The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 354: Leaving The Outer Court

Chapter 354: Leaving The Outer Court



The two bloodlines merged and instantly exploded, and in that moment, every single Cui Clan descendant felt their bloodlines tremble with excitement

From the lowest of them all to their matriarch and queen

The princess and the cui guards also felt the same thing as they looked towards each other in shock

"Now that you have all you need, you can leave!"

Min Hong spoke in a tone that brood no argument, then he felt a tug on his sleeves once again, and sighed;

"You are also welcome to stay if you want"

The girls were all shocked at Min Hong's rapid change of decision, as the Princess looked to Min Qing with a gratified sigh, as Min Qing return a subtle smile;

"You two, take the samples and return to the clan and show it to mother and grandma, tell them that I might take a little longer to return"

"You will stay here with me"

She ordered the other two whilst telling the guard who smiled at Kun Chao earlier to stay with her, which was an utter coincidence, but one which delighted the guard

When Min Hong heard the Princess say she was going to return a little later than normal, it was then he knew she planned on sticking around for a bit, and as a result, he decided that instead of giving himself an headache, he would just ignore her and allow her to do whatever she wants

If she ran into trouble with anyone, then she was on her own

Thirty minutes later, everyone came around all packed and ready to leave, Min Hong who had called out to Little Ming via his soul contract waited for her to come around

The moment she arrived was the same moment Min Rou finished packing, thus, Min Hong and his eleven man entourage stepped outside of his apartment, and looked into the distance, they were going into the inner court whilst Min Hong was headed for the core court which was no little distance to them as a person but only a half an hour journey as cultivators, but with enemies lurking within and without, Min Hong had advised them to use their cultivation on extracurricular activities as least often as possible...

Elder Yun and Little Ming made themselves big, and Min Hong released the five she-wolves which Min Rou quickly brought under control since they were a bit agitated finding themselves in such a contrasting environment to where they have spent their entire previous life

The Princess, put two of her guards on the crane that brought them here; which has now recovered, taking the two blood samples left from their earlier bloodline compatibility experiment, the two guards looked towards the third one with a knowing expression, as she nodded back before they took flight and vanished into the distance, returning to their clan to give their queen and matriarch the results of their adventure

"Kun Chao you're stronger, so Kun Lin would bind one of the she-wolves Same goes for Mu Bai and Mu Li"

Min Hong spoke as Kun Lin and Mu Bai signed a contract with two of the she-wolves with the help of Min Rou

Qing Tan signed a soul contract with one of them which she intended to keep as a pet rather than a mount

Min Rou signed a contract with the fourth one and Min Hong explicitly instructed that the last one remain for Long Sha who had lost his only mount in the jungle, which meant; no one was to either sign a contract or mount it, except Long Sha

Dai He and Ma Dong mounted one of the wolves

Xiao Chun got and Tong Tian mounted a second, Kun Chao and Kun Lin mounted the third, then finally Mu Bai and Mu Li mounted the fourth

Min Hong, Min Qing, Min Rou and Qing Tan boarded Elder Yun who soared into the clouds, whilst the Princess Cui and the third guard boarded Little Ming, and like that their entourage moved, as Min Hong turned to give a last look to the outer court apartment which had sheltered him for about two years

'I came here with everything intact, but I left with the roofs in tatters Well, I guess you were just too small to contain me'

Min Hong thought to himself before laying on his back, and Min Qing snuggling up to him once more, just as they have always done when they were fleeing into the Dogon Empire for the first time

At one point, the princess and Kun Lin would look up and see Elder Yun, and begin to think that; just like Qing Tan, they could have been with Min Hong, riding with him also

But Min Hong simply wrapped one hand around Min Qing as Qing Tan subconsciously took his other arm and wrapped it around herself; there was no way she was missing out on such a nice ride; romantic, cruisy and fresh like the air they were currently drifting through; she loved it and it gave her the butterflies

Min Rou simply watched the trio with a smile, as she subtly began to feel out of place in this group of ladies surrounding Min Hong

They were all within his age range, and even Princess Cui and Kun Lin would be much suitable with the group than her she felt she was just too old, being a vessel or not, she was at least in her mid-thirties, over twice Min Hong's age, as she felt the sort of feelings she had for Min Hong might make things more complicated for his life when she tells him how she feels, but little did she know that Min Hong had sweet plans for her and Qing Tan

Min Hong had long thought about the scenario of him having so many ladies around him of different age, backgrounds and mentality, whilst the rest of his group were more like gay groups

That was why he told the gang earlier that the remaining eight slots out of the twenty they had reserved for core members of their Hong Dynasty must be occupied by females only

That way, not only will the guys have a partner of their own, but it would also ensure that missions which are better suited for females wouldn't be given to males just because they don't have enough women

An example would be seducing people to get information and the ability to gain access to certain places, just based on gender alone

Before long, they got to the inner court district 11 where the Enforcement Hall had managed to create space for them

Each of them took their apartments which was enough to house three separate people, a maid, a retainer and a guard all beneath one roof, and it was until they all settled in that they realized that they were going to be having three spare apartments;

Min Qing's, Qing Tan's and finally Long Sha's apartment were vacant, since Min Qing and Qing Tan would obviously be sharing the same bed with Min Hong

"We were having the issue of needing a bigger house, but now, we are having the issue of having more than enough houses, what a significant turnaround"

Min Qing giggled as Min Hong looked towards the Princess and told her to pick one of the three apartments; the princess though crestfallen and heartbroken chose one of the three which she was given not only the tag for claiming the apartment, but also Min Qing's tag to identify the person who had took her in

But just as he had expected, Min Qing was somewhat displeased with how the situation was being handled, so Min Hong tried to lighten her mood;

"Don't worry, when the two she had sent to their clan returns, the three of them can stay her and she can then come stay with us"

His decision worked like a charm, because not only did Min Qing beam like a little kid given an oversized ice cream, she also gave him a sucking peck on the cheek

Min Hong simply sighed with a grin as he shook his head He had finally understood Min Qing's intentions; she was starting to create her own subgroup within their own group

She also had the bloodline of an empress, and it was starting to show itself

She wanted people she could also lord over, and in that moment, an outrageous thought bloomed within Min Hong's mind;

'If Min Qing was going to truly become his queen, then she had better start behaving like one, acting like one, speaking like one and carrying responsibilities like one, and where better could she start, than having an underling who is already a royalty'

Min Hong began to grin mischievously at this thought of his which only seemed to be growing more interesting the more he thought about it

Princess Cui saw his grin and instantly shivered; though she didn't know what he was thinking about, but that grin was the one people usually gave when they are planning something not too nice

But she was also determined to convince Min Hong and probably make him see her as someone worthy of his love, and not just the middle man within an ordinary transaction between his bloodline and theirs, thus she smirked back before entering the apartment, something that truly caught Min Hong off-guard, wiping the grin off his smug face, as he narrowed his eyes in thought

"Don't even think about it, you will lose the battle" Daniel echoed within his mind;

"You can never win such a battle with women; it is just impossible So, don't even try it"

He warned whilst Min Hong's grin returned, this time even more brilliant that the one he had earlier, and if not for the situation, Min Hong would have laughed hysterically

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