The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 148: New friend?

Chapter 148: New friend?

These guys are truly too emotional. Getting so excited over these simple words of mine. Almost made me cry too!

Can you picture a bunch of burly men and yours truly all crying in a half-razed forest for no reason? Any traveler happening upon this scene would have several questions. Perhaps would think that we are lamenting deforestation. Real issue by the way, just not here apparently.

So I leave quickly, Wolfie and the unicorn after me.

Time to head to the tamer guild! This is something I have ever wanted to do! I'm even more satisfied with my starter pets. Screw stuff like a lightning-rat!

As we walk on the premises for some reason people are looking at us weirdly. I guess the fact that one is still disguised as a donkey doesn't help. Any other place she would fit right in. Not here. There are tamers going about their business. Some with their pets walking alongside them.

The whole scene is awesome. Big-ass versions of many animals. Sometimes small but colorful ones too. I remember that guy that had a crystal to store his snake. Is this thing expensive? I should probably look into it.

Then again Wolfie is small and the unicorn is proud so it would be kinda useless in my case. Also, I'm broke. I wonder when I will get paid for the slime work.

There should be news soon, I guess. In the meantime, I will be patient. This is a job from the city guard itself there is no way they will go back on their word.

Otherwise, that would screw up their reputation. There is no way any serious government would do something like that. Could you imagine them denying some workers their just due?

That would be insane haha. Soon enough there wouldn't be any infrastructure because no one would want to work for them. Then afterward the whole city would turn into slums. I like how I'm imagining all these crazy scenarios but the basis of it is impossible. Otherwise, this city would have long stopped existing.

I head to the information desk or whatever they call this thing.

[Hey there, I'd like help in finding my teacher. Some cool-looking guy with silver glasses.]

"What would his name be? We have many teachers here."

[I have no clue. He looks young about my age, but he gives a mature feeling and.]

"Without a name, I won't be able to help you."

What am I supposed to do now

"You! You with the donkey!"

Some sort of ruckus is happening...wait donkey? Is someone talking to me? I turn around and a slightly fat student-looking guy is pointing at me. He is talking to me, right?

"Yes, you! Aren't you the student of Eternal Ice?!"

I can hear the crowd start murmuring. The receptionist seems to be reacting to the name too. Is this guy some kind of bigshot?

[I'm not sure, to be honest. My teacher is a good-looking guy with silver glasses and ]

"It is you! I knew it! You are my idol man!"

Wait, what? How? I barely came to this place. Ever.

"How is this possible?! A student of THE Eternal Ice. How does anyone not know this great personage! I need to teach this guy a lesson about the awesomeness of the most brilliant tamer of our guild. Ah, but he is his student, what if he gets mad that I disciplined him? What if."

What the fuck. The casual receptionist just turned her yandere obsessive fan mode on. Whatever is happening I know better than to stay here.

This shit is scaring the hell out of me. I would rather fight a thousand king slimes than remain next to this crazy lady! Well, king slimes do taste really good. I hurry up toward this guy claiming to be my fan.

[Let's get out of here, you lead the way!]

He looks at the crazy fangirl behind and nods in understanding.

Then we run. Faster than the time I was chased by a rank 3 snake, faster than the time I was chased by an army of hunters, even faster than the time I was being chased by the Overwolf beast king.

No words are exchanged we simply run. We run until we reach a small courtyard. I am not sure where this is or what we are doing here but it seems peaceful and safe.

We take a second to recover our breath. I don't really need to with the divine energy and all, but I am used to doing so anyway.

"You can call me little Bai. This place is a gardening club that almost no one ever visits. If you ask 99% of the tamers out there, they all want ferocious predators that will look intimidating and powerful. Any that eats vegetables gets ignored. That is why this place is extremely desolate."

[If no one cares why aren't they using the space for something else?]

"There are a few beasts that are necessary to the well-being of the ecosystems here. Most rely on the stuff we produce. Getting rid of it would mean getting rid of all of the other beasts. For instance, we have creatures that take care of the cleaning and whatnot."

[Oh I see. I get it. If everyone only had the same beast it would cause issues. Even if it was a really powerful one, they would lose wars because of a lack of information or problems in their supply chains. Individual power is nice, but you need more than that to make an organization prosper for sure.]

"Oh my god! You do get it! I knew it that you would understand!"

[Oh? Why?]

"I just knew it! After all, you still decided to learn beast taming even after getting labeled as having zero talent for it whatsoever!"

[Hey, are you praising me or insulting me right now?!]

"Haha. I am praising you! I respect you way more than these geniuses that barely work in their life and yet get worshipped."

For some reason, this just makes me more jealous of these people haha. I would love to not have to put in any effort and having instant success.

That's what isekai cheats are for! Well, I do have mine, somewhat. The only thing is divine energy is not so easy to use. It is not the classical situation of using a lottery to instantly learn everything you need to know type of thing.

"Oh yeah, by the way. Do you really not know who the Eternal Ice is?"

[What is he perhaps some kind of a big deal?]

Why is he looking at me like I am some kind of alien?


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