The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 463: Princess VS Scarface

Chapter 463: Princess VS Scarface

Bai Shaoxing was stunned when she realized she had just happened, then she smiled mischievously; 'So he pulled back at the last moment because of the baby' 'Hmph! Thanks, but no thanks!' She thought to herself before launching herself recklessly towards Min Hong once again; 'So, she would put the life of an innocent unborn child in danger!?' Min Hong saw through her plot as he bellowed in fury; "You Bitch!" Meanwhile Whilst all that battle with Min Hong and his three opponents were going on, not only were their group receiving little to no casualties, the opposing DCM experts were dying here and there like electric bulbs during power failure But since the princess picked her opponent, the battle had been more of a tight one; after all, she was battling the scar faced man who had a 5 Star Saint Stage battle prowess; "Eh?" The scar faced man was stunned when he saw the Princess floating over to him; "3 Star Saint Stage?" He mumbled to himself when he sensed her cultivation; "Little kid, if you are sexual fetish for older men, then I might be able to help, otherwise I am not interested" The man said with a nonchalant expression, but the princess simply smiled coyly at him before adding; "Actually, you're right, I do have a sexual fetish for older men, the only thing is that you have to show mw how dominant you are by defeating me in battle first" She replied; "Like a sexual preparatory dance?" The man said with a hideous grin; "Yeah like a preparatory dance" The princess added as she whipped out a long sword, and instantly, every other sword on the battle field hummed at the presence of this long sword From a first person view, it looked as light as dust, as if the princes was only holding it to prevent it from floating It had a flowing shimmering energy around it that emanate ripples whenever the light from any divine ability or technique shines on it, and it was pretty simple, except from the white gem that was embedded at the joint between the hilt and its blade; "A Diamond Tier Weapon!?" The scar faced man blanched in fear when he saw the long sword in the princess hands, and still with a fake smile plastered on her face, the princess continued; "Don't tell me you are getting scared now, daddy?" "Hmph, don't get too elated little girl" The scar faced man responded by whipping out a sabre of his own which began to cause the air around it to

vibrate, but when this ripple reached the princess' vicinity, they seemed to be shredded into pieces, and before the battle could even begin, the duo's weapons were already having at it, with the scar faced man wielding a Peak Gold Tier weapon; "Alright let's dance and get it over with" The man suggested like he was running late to an important meeting; "Alright, come then" The princess responded as the scar faced man bolted towards her before launching a simple sabre strike which contained no technique whatsoever but was powerful enough to split a 5 Star Saint Stage expert in half; "Flaws!" The princess said as her ocean blue eyes brightened to the point of glowing; "Receding Tides!" She bellowed as her Water Dao surged and instantly a patch of water burst out of the sword, but then the gem at the helm of the princess sword glowed and the water expanded instantaneously as the princess twirled her sword in a backward motion, causing the massive water to form a ring spinning in reverse Then the moment the scar faced man's attack landed on this technique, the water being its nature absorbed more than half of the power behind the sabre strike before its upward revere spin smacked the sword in an upward position, exposing the flank of the scar faced man, as the princess capitalized on the opening; "Advancing Wave!" Using the force of the rotation of the ring of water, the princess abruptly stopped and struck out with power of the initial technique itself Bang! Blergh! The scar face man was blasted over 20 meters to the back before he planted his feet on the empty air like solid ground and actually drew a faint line of air gust in mid-air "What a wonderful sword technique!" The man who had a High Grade armor on had to compliment the intricacies behind the princess' attack "It is actually a single technique called the Ocean Tides" The princess explained; "It is a two in one technique which initially begins with a defensive stance which not only increases its spinning momentum the more the battle drags on, but is also a self-sufficient one" The princess added, and from the way she was saying it, it was like the technique had little to no value in her sights; "So, the technique looks to use the power from the spinning momentum of the water to generate enough power which you simply direct at the opening the defensive stance has created for you" The man completed her explanation based on what he had witnessed and felt from the counter attack the princess launched; "You are a keen one" The princess complimented with an expressionless face; "Such technique would consume a very tiny bit of your Qi, if any, thus ensuring that your enemy runs out of energy first" "Good one I changed my mind Now I want that technique and I am going to get it with whatever means possible" The man added as he launched another attack; "Beast Sabre Style Head Gashing Slash!" The moment the man's sabre moves, it was like another two sabre appeared out of thin air, one above and below as the formed something more like a claw strike from a massive beast as the three sabre Qis tore through the air with a whistling noise; The princess took three steps behind before turning the same spinning ring of water towards the attack; "Ocean's Embrace!" She spun the her sword in front of herself and the ring of water expanded thin like a massive blanket before falling on the three incoming claw shaped sabre Qi The moment the sabre Qi touched the blanket of water, it simply absorbed every single shred of power within it, and it made the attack look like someone hitting a sheet of cloth that was floating in the air, and apart from an explosion which rang out due to their initial collision, the sabre Qi lost all power and just like a tamed attack, it vanished alongside the water blanket; "My turn!" The princess responded with her own attack; She held her sword up with the tip to the sky and the moment it became vertical, several balls of water appeared at the tip of the sword, but the moment the gem of her sword glowed this time, it shrunk these water balls to the size of rain drops; "Rain Line!" Then she struck her sword downwards towards the scar faced man, and all these water droplets elongated into a thin thread of water that tore through the air towards the scar faced man; "Beast Sabre Style Skull Crushing Bite!" The scar faced man chose to advance instead as he struck out aggressively once again, and this time his Qi formed the image of an angry puma looking beast which launched itself towards the princess and her attack with bared fangs, but these thin threads of water simply tore through it like a piece of paper, shredding it into pieces before smashing into the scar faded man; Whpa! Whpa! Prsst! Prsst! The attack didn't sound like an explosion rather, it sounded like a whiplash, as it cut through the scar faced man's armor like tofu before slashing his  muscles open as blood began to spurt out of these tiny slashes like fountain; Drip! Drip! Drip! The man looked hideous, and he now had another scar that ran from the just beside of his right eyes in a straight line, down to the end of his lower right jaw, and if one squinted hard enough, one would be able to notice that the man's jaw bone and skull could be visible from the outside The wound was thin, but deep and it bled like a fatal attack as the man panted in a bending stance All his body were bloodied and all of a sudden the princess began to hear a low growl coming from the man, just like a lion who had noticed a stranger encroaching on its territory Then the man gradually raised his head to look at the princess as he bellowed; "Berserker's Rage Bloodthirst!" Instantly, his bleeding wound stopped and closed up at a speed visible to the naked eyes as the man began to drool like a hungry predator who had just found a juicy prey, then with a loud roar into the sky, his cultivation aura shot through the roof as it entered the 6 star Saint Stage; "Berserker's Prowl!" The man blurted and vanished from the princess sight as the princess shut her eyes and spread out her spirit sense before muttering; "Ocean's Calm!" instantly, everything in the area went as silent as a morgue in the dead of the night In this state, even if a pin dropped a mile away, the princess would hear it as loud as an explosion, her mind became clear and oversensitive; Whoosh! The man bolted past her right flank and the princess caught only a flash of his image The man was moving so fast that his feet were truly standing on the empty air, and as a result, there was no apparent sound of his footsteps, except the breeze that accompanied his movement which only came after he had long past the spot; 'He's too fast, but his Qi is almost combusting; this is a one fatal attack technique' The princess analyzed, "Hmph, I have no choice Forest Mist!" The princess muttered as water droplets rose into the air before exploding into mists which spread all over the princess from every angle before spreading about 5 meters in every direction; The moment the mists stop spreading, a figure tore through it with insane speed, and the moment the figure entered the edge of the mist, the princess sensed instantly; "Disemboweling Claws!" "Tsunami Wall!"

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