The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 149: Getting Dark

Chapter 149: Getting Dark

Is that Eternal Ice that big a deal?

Judging by my new friend's reaction yes.

Also, that receptionist back there was acting up.

[So, why are you guys reacting so much to...]

"He is a legend! He has always been a genius. He has an ice elemental as his tamed beast. This in itself is insane. Elementals are close to impossible to tame. You can't intimidate or use anything to bait them into following you. The only option is sheer will and tenacity. I heard that he had to climb the highest mountain there is to get it. One that is classified a disaster zone!"

[Oh I see. That kinda sounds cool. About the disaster zone, I'm not sure. I've seen a disaster zone mislabeled previously already. Some might not be that horrible once you are used to it. But why would anyone get an ice cube as a pet?! How are you supposed to cuddle with it at night?!]

"Cuddle? You cuddle with your tamed beasts?! Then again you have cute ones."

He looks at me seemingly impressed. For some reason, Wolfie starts growling at him. Almost as if to warn him not to try and pet her. She used to be like that with me too. Back when I was trying to play fetch with her and all. Now I know barbecue is the way to her heart haha.

[So he is someone with a tenacious will. Anything I need to know?]

"Well, he is a rising star here. They say he has chances to become the strongest tamer there is here. Of course, he is far from replacing the current one."

[Is that the rank 4 tamer with the big fire-lizard?]

"Ah, yes. Well, he is a rank 3.5, not a rank 4."

[This is confusing what's with the .5? Ranks go from 1 to 5 no?]

"Yes and no. Mostly we use that system but there is a big difference between a rank 3 and a rank 4. So it often happens that some people are too strong to be considered a rank 3 but too weak to be considered a rank 4 just yet. This is why this thing exists. For example, his tamed beast is rank 4 but his power himself is weaker."

[Does it matter? He managed to tame it no?]

"He can control it, but only because he's had it since it was born. He won't be able to use magic to enhance the attribute of his tamed beast however because he is not as strong as it yet."

[What?! There is magic to improve pets?!]

"Yeah, but it's not easy to accomplish."

This is getting complicated. Still, I can't help but picture me enhancing Wolfie until she is actually strong.

I could also buff the already OP unicorn. Unicorn goes brrrrrrrrrr on the battlefield and the enemies go riiiiiiip. Haha, that would be epic. Ah, don't get me wrong I don't support mindless slaughter. But it can happen at times and better make it stylish.

Talking about style this guy did say he looks up to me. Maybe it's because of that?

[Right what was that about me being your idol?]

"You are an inspiration for all of us! You tamed a donkey and made it fight against a rank 2 snake! It actually won! This is the best show I have seen, talk about showing these entitled pricks who's boss!"

That how am I supposed to react to that?

[Thanks I guess.]

What would he do if he knew that the so-called donkey is a damn unicorn in disguise for some reason? A reason I still don't understand. Either way, it does what it wants I can't really get any merit on that. Guess I should change the topic of the conversation right about now.

[What about you? What's your tamed beast?]

"Oh, that? I don't have any."

[Oh, my bad. I thought you were a beast tamer.]

"I am."


"Stuff happened and I lost the tamed beast I had since young. I need to get myself a new one but none that I have seen interested me that much."

I can see melancholy in his eyes. Oh god, what kind of trauma did I just unearth right there?! I need to salvage the situation quickly! C'mon think brain. Any other conversation topic.

[So, good day isn't it?]

AhI am a master of talk for sure.

"Yes, it was on a similar day that I lost my best friend. Radiant sun and warm temperature."

Oh fuck I just made it worse!

[Don't worry I'm sure your beast is in peace in the afterworld or something.]

Here salvaged the situation for sure, now time to .

"It got eaten, regurgitated and its remains got raised by a necromancer. To this day its tormented soul is probably still roaming the land. Never to find rest. Always tortured by existing as an abomination."

What kind of crazy necromancer does that?! This story is getting darker by the minute! I feel bad for him.

[We can look for it together and solve the problem! Then we can organize it the most glorious of funerals and finally, its spirit will be at peace!]

This ought to cheer him up, right?!

"That was an idea I previously had."

Nice now we just need to.

"It turned out to be something I should never have done. This is how I lost my biological brother. We went together and he perished on that damn quest. I will always remember the last words he said to me."

Oh god. This is becoming a horror story!

[W-what did he say?]

"He said, and I quote, It hurts like a bitch!"


"And then he died. Eaten by the zombified version of my tamed beast. To this day I cannot erase his dying expression from my mind. It haunts me and prevents me from sleeping at night. Sometimes I swear I can hear him calling my name at night. But then I realize it is only my mind playing tricks on me."

What the fuck is up with that dark and heavy backstory?!


I look at him at a loss on how to comfort him. Then he opens his mouth again.

Does this get darker?!

"HAHA, I'm just messing with you friend. I had a dog, but it died of old age. So now I'm looking for a new tamed beast."

Dafuq?! Can I murder him?!

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