The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 161: Why are you back already?

Chapter 161: Why are you back already?

I really want to be helpful but a man's gotta do what a mans gotta do. In my case, it is to leave that guy there on the floor and go about my own business. Oh yeah, I did get a bystander to tell me where to find my teacher this time around.

I reach the door where he brought me last time. At least I am pretty sure. It does look similar.

On the door, there is a sign that says not to disturb. Does that only apply to the general public or to me too?

For all I know he might be in closed-door cultivation and at a crucial moment of his breakthrough. What should I do?

To knock or not to knock here is the question. I could just do it. What is the worst that could happen? Him getting disturbed and eaten alive by his inner demons is my bet. Yes, that would be pretty bad.

What is the best that could happen? He is happy to see me and teaches me some cool stuff. Then I participate in a taming competition and win it as the underdog. Then I could win mad prize money and drink and play lots without any worries.

Both options don't sound that bad story-wise. One is a tragedy and the other a slice-of-life fantasy adventure. Or it would be until I somehow get myself into trouble again.

"Why the hell are you just standing in front of my door?"

Oh? He is there. Turns out he wasn't training at all. Looking at his hands full with various food seems he was out getting a snack.

[I was wondering about the sign saying not to disturb.]

"Oh, that? I need a warning so I can beat people up when they come knocking here for absolutely no reason other than to get an autograph. You know guild policies and all. So are you done memorizing the book I lent you?"

That is so smart!

[Not at all!]

"Then why are you back here?"

[You told me to come back when I was done reading it, you didn't say anything about memorizing any of it.]

". That part was implied."

[Was it though?]

"Yes, it was."

[There is no way I am remembering so much information in any case. Probably better if I instead just keep it as reference material when needed.]

"*Sigh* What will you do to tame a creature you suddenly encounter in the wild then? You won't have the time to open a book and start browsing. Are you going to tell a beast king to wait so you can brush up on your knowledge and tame them?"

[Nope, I do have a good trick against beast kings. You run! This has worked every time for me.]

"You have survived an encounter with a beast king?"

[Yep, a rank 4 Overwolf back in the savage archaic forest.]

"You should never go there again. There are so many powerful creatures in that forest. It is a miracle you survived it once already. Don't try your luck too much."

If only he knew. It's not that bad. That's what happens when you rely only on books for your knowledge. He thinks there are many beast kings there but legit there are none. Remember kids, theoretical knowledge is great, but without a way to actually apply it is all worthless.

[Then again I really don't care about taming new creatures. I already have 2 of them following me around.]

"The donkey and the small wolf?"


"You don't want more powerful pets?"

[Not especially. I try to avoid fighting most of the time whenever possible.]

"You do?"


"What about that guy you fought with the first time you came here?"

[That was an exception.]

"What about the guy you just beat up?"

[You know about that?! I mean there are circumstances. He has his reasons too.]

"Sure. So if you don't want to tame new beasts why the hell are you here trying to learn from me?!"

[I heard that to enter the next city with pets I'll need a tamer certificate. Something about proving that I can handle them or something.]

"That's it?"


"I had better expectations of you. Now, these expectations are all gone. I thought you truly wanted to follow your dream even with your lack of talent. Turns out you just want the fucking certificate?!"

[Please you should understand better than anyone. Would you separate from your beast companions if you had to choose?]

"No you are right. I would not. But I also had to go to great lengths to get that ice elemental of mine."

[I also went through a lot with Wolfie. There is no way I am voluntarily leaving her behind for some stupid city rule.]

"*Sigh* This is kinda sad."

[What is?]

"Well, you have a better relationship with your wolf than half the tamers with their beasts. This just proves how worthless they all are. If you ask any random one, they will tell you I am their idol yet they don't even realize what I stand for."

[Can't you just tell them?]

"Naw would be too much work. I tried at some point, but then I just gave up."


"So how much of the beast compendium do you actually know by heart?"

[A solid 5%...maybe?]

"5% is not solid! 5% is what gets you killed for remembering the wrong information! Also what's with the maybe at the end?! How bad can one be at this?"

[Well you see I tend to yolo it most of the time.]


[Technically it means you only live once but people have been using it as slang for whatever let's just do this.]

"Are you trying to die? Going in without a plan is exactly how entire groups get annihilated!"

[You see my specialty is reinforcement magic. If I can't win I just run. I am extremely weak but my defense capabilities are pretty good if I say so myself.]

"Seriously how the hell did you survive till this moment?!"

[Who knows. Lots of coincidences I would say.]

Thinking back on it I was never truly in that much danger. This won't change in a near future, right?

There won't be a sudden the tutorial is over message appearing outa nowhere, right?!

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