The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 342: Surrounded By Enemies [1] – Poisoned

Chapter 342: Surrounded By Enemies [1] – Poisoned

"None taken, Ki Ting I'm not so impetuous to be furious at the truth"

"But this is the first time I have seen you speak more than one sentence concerning a matter, what happened?"

Xiao Gui turned gazed at that girl with a mischievous grin plastered on her face;

"Now that I think about it, that seems to be true"

The second guy who was named, Rin Chen also looked towards the now blushing Ki Ting

"W-Wh-What are you saying?"

"I am simply pointing out a feat he has pulled off that none of us hasn't"

Ki Ting, despite are insane level of power still found herself flustered and stuttering when it came to a topic as simple as that

"That's enough guys I asked you out here for a reason"

Gong Yi brought them back to the important matter they had at hand

Back on the stage, the second dome then opened, and there, was Min Hong struggling to stand on both feet

He was both exhausted, and also had blood trickling down the corner of his mouth

Though, his technique and the Qi within it was not supposed to hurt him, since they came out of his own Dan, but no one said anything about the rippling shockwave from the explosion

He was even lucky enough that Little Fei had warned him, and moreover, he had also took the liberty to protect his opponent which delayed him enough for the first ripple of the shockwave to hit him squarely on the chest

He took his first step forward with great difficulty, as everyone saw him puke a mouthful of blood

He took another step followed by another mouthful of blood as he walked towards the three unconscious inner court disciples

When he reached their position, he squatted and checked their pulse, and after sensing that they were still alive, he fell on his butt to catch his breath before sitting cross-legged to gather energy

His regeneration and healing abilities spun into full throttle as they began to heal all his internal wounds

Though, his vital organs had been kept I another pocket of space, other organs who aren't that life threatening still remained in his body, and all of them at this point were shaken out of place

His one thousand dragon tattoos of different Daos, sizes and power swam through all the insides of his body like Nanites latching onto the displaced organ before shifting them back in place

By the time they were done, Min Hong's Qi reserves had depleted by 80 percent whilst his body energy reserve had depleted by 40 percent; that is the extent to which his internal injuries were

Elder Peng who was in cohorts with both the Yue Clan, Shen Super Clan and Xi Super Clan, saw Min Hong utterly exhausted and saw the scenario as an opportunity

Thus he instantly announced Min Hong's next two opponents, and as they have planned it amongst themselves, it happened to be Xi Wong; Xi Mei's brother, and Shen Tang, the eldest of the Shen siblings

The crowd was instantly stunned when they saw what has happened

Though the hardest thing about the 'War God Trials' was not the powerful opponents one would battle, but the fact that, each battle must continue consecutively, except something extremely drastic happened within the sect that forces the 'Trials' to be abandoned till further notice

Thus, for this 'Inner to Core Court Trials', Min Hong had to battle four disciples in the 2 Star Nascent Soul stage, followed by three disciples in the 3 Star Nascent Soul stage, and then 2 in the 4 Star Nascent Soul stage, before finally facing his tenth and last opponent, a single disciple in the 5 Star Nascent Soul stage, and these were all in cultivation only and not total battle power

Thus, the trio Min Hong had just battled all had a total battle power in the 5 Star Nascent Soul stage individually, their Daos being their shortcomings

But in the case of the two that has just been called up into the stage, each of them had at least a total battle power of a 7 Star Nascent Soul expert, which means that, for the exhausted Min Hong, this would be a very dangerous battle;

"That's not fair!" Min Qing burst into rage;

"I guess it's the rule of the competition, and though no one can be as reasonable as your boyfriend to actually protect his own opponent as his expense"

Min Rou said from the side as they watched the entire proceedings via the second mirror which was now floating in the center of the room

"He should have just left them to die!"

Qing Tan blurted from the side, and it was only then, that everyone realized that not only was she pissed, but was fuming in rage

Min Qing then had to hug her and caress her hair before adding;

"Xi Mei of the Xi Super Clan is already dead, and if he should add three more to the list, we might have a big problem in our hands"

Qing Tan also understood that Min Qing had gone on rampage because of the malicious plan and pit they had dug for her, thus, not only did she not feel any ounce of pity towards the dead duo, instead it made her love Min Qing the more

Whilst all this was going on, Princess Cui just sat there, both feeling conflicted about the amount of girls that were already in Min Hong's life, as well as in awe of his ability

She had never seen him before, but the moment she saw how young he was and just how talented he is, she began to feel a little bit apprehensive about why he would be surrounded by several girls

"Wait That's Shen Tang!" Min Qing blurted as she caught a glimpse of the two figures who darted into the stage;

"It's a trap!" Qing Tan blurted, alarming the entire room;

"What do you mean?" Elder Long asked with a frown

"That is Shen Tang, the eldest of the Shen siblings Min Hong beat up the day I was being bullied by his younger brother's"

"and Hong-ge also defeated their father, the day I killed Xi Mei and Yue Yao for almost killing you" Min Qing added;

"When you add that to the fact that, they lost all their merit points betting on Fei Hong to lose his 'Outer to Inner Court War God Trials'"

"He is currently in a competition overseen and fought by his enemies!" Elder Long completed their train of thought

"But there is still nothing we can do about it, because though they have acted shamelessly, they are still within the limits of the rule"

"Moreover, the Sect Leader should be there, and I don't think he would sit back and allow him to be killed given the situation, so you be rest assured that, though he might be severely injured, Hong would still be safe" Elder Long eased the tension in the air

"Furthermore, this would also serve as a method of spurring his potential"

"Perhaps, he would make a breakthrough of some sort" Elder Yun added from the side

One thing her training in the jungle had reaffirmed for her is that; one must undergo some serious pain and harsh conditions to truly evolve, and Min Hong might as well treat this one as his because, there was truly a serious tendency of him dying in that arena, today

But back within the arena, wings sprouted from Min Hong's back as he flapped aggressively, sending him flying backwards about ten meters;

Boom! Boom!

Two massive explosions threatened to rip the stage in half as the entire stage became engulfed in flames

When the flames cleared, Min Hong's wings were just recovering from being seared by the flames and then he looked ahead and saw his opponents with something hidden subtly within both nostrils

It was like they had blocked their noses, trying to prevent themselves from inhaling something, but just as Min Hong thought of using his technique to find out what it was, he suddenly began to choke

Whee! Whee!

Min Hong fell to his knees and clutched his neck trying to find air, but his lungs and nostrils won't just open, thus, he began to wheeze in pain

But that was not all, he also began to feel sharp pains all over his innards and meridians

It was like a bajillion needles, were currently inside him, stabbing in and out, weaving through his insides

He tried to push some of his Qi around but soon found out that they seemed to intensify his pain as he screamed;


But that scream only served to release the little air he still had within his lungs, causing his vision to start blurring from having shortage of oxygen in his brain

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