The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 360: The Dreamchasers [1]; Fleeing!

Chapter 360: The Dreamchasers [1]; Fleeing!

There were also more than enough silk pillows for five people sitting on the silk sheeted beds which was enough to contain four people easily, and Min Hong fell onto the bed and felt himself sink into it, before being brought back to the surface, and a pleasurable smile climbed up to Min Hong's face;


He said before falling asleep almost instantly, his body succumbing to their need to rest after his back to back battles and duels

Min Qing, Qing Tan and Min Rou came to check up on Min Hong and when they saw him utterly wasted on the massive king-sized bed, they decided not to bother him

Whereas Min Hong on the other hand had been dreaming for the very first time in a very long time;

He was drifting through the clouds for the past ten minutes, and then he finally dropped below the cloud, and looking downwards within this dream, Min Hong realized he was airplane high into the clouds [Damn! This came out wrong!]

He dropped at a blinding speed as he approached the ground with a catastrophic speed

It felt like the gravity of wherever this place is was almost a billion times that of his world; the air howled past his ears at an ever increasing volume, until he began to see the top of many jungle-sized trees;

Turu! Plat!


Creak! Crack!



Min Hong battered through the thick leaves and broke almost every branch in his path before finally crashing to the ground with a nigh explosive landing

Cough! Cough!

Min Hong crawled to his feet with immense body ache, and it was only then a realization hit him;

'I can feel pain?' His thoughts sent extreme shivers down his spine as his skin began to tingle.

Bullets of sweat perspired through his skin like there was a hot tub around

He tried to contact Daniel and Little Fei; the two people he felt he would still be able to access no matter the situation, but he was greatly alarmed to find out that, every link he had to everything he knew had been cut off

As a matter of fact, he couldn't even sense the 'Realm of Creations' as worry began to shroud every fiber of his being

Everything around here was pitch black and it looked like the darkest night that had no moon

Min Hong could barely see anything around; it seemed like all the massive trees around had blocked the moonlight from spilling into this jungle-like place

Rustle! Rustle! Rustle!

Min Hong's thoughts was instantly interrupted as he sensed the thick bushes that surrounded him begin to rustle, he braced himself instantly and tried to access his cultivation, but as things would appear, not even his cultivation was available

'What is happening!?' Min Hong's fear rose to another peak;

Rustle! Rustle! Rustle!

The rustling within the bushes sounded once again, and this time, it was very close to Min Hong, and the moment this thought of being in close proximity with the unknown after all his source of power had been stripped off, triggered something within Min Hong's current body

[This is not his real body, remember he is within a dream or something like that]

Min Hong began to feel three pairs of eyes stare at him, and thought he couldn't find out what was going on because he couldn't see, but the penetrating gaze of whatever it was that was looking at him was intent on harming or devouring him; that was what his mental alarm was telling him

Min Hong braced himself and got ready for any action;



Something bolted out of the bushes behind Min Hong and slashed his body dragging out massive amount of blood along with it, and the sharp pain that accompanied it, made Min Hong feel like a portion of his flesh had been gouged out of his body


Min Hong blurted in agony as he tried to reach for his back where the injury was, but sadly, it was in that part of one's back our hands can never reach

If Min Hong tried to reach it with his right hand, the wound would bleed out more profusely and he could feel his life slightly ebbing away due to this

He looked around and he could still sense two pairs of eyes staring at him from behind and one from up ahead, he looked to both sides and couldn't feel anything coming from those direction, and then allowing his pain, adrenaline and desire to keep living guide him, Min Hong bolted for one of this directions;


That was how much force Min Hong moved with;


Min Hong tore through the bushes in his path with tom-&-jerry like speed as he ran for his dear life

But he had barely covered a hundred meters, when he began to hear the sound of rustling bushes from both sides, and they were approaching insanely fast with heavy footsteps that sounded like a lifeless human bodies were raining from the sky

But that was not made Min Hong confirm whatever were coming from him; nope, it was their panting, heavy breaths that looked like a demonic hound was in top flight coming for blood

These heavy breaths sounded like a horse exhaling combined with a tiger that was snarling; these sounds gave Min Hong the creeps of his life

He knew there and then that these things chasing him were beasts

Massive, bloodthirsty, famished and savage beasts that had set their sights on him and were very keen and intent on making him- dinner

Min Hong was nearly crying; he remembered every part of his body, and for some strange reason, they began to appear delicate and weak in his mind; he wondered what it would be like for him to watch these savage beasts eats his thighs while he was still alive and feeling it

Instantly, a stronger desire to live surged through Min Hong as his leg reached a new found speed, he never believed that they could carry him before;


The speed at which Min Hong tore through the bush right now was sounding like someone was driving a nitro boosted, Bugatti Chiron with twin turbo engines, at high speed


Min Hong screamed as he tore through the bush looking to chase away anything that might be in his path, because with the speed at which he was moving, he knew that if a massive rock suddenly appear in his sight; it would be a face-plant!

Growl! Growl!

Min Hong heard two of the beasts behind him growl at each other seemingly scheming tactically at him, and his mental wailing reached another crescendo, as he dug deep into his soul to find another level of speed he never knew existed; wherever that speed might be- right now- he really needed it!

But just as he thought about it, he suddenly realized that two of the three heavy footsteps and panting behind him had suddenly vanished, and only one was left;


Min Hong exclaimed in shock, he looked to the left, there was nothing, he did the same to right, and there was also nothing, looking above he saw nothing;

'Oh no!'

Min Hong gasped, he was now dead sure that these beasts were extremely likely waiting for him up front, and just as he had predicted, he soon began to feel the vibrations of approaching, heavy footsteps from up ahead

Min Hong initially thought of running left or right, but then he wasn't sure if their real plan was to force him to run to either sides

Furthermore, he knew that if he changed his direction at this point, his speed would momentarily slow down, before he will then begin to gather another momentum [after all, he wasn't a car that could just drift] but before he would be able to gather enough momentum, these beasts would obviously have reached him, and by 'Huoyi's Curly Beard', Min Hong knew he wasn't ready to feel another one of that slash again

Thus, a crazed look appeared on Min Hong's face and he chose a direction;

Up Ahead!

He furtherly increased his insane speed to an unknown level and ran straight ahead with a crazed ferocity, setting himself up for a collision course!

If he was going to be eaten, then he needed to be unconscious when they did it, and there was no better way to knock himself out than to run straight into these mountain of a beast

Perhaps, if he got knocked out, he would wake up, right?

Min Hong left the heavy footsteps behind so easily, that it seemed like the distance between Min Max when one is turning the volume of a speaker

The two beasts up ahead heard some splattering and clattering sounds, and though they didn't know what insane specie of a beast was approaching them with such speed and ferocity, they knew one thing for sure;

This insane specie was not one of their kind, and neither were they willing to find out which type it was

They instantly gave way as Min Hong tore through their middle like hot knife through butter, and he could have sworn he heard a shocked 'Hmm!?' sound

After skidaddling past these beasts, Min Hong sighed in relief

But just as his sigh toned down, he began to hear a rushing sound up ahead


Min Hong exclaimed as the floor suddenly became slightly wetter, then the air began to become moist and slightly heavy 

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