The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 160: Helping The Misunderstood

Chapter 160: Helping The Misunderstood

I look in the direction of the city worriedly.

What is that? Is that smoke?

Oh yeah, it is. It is coming from the campfire the other guys started.

On it, they are heating up some kind of soup. It looks really plain but, hey as long as it fills the belly who cares.

I guess I overreacted haha. There is no way a city would just randomly go up in flames either. Like c'mon.

Today my helper did finish reading the bestiary to me. You know what this means? I can finally go back to my teacher to report on my progress!

What about the unicorn? She'll be fine obviously. Wolfie follows as usual as we head out.

As we get to the guild, I use my secret technique once again.

Ask a passerby!

[Hey there, do you know where Eternal Ice is?]

"Oh my fucking god give it a fucking rest! Why would I know where that guy is?! Actually, even if I knew why the hell would I tell you? Do you understand the concept of personal boundaries? People like you should just stay far away and leave him alone! Can't you understand how annoying you guys all are! You want to see him because he's a successful beast tamer? Do you think he has time to spend on a dumbass like you?! Fucking scram! You fucking lowlife!"

Okay, what the actual fuck. Like seriously? Better ask someone else, I guess.

I turn to another bystander.

[Hey there, do you know where Eternal Ice is?]

That guy from before follows me.

"Don't fucking ignore me you twat! You think this is funny? People like you are actual garbage. Go the fuck away and don't come back!"

And that idiot scared the guy I was asking. How fucking dumb is that guy? Seriously is it any of his business if I am looking for my teacher?

[Take care of your own goddamn business and leave me alone!]

There. Clear and simple. I just need to find someone new to .

"Don't you dare ignore me you asshole! You think you can just turn around and ask someone else? You should be ashamed of yourself!"

[I have a good reason to look for him for he is.]

"Of course you think you have a good reason but that is all bullshit! Your reason is dogshit, and you are a fucking worm. Get the hell away from this guild!"

What is up with this dude? Should I beat him up? He won't even listen to my explanations.

"You seem angry! Go on hit me! I dare you!"

Wait there is something wrong here. Is he trying to bait me to commit a faux-pas? Is there anyone lurking in the corner trying to catch me in the act?

It doesn't seem to be the case.

I activate my scouting ability real quick. It takes me a few instants to check, but at first glance people looking this way are just entertained by the drama.

This doesn't make sense why would he be so obvious about his provocation?

As I'm thinking about that he gets more and more riled up. Oh wait, now I remember. There was that one story I did read where the protagonist could improve his physical condition by getting beaten.

Is this guy training something similar? That would explain all of it! This is the only reason why he would try so hard to anger me, a complete stranger.

This dude wants to get beaten. Now that I understand this his actions are understandable. Gone are my anger and my rage.

If anything he is quite pitiful. For me, all I have to do to become more powerful is to figure out how to use divine energy. While extremely complicated it is a pretty fun process.

I look at him with a hint of pity and give him a reassuring smile.

[Don't worry brother I understand. Don't worry I will help you.]

"What the fuck are you talking about."

*Sound of a fist hitting a face*

He falls to the ground in confusion. I make sure to circulate divine energy to hit him really hard, but not too hard either.

Of course, he would be confused. Most people probably get angry and start insulting him while doing the pummeling. But not me. I understand his struggle perfectly.

The whole world must think him a masochistic madman. I do understand. The weak would do anything for power. After all, power is needed to protect one's loved ones.

So I hit him relentlessly. Until he cannot get up anymore. Judging by the cracking sound of his bones he only recently started trying this training method.

I almost feel bad for him, but I keep remembering that I am in fact only helping him.

As it happens, he insults me some more. All of this is unnecessary. After all, I know he simply wants help with his training. If he truly wanted me to stop, he would simply tell me instead.

After a while, I do get tired of it. I'd continue but I came here with a purpose. I cannot stay here forever either.

[Sorry buddy but I gotta go. Find someone else to beat you up the next time. I do wish you all the luck with that training of yours. Oh right does anyone know where I can find Eternal Ice?]

Some excited spectator chimes in.

"Are you sure you don't want to beat him up some more? This guy is really obnoxious you know. Also, why are you looking for the Eternal Ice?"

[Oh, I'd really like to but I really should get going. I'm just looking for my teacher you see.]

"Wait, you are the only man he ever accepted as a disciple, aren't you?! Don't you usually move about with a donkey with you?!"

Why do they all know about the donkey?

"Actually now that I think carefully, I heard something about a small wolf too. So you are him indeed! No wonder you beat that guy up when he insulted you for looking for your own teacher. What a dumbass. Haha."

I won't say anything. Who knows that guy on the floor might be hiding his power? For me, it seems obvious but no one else seemingly has noticed yet.

For now, let's just report to my teacher and see what he has in store for me.

This is going to be exciting!

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