The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 462: Despair!

Chapter 462: Despair!


Min Hong was sent flying over 30 meters away, whilst his opponents were only forced back about 5 meters

Min Hong muttered stabilized himself with his wings, as Gong Yi, the princess and the rest of the strong experts on Min Hong's side all had a worrying frown appear on their faces;

They had witnessed the exchange and Min Hong was clearly at a disadvantage;

"Let's go all out!" Gu Ming added as Bai Shaoxing and Elder Fu nodded

"We have miscalculated"

"Bai Shaoxing is a 7 Star Saint Stage expert with a Peak Gold Tier weapon; the 75 percent boost from her weapon alone qualifies her to stand toe to toe with a 1 Star Nirvana stage expert"

"We also didn't know that Elder Fu was a body cultivator, and he can also stand up to a Peak Saint stage expert on his own, likewise Gu Ming"

"All three of them together can take on a 3 Star Nirvana Stage expert and not lose, but when you add Bai Shaoxing's Nirvana level technique, that's put their group at a 5 Star Nirvana stage power level, same as yours"

"But you only have one Diamond Tier weapon, and two Bronze Tier, that can't stand up to three Gold Tier weapons"

"You also have to control that lightning cloud, all these makes you fall into a disadvantage if you don't use it" Little Fei explained all within a breath;

"I would have to hand that lightning cloud over to you, Little Fei Daniel, you would be the eyes behind my head"

Min Hong dished out duties simultaneously, as he saw his opponents bolting over once again;

'Art of Myriad Seals Second Seal!'


Min Hong's aura surged as it climbed up another 2 stages to solidify in the 7 Star Nirvana Stage battle power;

"No holding back!" Bai Shaoxing blurted as she grabbed her sword tightly and bellowed;

"Ghost King Slash!"


Every weapon strike within a 2 mile radius of Bai Shaoxing was nullified as it felt like Bai Shaoxing's sword technique sucked all the power within them to fuel itself;

"That's the Nirvana stage technique!"

Min Hong saw the illusory image of a massive skeleton with a crown on its head appear and slash its bony sword at him, and his face instantly turned serious but just as he prepared to take on the attack, Elder Fu appeared in his opposite flank

He grabbed his club with a vicelike grip, and a massive caveman shadow appeared around him before swinging its own enormous club at Min Hong;

~Woo! Woo!~

Wind howled as everyone felt the tremor of the sheer power that club strike was carrying as they saw it descend like a comet

Min Hong quickly sheathed his 'Soul Slayer Blades' as the energy from all ten of his Daos burst out of his palms;

Silver - Space, Yellow - Metal, Grey - Death, Black - Darkness, Invisible - Flame/Oblivion, Pitch Black - Chaos, Rainbow - Tribulation Lightning, White Force and the Green Primus;

All these Qi came out in their own color and radiance as Lightning Wing's appeared behind Min Hong overlapping with his existing wings as he thrust both palms forward and bellowed;

"Guardian Shield!"

All this Qi came together to form a human sized, rainbow colored shield in front of Min Hong, as the shadow of a warrior in golden armor and white flaming runes appeared and then held its massive shield to the incoming attack;


Both attacks slammed into the shield, another mighty explosion rocked the entire battleground as the shield shattered causing Min Hong stagger backwards about six steps, but before he could even stabilize himself, Gu Ming bolted over and slashed his sabre in a swift arc before bellowing;

"Sun Splitter!"

Flames burst forth from his sabre, but just as his attack was about to be completed, Min Hong's four wings flapped as he flipped mid-air and launched himself towards Gu Ming empty handed;

"Hmph! Underestimate me at your detriment!"

He fumed at Min Hong looking to take his attack head on as he pumped more of his Flame Dao into the strike;

Clank! Boom!



"H-how is that possible!?"

Bai Shaoxing was the first to respond to the outcome of Gu Ming's attack as her eyes widened in shock, then Elder Fu blankly stared at the situation occurring in front of him, as Gu Ming also gasped in terror before blurting the last statement with trembling voice; 

Right in their front was Min Hong with an arm outstretched and Gu Ming's Gold Tier Sabre caught within his index finger and thumb with a vicelike grip, with all those billowing flames around it gone with a puff, and the only damage dealt were the rock boulders which were all over the area that exploded into dust;

"Seriously, you don't know what's possible"

"Like I said earlier, you shall despair!" Min Hong looked into the eyes of the Gu Ming who was standing right in front of him as he repeated his earlier statement before finishing him with a single statement;

"Nightmare Aberration!"

Instantly, all of Gu Ming's cultivation ceased spinning as he plummeted from a height of over 40 meters before plunging about two meters into the earth where his bloodcurdling screams of terror could be heard from over 5 miles away

Everyone on the battlefield cringed badly when they heard GU Ming's scream, but Min Hong simply stowed his Gold Tier Sabre away before rubbing his fingers together like someone sprinkling ash into the sea before he then looked up to the remaining two opponents;

"You guys are boring me If you really have any treasure or technique you are still hiding, it would be better if you showed them to me now"

Min Hong spoke with a flat tone and expression as Elder Fu then stepped forward;

"I seemed to have underestimated you, little-" He had barely finished his statement when Min Hong vanished from his sight;

"I hate people that keep referring to me as a kid!"

Min Hong's pissed off voice floated from Elder Fu's back who didn't even think twice before fleeing; an action Min Hong sneered at;


"Almighty Pull!"

Instantly, gravity swapped directions once again as Elder Fu saw his entire body lurch to an abrupt halt, before he then helplessly watched his body catapult backwards as Min Hong's palm went pitch black

The moment Min Hong's palm went black, Bai Shaoxing's expression darkened as she could sense the potent Death Qi that was pulsing within that palm as Wind Dao surged within her before she catapulted towards Min Hong at breakneck speed;

"Shit, can I still get there on time?"

"No, I must get there on time!"

"I need to get there on time!"

Bai Shaoxing feared for Elder Fu and herself, because once he is gone, she would be the only one left, and that would spell not only her end, but that of the mission she had been entrusted with as well, so she erupted with every shred of speed she could muster;

"Yes, I can make it!"

She smiled in joy when she noticed she would get to Min Hong before the incoming Elder Fu reaches Min Hong, but it was at the same moment that smile surfaced on her face that Min Hong looked at her and sneered;

He spread his finger wider as the suction force with which Elder Fu was being pulled instantly tripled;


She screamed but Min Hong had no mercy as he sent his pitch black palm straight into Elder Fu's back;

"Chaotic Death Palm!"

Just like the name suggested, it was a palm strike infused with Chaos Dao to scatter the flow of Elder Fu's Qi so that it would be unable to disperse the Death Qi which was the true poison Min Hong intended on dosing him with;

Bang! Blergh!


The moment the palm landed on Elder Fu, his Qi flowed in reverse as he first threw up a mouthful of blood, before the Chaos Qi raged into his body and began to wreak intense havoc within him, forcing him to throw up another mouthful of blood as Bai Shaoxing's eyes dilated with fury causing her to explode with unprecedented madness

Min Hong simply shook his head made a mysterious hand seal before slamming his palm into Elder Fu who finally fell to the ground in agony to join Gu Ming in a blood curdling duet, he rotated on the same spot and when he saw the crazed Shaoxing bolting towards him he gave a helpless and bored sigh;

"You've lost!"

He said as he looked towards the Bai Shaoxing who had left a lot of opening due to her losing her calm, and Min Hong didn't need to be told before capitalizing on it

He knew she would either be a grand elder from the unorthodox Ghost King Sect of the Dogon Empire, due to the Nirvana Stage attacks she used twice earlier, and thus, Min Hong chose to use his perfect counter technique;

"Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs; First Script, Baptism Of The Ancient Saints!"

Min Hong bellowed as he used his 'Omnipresence' to appear abruptly in front of Bai Shaoxing as he sent his palm hurtling towards her stomach area [Why would you want him to hit her on the chest, so uncultured]

Bai Shaoxing's eyes widened in fear as Min Hong's palm approached her tummy area;

"My baby!"

But just as Min Hong's hand was about to land on her belly, his 'Echo' divine ability picked up a rippling heartbeat in Bai Shaoxing's belly;

"A baby!?"

His eyes widened in shock as he forcefully deviated his palm towards Bai Shaoxing's blade at the critical moment;

Boom! Splurt!


Four of Min Hong's fingers were instantly severed off his hand as he groaned in pain before throwing up a mouthful of blood which was caused by his forceful maneuver of his palm strike

Bai Shaoxing was stunned when she realized she had just happened, then she smiled mischievously;

'So he pulled back at the last moment because of the baby'

'Hmph! Thanks, but no thanks!'

She thought to herself before launching herself recklessly towards Min Hong once again;

'So, she would put the life of an innocent unborn child in danger!?' Min Hong saw through her plot as he bellowed in fury; "You Bitch!"

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