The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 341: The Strongest Four

Chapter 341: The Strongest Four

It was at this point that a crazy thought entered Little Fei's mind and he created a new technique

Instantly, all the sounds in the area became drowned, the breeze stopped and even light faded from Min Hong as his snapped his eye open to reveal a completely white eye, and instantly Min Hong's heart trembled

"This is monstrosity!"

He thought with trembling heart What he was seeing was the 'Echo' technique which was merged with the 'White Eye' technique which he had yet to think of an appropriate name that befits it

So, now, the sound wave and vibrations sent out by his 'Echo' divine ability not only bounces of physical objects, but also every form of energy his 'White Eye' could sense

Instantly he could see a very tiny almost negligible white dot in the center of this massive golden ring, then he watched calmly as the trio in front of him finally stepped into it;

"Brace yourself!"

Little Fei jolted Min Hong out of his daze as he quickly encased himself within five layers of; Oblivion, Chaos, Primus, Space and finally Metal Dao aura, then;


Everything exploded, as the Sect Leader burst to his feet before casting the fastest Space Dao barrier he could muster, but despite all that, the explosion shattered the spatial barrier before slamming into the energy barrier protecting the 'Reaper's Lair' itself ;


Ka! Kak!

The fans watched in horror as the barrier that was meant to protect them from the aftershocks of the battle begin to crack 

Spider webs of crack stretched and moved erratically across the barrier like they were searching for something invisible, and eventually, two crack lines finally crossed path, and in that moment, all the spectators in that area understood that they had to vacate that area, as they scrambled over one another, like wildebeests trying to cross a river full of crocs

It was the first human stampede

At least the first in Dogon Empire Disciples were stomping on each other in fear of their life.

An explosion which shattered their Sect Leader's barrier like a blob of tofu and was still powerful enough to cause this sort of huge cracks on the arena's barrier which can actually withstand the attack of a 1 Star Saint Stage expert

Even if they were able to defend themselves from it, they didn't want to find out

Finally, other crack lines traced their way to the spot where the first two lines had crossed themselves, and the moment they connected;


All that bottled energy erupted out like a mint tab thrown into a bottle of Coca-Cola

But all that didn't stop there the surge of energy tore through the seats and bore a man-sized hole through the arena, that people were able to see what was on the outside of the arena through it

"Your father and your ancestors are definitely insane!"

"Are you trying to kill us all like you killed Xi Mei and Yue Yao!?"

"He must have used a talisman, there is no way he could be that strong!?"

"Yes, disqualify him!"

The disciples didn't even wait for the flames on the stage to clear off before they began to curse and yell in fury, some of them had already pissed themselves, others had their backs drenched in their sweats, whilst some couldn't even say anything, and it seems their soul had been lost, as they just stared blankly at the stage 

When the flames finally cleared, they saw two domes on the stage on opposite sides of each other

When the first dome opened, the three disciples were already on the floor, grievously injured and unconscious with their sabers shattered

The sorriest amongst them had suffered what seems to be a fourth degree burn on 80 percent of his entire body

He was charred black and all his hair had been burnt off

He was also bleeding and completely naked, which meant he was the one who touched the tiny orb of insane power

The next one amongst the trio had one hand and a leg completely blasted off, and would have been bleeding, if not the burns from the flames that cauterized his wounds as well

He only had half of his seemingly top grade armor left

The safest one amongst them had no visible injury on him but was still unconscious, and it was then that the entire crowd noticed there was a brown pendant in his hand which later shattered and drifted off with the wind

Then after confirming the state of the trio, they looked to the other dome and after seeing the similarities, the realization then hit them;

"Did he just protect his own opponents!?"

One of the disciples blurted in shock, before everyone then began to stop whatever train of thoughts they had to focus on the truth behind that disciple's words;

"I have been seeing a lot of duels, and I have also seen someone hold back on their attacks when striking, but I have never seen someone protect his or her opponent from harm" Another remarked;

"Why didn't he just hold back a little with the attack then?"

"Perhaps, that technique is a new one and he lost his grip and control over it"

This time it was a calm voice that came from the side, and when everyone turned around to look, they found the Dao Child of their sect, and instantly everyone became stunned when they saw the Silver embroidery on his cloak and hood;

"It is senior brother Gong Yi!"

Someone blurted, and just as he did, the entire spectator became instantly distracted as they all sent their gaze to the point of reference, and there they were;

Two boys and a girl in a bronze embroidered robes, standing respectfully behind a little boy who could be their junior in every physical terms

"Sect Leader, why didn't you come together with your personal disciple?"

The Saber God Sect Leader asked with deep respect, and though, the Sect Leader had a higher status and strength than he did, but the man wasn't weak either, and though he would lose tragically if he were to fight the Sect Leader, but he would be more of an exercise compared to the rest of them, thus, the sect leader answered, albeit nonchalantly;

"I also didn't expect him to show up"

"He had always focused on his cultivation, and I told him this morning that the 'Trials' today was going to be enlightening for him"

Patriarch Chu Huang and Chu Yang heard the response, but still decided against making any comments till now, and just preferred to observe everything

For Chu Yang to learn more about Min Hong, but as for Patriarch Chu Huang who already knew what he was capable of, he was just having fun with the back to back mind numbing surprises Min Hong kept displaying.

"Gong Yi, did you tell us all to come out here because of this?"

One of the bronze robed figures behind Gong Yi more like demanded than asked; He was the strongest Core Court disciple and had dueled Gong Yi several times, only managing a draw on about five occasions out of the almost twenty duels they have had which all resulted in his loss

The other two behind him were the second and third respectively, with the girl being the third

But most of the spectators and audience in this arena didn't know them

In fact, not even the Core Court disciples could claim that they truly knew this group of people because they rarely show themselves, except when they want to go out on missions, which means most of the time, they would be in the carriages on their mounts deep into the clouds

But what gave Gong Yi away was the Silver embroidery on his robes which was supposed to be worn by only elders of the inner and core court

Thus, to find a student inside such a robe only means one thing; The Dao Child of the Sect

But despite all that, they weren't still familiar with the remaining three behind him;

"Yes Gui"

"I was hoping he could join our selection exam" Gong Yi replied


"You are expecting an ordinary outer court disciple to join our selection exams!?"

"Come on, Gong Yi The competition we are going for isn't a joke you know"

"The future of the sect really depends on it, and the sect leader is counting on us" The other guy added;

"Well, have you ever met an ordinary outer court disciple who could challenge two 'War God Trials' consecutively?" The girl interrupted;

"I know we have all challenged the 'War God Trials' on our journey to the inner court, but if I can remember clearly, it took brother Gui about three years to do that, and it took you five years and me, six But this guy did that in only a space of two weeks"

"That's unprecedented and gutsy, no offence brother Gui" The girl ended;

"None taken, Ki Ting"

"I am not so impetuous to be furious at the truth But this is the first time I have seen you speak more than one sentence concerning a matter, what happened?"

Xiao Gui turned gazed at that girl with a mischievous grin plastered on his face;

"Now that I think about it, that seems to be true"

The second guy who was named, Rin Chen also looked towards the now blushing Ki Ting

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