The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 201: Separation

Chapter 201: Separation


I have been diligently researching.

That librarian guy proved himself useful.

*Sigh* I was so very mistaken before.

All this time I was looking at it from the perspective of a unicorn.

This was oh so very wrong.

I've been coming back to this library a lot lately.

I have finally attained enlightenment.

These history manuscripts have taught me a lot.

One needs to increase familiarity with the target.

Only then can a bond be established.

Food that they like.

That one is easy, he loves pie.

Cream pies especially, but I'm not sure what that is.

Still shouldn't be too much of an issue.

The second point is to spend lots of time together.

There is a problem with that one.

There is always Wolfie lurking around.

Getting quality time together is close to impossible.

Plus they actually sleep together too.

I have lots of catching up to do.

I could remain by his side and hope for the best.

However, chances are I would always remain number 2.

Never his favorite underling.

That is why I have been looking for an alternative.

I finally found one.

After reading many of these romance novels I have seen the pattern!

The one that wins always turns out to be an otherworldly beauty.

A human one.

The initial appearance doesn't matter much.

It can be a frog.

It can be a beast.

It can be a demon.

As long as they end up at least humanoid looking at some point.

This is the problem I have.

I need to stop being a unicorn.

Actually, I just need to be able to transform.

This is something my species has trouble with.

I can use illusion magic slightly.

A true and real transformation however is beyond my capabilities.

I do have a plan.

One that is a huge gamble.

After all, to see it to completion I would need time.

I would have to give up some ground.

Let Wolfie win for now.

Just so I can take a shortcut toward the end goal.

I have a secret weapon.

I found a few books by myself.

Ones that teach truly advanced knowledge.

When that librarian guy saw me reading these, he was truly surprised.

Probably impressed at how fast I was progressing.

The material he gave me at the beginning very educative.

I guess he underestimated my reading speed because I finished it all quickly.

This new stuff was about methods to charm one's target.

Exactly what I needed!

Including titles like:

-A way to a man's heart through the stomach.

-How to defeat a thieving cat

-A courtesan's professional guide.

-Kamasutra the extended edition.

Everything I needed for a breakthrough.

I thus became an enlightened unicorn.

Now I finally understand human culture.

A pretty strange concept at first glance.

Especially the parts with the fruits.

Why would one use fruits like that?!

Still, one needs to remain open-minded.

Well, more than the mind is open here.

One could even use the term gaping.

Anyway, this brings us to this very moment.

"Farewell librarian, take care."


He is still looking absent-mindedly at the pile of books.

He must be impressed by my learning abilities.

What can I say? I was born smart!

As I make my way outside, I can feel the fear of the guards.

Then their relief as I leave.

This was my last time coming here.

Now time for the start of my journey.

One that begins with something extremely harsh.

I reach the lumberjack camp.

The guy from that time in the sewers is leaving.

I wonder what he came here for.

Well, it doesn't really matter.

Finally, I spot him!

For some reason, he seems more tenebrous than usual.

Ah, I can feel it.

He has killed recently.

How do I know it?


Once more I missed an opportunity to witness his glory.

What a shame.

He is an enigma.

The nicest guy I know.

Yet one that does not shy away from killing.

Only if needed, however.

I slowly approach him.

"We need to talk."

[What's up? Why the serious look?]

"I finally learned about something vital recently."

[Oh? What is it?]

"Well, it doesn't matter much, but I know what I have to do."

[A goal is it? How can I help?]

"Sadly It is something I will have to figure out on my own."

[I see.]

He seems disappointed.

This is good.

It means I have a place in his heart.

"I will explore the world and accomplish what I need to. However, I will come back!"

[Nice! Make sure you are careful. You are very valuable after all.]

"Of course!"

He cares about me for sure.

Saying that he values me.

He seems to be looking at me with slight regret.

Ah, I understand what this is!

He wants to have a trinket to remind him of me.

I slowly pluck some off some hair and hand them to him.

"Here, for you!"

He nods, instantly understanding me.

He keeps it preciously.

Seemingly at a loss on how to repay me.

No need to worry.

Just the thought is enough for me.

I am happy.

I give him a bright smile.

However, now is the time of parting.

I can hear him in the background saying how sad this is.

Part of me simply wants to stay.


A unicorn must do what a unicorn must do.

As I am leaving, I keep remembering the past.

The peculiar circumstances of how we met.

How vulgar he seemed at first.

Seemed like a fool.

A complete one.

Yet I was the one that was mistaken.

This is all very ironic.

He is one that does not remember his own name.

Yet, he knows exactly who he is.

He has a very defined philosophy.

Yet one that is extremely easygoing.

He knows where he is going in life.

Yet gets lost all the time.

He is powerful.

Yet rarely shows it.

I want to see more of him.

I want him to see for who I am.

I want a lot of things.

I want the endless forest kingdom back.

I want to follow his lead.

For that, a temporary separation is needed.

For me to become stronger.

For me to learn how to transform.

All so that I can assure myself a place at his side.

Goodbye, see you later.

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