The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 361: The Dreamchasers [2]; Falling!

Chapter 361: The Dreamchasers [2]; Falling!

They instantly gave way as Min Hong tore through their middle like hot knife through butter, and he could have sworn he heard a shocked 'Hmm!?' sound

After skidaddling past these beasts, Min Hong sighed in relief

But just as his sigh ended, he began to hear a rushing sound up ahead


Min Hong exclaimed as the floor suddenly became slightly wetter, and the air gradually becoming moister and heavier

Still running at the same speed, the bush abruptly cleared before Min Hong as he instantly realized he had been on a mountain all along, and was now approaching a cliff

Digging his legs into the ground for breaking his speed, Min Hong's feet dug a 7 inch deep gully on the ground as he approached the cliff with insane but slowly reducing speed;


Min Hong screamed out in fear once again as he approached the edge of the cliff

He comically turned himself around and was now heading towards the cliff with his back facing it...

Digging his hand into the ground as additional anchor, Min Hong saw his speed reduce significantly, as he plunged his entire arm into the earth for greater level of anchoring


Min Hong finally screeched to a halt at  the edge of the cliff itself, and then began to hear the roaring of a waterfall behind him, and from how high the noise was, he knew without looking that the drop from this cliff will be maddening

Sigh I relief that he had somehow saved himself from another cataclysmic catastrophe, Min Hong then began to hear the sound of a roaring wind coming from up ahead, flattening the trees and bushes as it approached him;

'Don't tell me-?'

Swoosh! Slam!

The wind burst out of the jungle and slammed into Min Hong throwing him over the edge of this cliff;

'Haaaaaaa!' Min Hong screamed as he fell

He fell into what felt like cylindrical abyss; because he could hear his screams bounce back from the walls of this dark place, but was so deep that his screams disappeared into the depths without bouncing back! Instantly, Min Hong's fear reached a new height as he wailed;

'Haaaaahahahaaa!' He cried like a baby in deep fear, as he continued to fall endlessly

But after falling for what seemed to be about ten meters, Min Hong suddenly heard the sound of wings flap, and instantly he muted his wail, but his screams had already done the deed;

Screech! Screech! Screech!

Fwala! Fwala! Fwala!

Bats screeched and flapped their wings as they began to fall along with Min Hong

Min Hong's fear grew as he realized, he had just literally fallen 'From the Frying Pan into the Fire!'

If these bats were half as bad and scary at those beasts that had just chased him now, then Min Hong knew for sure that he was going to be with no doubt be in a super dangerous trouble; because just from the amount of screeches alone, he could count at least, 30,000 of these bats [If they were actually bats, that is]

Then he thought of the claw slash one of those beasts gave him earlier, and though it had stopped bleeding for some unknown reason at an unknown time [Probably, the effect of adrenaline rush]; they still hurt like hell, and the pain he was feeling was a mixture of stinging, peppering and searing pains combined, and then multiplied by at least a thousand folds

Thus, if these presumed bats could even deliver half of the damage of those claw strikes, and they were over 30,000 of them, Min Hong was sure that wherever the ground of this place was, there is a very strong tendency that only his skeleton would land, and even the thought of his skeleton crashing after falling from such height, sent another wave of cringe through Min Hong

Whilst all these was happening, Min Rou, Min Qing and Qing Tan were all staring at the king-sized bed, watching Min Hong roll around, squirm sometimes, and even moan at other intervals, and they stood there smiling like a dunce talking leisurely to each other;

"Hong-ge, seems to be really enjoying his sleep"

Min Rou said and the other two nod their head in concession, despite the oddity of using the term '-ge' instead of '-er';

"I wonder which wonderland he is currently dreaming of, that is making him this blissful!"

Qing Tan chipped in with a sigh, despite the oddity of being the smallest amongst them...

"Perhaps, he is dreaming of the Hong Dynasty"

Min Qing added, and the rest actually nodded, deeply accepting the possibilities

But none of them would ever know, that Min Hong at this point want being blissful, nah [I will leave the rest to whatever you feel like ending this statement with]

Still falling at breakneck and a crash assured speed, Min Hong suddenly sensed the screams of these bats getting closer at an ever nearing speed, and it was then that he came to a sudden realization;

He had just been falling since, but these bats were actually flying towards him, which meant that they were moving at the speed of gravity multiplied by their own top speed!

Min Hong looked downwards, and from the second time in about twenty minutes, Min Hong chose to 'Straight Ahead' as his escape route


Even I don't know how it happened, but for some strange reasons, Min Hong felt straightening his body with his hands plastered to either sides of his body would make his falling, faster

He straightened his body like a missile and stretched his length as long as he could as he plunged into the depths of this abyss at double speed;


One of these bats, clawed at Min Hong's legs, and from the amount of pain he felt, he knew their damage was even stronger than the beasts earlier, and the only difference was that these guys claws were smaller, but dug deeper; all this simply reaffirmed Min Hong's decision that; downwards it is!

He didn't even bother to scream because of the pain, instead he just channeled every shred of pain he was now feeling from both wounds into his desire to plunge faster, and faster he went

Whilst he moaned in the outside world, agony wreaked havoc within his mind within the dream, and whilst people were watching him with smiles in the outside world, these guys within this dream of his, wanted to see the color of his bones!

Min Hong looked ahead, and despite being unable to see anything, he was now beginning to hear another roaring sounding, and the volume was rising the faster he descended

With these factors alone, Min Hong realized that he was reaching the ends of this tunnel or whatever it was, but with this furious mind-set, Min Hong knew that it was never a fucking cliff! He then began to feel the air grow moist once again, and wet and heavy;

'Great! So, I am going to get wet!' Min Hong thought to himself in utter frustration

He didn't know what was going on, but why did he have to have this kind of dream?

Why did someone had to bring him here for such kind of torture?

He didn't know who it was, and neither did he know why they did it, or what they are probably expecting him to do or achieve within this place? But there was one thing for sure; he was tired of it, wanted it to stop and ready to leave immediately

But then again, who will get him out of here! Kaboom! Min Hong blasted into the water and it felt more like a deep but massive lake, rather than a flowing river, sea or ocean

Min Hong sank into the depths Plunging ever deeper due to the momentum of his fall and the structure of his body when he landed

There was no source of light beneath this water also, and everything was also pitch black and he couldn't see anything

Then because he was sensing no threats at this moment, Min Hong decided that; rather than being flustered and thrashing around to reduce his falling speed and swim upwards, he would rather sink to a stop and allow the rippling and rebounding effect of the water take him back upwards, thus he relaxed himself

After sinking for about another 100 meters, Min Hong's body finally came to a stop, and just as he had predicted, the water truly began to take him back up

But after ascending for about three feet [or one meter], Min Hong saw to red lights abruptly appear about ten meters [or thirty feet] away from him

Narrowing his eyes to better see what this lights were, Min Hong then found out that there seemed to be a black slit within these lights, and then he saw some tiny black root-like stuffs growing from the edge of these red lights towards its center


Min Hong screamed, but only the sound of rapidly bubbling water came out of his mouth as he lost several bit of oxygen he had within his lungs

Those spherical lights that were almost the size of his head, were actually eyes!

Serpent-like, red, savage and massive eyes, staring right at him with what he could sense as; extreme bloodthirst! If the eyes are this large, he wasn't ready to figure out just how massive the body was

Min Hong's fear exploded like a nuclear warhead, as he began to thrash around and grow flustered, trying to swim his way out of this ultimate and certain death

But just as he began to trash around, more of this lights began to come on, one by one, each one even more savage that the last...


Min Hong let out another tragic scream, as he began to swim up with all his might, but all that came out of his mouth was an even more intense bubbling sound

Min Hong's hands were almost paddling as fast as the propeller within a jet engine

"Oh, he's swimming!"

Qing Tan exclaimed in delight as she saw the hands of Min Hong on the bed begin to paddle as the other two began to smile once again

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