The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 355: The Core Court

Chapter 355: The Core Court

"Don't even think about it, you will lose the battle" Daniel echoed within his mind;

"You can never win such a battle with women; it is just impossible So, don't even try it"

He warned whilst Min Hong's grin returned, this time even more brilliant that the one he had earlier, and if not for the situation, Min Hong would have laughed hysterically

"We will be having a meeting at my apartment within District 2 in three days"

"You all should settle in nicely and prepare to go to work, we have so much to do in so little amount of time"

Min Hong gave them a final reminder before Elder Yun faced the direction of the core court and zoomed off

Little Ming transformed into her tiny state and flashed over, coiling herself around Min Qing's neck, making her seem like an all too real necklace rather than an actual serpent

Min Qing simply laughed lightly and caressed her head as they went ahead

About ten minutes later, they could see a very huge landscape up ahead

This place was so huge that it could contain the entire Min Family castle a dozen times over

There were several massive apartments scattered all over the place, but on a deeper and more scrutinizing look, one would notice that these apartments weren't scattered, but actually arranged in a particular formation, and from the type of formation it looked like, it seemed be a Qi gathering formation

"No wonder there are clouds and mists all over the place"

Qing Tan murmured which shocked Min Hong because he never knew Qing Tan could have also arrived at the conclusion that all these apartments were arranged in a formation;

"It seems to be a concealing formation, where they use the clouds and mists to veil peering eyes from knowing what was happening within" Min Qing also added;

"That is not a concealing formation" Min Hong confirmed;

"What you are seeing here is a Qi gathering formation, and all those clouds and mists, are basically pure concentrated Qi that has been gathered within this small space"

"When a gas is being gathered into a space much smaller than itself, it would begin to solidify" He explained

"Elder Yun, we can't fly over we will have to descend and go through the gates"

The three ladies looked at Min Hong with a curious expression When Min Hong saw their expressions, he then explained;

"If they are gathering so much natural energy within this place, to the extent that it has formed a cloud"

"Then there must be something preventing that cloud from floating into the sky and dispersing" Min Rou also came to a similar conclusion;

"A protective barrier!" Ming Qing and Qing Tan blurted simultaneously in apprehension

Whereas, as they were approaching, there two enforcement hall disciples; one female and one male guarding the core court massive gates had been watching the arriving group;

"One mid-grade spirit stone says they won't crash into the invisible barrier" The girl spoke;

"Lai Yi, you still haven't learned your lessons after three solid years"

"Newcomers always crash into it"

The boy brought out a mid-grade spirit stone and slammed it into Lai Yi's palm

Then they saw Min Hong's group head towards the barrier, flying feet by feet closer to slamming into the barrier;

"Come on guys, you guys shouldn't think entering the core court is that easy"

Lai Yi said in an almost begging tone which only widened her partner's grin the more

They had always made such a bet anytime it was their shift and a new disciple was just entering the core court for the first time

"Lai Yi, out of the over twenty bets we have had, you have only won twice your odds are greatly low"

The boy said with his grin growing ever wider as Min Hong's group approached the core court on air;

"That is exactly why I feel this might be my time"

"It has been too long and I believe it is time nature and karma made some changes, Nan Jin" Lai Yi responded;

"Alright then, since you so believe in karma, how about we make this three mid-grade spirit stones then"

Nan Jin upped the stakes, as Lai Yi began to slightly hesitate;

"It is now or never"

Nan Jin urged as Min Hong's group got closer to the barrier;

"Are you upping the stakes or not?"

Nan Jin was now becoming anxious as Min Hong's group was already within the range where the result of their bets would be determined;

"I guess I can take it"

The instant Lai Yi spoke, Nan Jin slammed two more Mid-grade Spirit Stones into her palm, but just as he did that, he saw the incoming bird take a plunge downwards in their direction;

"I win!?"

"I win!?"

"Nuwa's love, I truly won!"

Lai Yi jumped in delight as the smirk on Nan Jin's face began to ebb slowly until Min Hong's group finally landed in their front and he gave a helpless sigh and accepted his defeat

"Hi, what brings you to the core court districts?"

Lai Yi was all smiles when she saw them descend and though she wasn't as beautiful or as adorable and innocent as Min Qing and Qing Tan, and neither was she as much a sex beacon as the current Min Rou, but she was still very much good looking and not lacking in either of her protrusions either

Furthermore, she also has this aura of an eccentric girl which was something everyone that came with Min Hong instantly liked

They don't have any eccentric personality in their group, and whilst Mu Li can be more of a joker and a mischievous goat sometimes, he still wasn't eccentric, and neither was Kun Chao

Though Kun Chao has significant taboo tendencies and the inclination to go for things that seemed overambitious, he still wasn't eccentric, thus, the attitude of the girl in front of them made them easily warm up to her

"I am here to find my apartment"

Min Hong replied as he tendered his tag to the duo, and when they both saw it, they discovered that it was a genuine badge

"Alright Please state your name so we can crosscheck our list and point you to your new home"

Nan Jin asked as he brought out a large book from his storage ring and opened it to the newer and fresher page;

"Fei Hong" Min Hong responded as the duo froze

"The same Fei Hong that challenged two 'War God Trials' back to back within the space of two weeks?"

Lai Yi asked with a solemn expression, like a devoted follower who was looking at an impersonator and was ready to kill just because someone was claiming the status of their idol It didn't matter even if the person was just unfortunately bearing the same name as her idol;

"That's the one" Min Hong replied with a wary expression and stance;

"Wait, then you should be the aunt that just arrived, and you should be the one who killed Xi Mei whilst you should be the bullied one"

Lai Yi pointed to Min Rou, Min Qing and Qing Tan respectively, in the order of what had truly transpired within the last one or two months

Min Hong's group instantly let their guard up as they began to look at Lai Yi in a new light; one that they were really wary and cautious of;

"I'm just messing with you!"

Lai Yi blurted as she extended her hand and shook each and every of their hands, before Nan Jin finally intervened;

"Don't mind her, she always gets nervous and eccentric around new core court disciples"

"But it also an honor to meet the legendary Fei Hong" Nan Jin also gave a slight bow

Min Hong and the rest finally sighed in relief, but still had their guards up, and finally, they were directed to Min Hong's new apartment, and in less than ten minutes, the were already there

They had found out from the duo that there were only twenty apartments within the core court, and Min Hong was the sixteenth disciple to get an apartment within the core court and even told him how grumpy the fifth strongest core court disciple had become when he was told he had to leave District 2 for District 3 because of a newcomer

Apparently, with the way the core court was arranged, the first district belonged to the strongest core court disciple of the sect who would also be the strongest disciple in the entire sect

It was a massive amount of land with only a single apartment, lots of trees, flowers and even a river that ran along for about a mile

It was said to be a massive apartment that was at least two square miles in scape

Then District 2 is for the second to the fifth strongest disciples, whilst District 3 is for the sixth to tenth strongest disciples and District 4 belonged to the eleventh to the twentieth core court disciples, whilst District 5 housed, the core court Enforcement, Treasure, Mission Hall and every other departments of the sect

District 6 housed their two arenas and single public square

One of the two arenas is where they spar, duel, exchange pointers and also have their Death matches, whilst the second arena are for intersect tournaments and competitions

District 7 to 10 also contained ten apartments each; which meant that in total, there can only be about 60 core court disciples, and a single strongest disciple of the sect

The environment was also quiet, calm, pristine and drenched with natural energy to the extent that spirit fruits and plants were already growing everywhere

There were birds and beautiful insects everywhere, which made this place a mini paradise, for not only cultivation and meditation, but actually living in every single sense of it

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