?]

"Of course they can, actually"

Here she goes again.

Okay, I really need to stop mentioning that word next to her.

Actually no.

I just need to somehow make her increase her talking speed.

She shows potential.

Add a catchy rap beat and she'd be spiting.

I can imagine the epic rap battle.

The opponent hurling insults.

Her just going...

What did you say about my mother?

How about I tell you some slime facts!!

How would you like that big boy?!

Then the opponents would be confused.

He legit wouldn't know how to react.

Instant win.

Rap battle Goddess!

She could be called Slime Shady!

Is she done yet?


She is still going on.

Relentless, not even stopping to catch her breath.

Meanwhile, I'm just on the side.

You know wondering if she'd realize if I just ran away.

[A-alright I understand!]

"Great, how about I tell you about..."

[All good! I need to go actually.]

"Oh? You don't want to stay? Usually, we can see one bounce around every few hours."

Every few hours?!

What is this, the DMV?!

Nope, not that bad.


[I want to go see what is happening at the tamer's guild.]

"Oh! Good point! See if they have any lead on slime taming!"

How about no.

I just want the wolf taming license.

But seriously If the unicorn isn't following

Can I get a license to have a weak pet?

Gotta check.

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