The Blue Eyes

Chapter 208 - KEVIN'S COLD HANDS

"What? Are you telling the truth, Kris? How did the robbers manage to take AZURE away from us? Did they take away your other robots as well?"

Kevin was beyond surprised upon hearing the news. Kris looked panicked earlier, but now he looked even more panicked than his lover.

The tanned man sighed heavily before pulling Kevin's hand to go closer to the bed. With a gentle gesture as if Kevin was the most brittle object on Earth, he sat Kevin on the edge of the bed before sitting himself next to his lover.

"If the robbers stole my other robots as well, then I wouldn't be this panicked, Kev," he whispered carefully, making the raven-haired man furrow his brows confusedly. "The robbers only took AZURE away and didn't take anything else from our place, and that's why I'm beyond worried right now."

Kevin was stunned, and he could feel his heart pounded so hard behind his ribs. "AZURE... they took away my son only, Kris? Why did they steal my son only? What will they do to my son, Kris? We have to find AZURE, Kris! I don't want to lose him!"

AZURE was Kevin's precious baby. Kevin knew that he and Kris wouldn't be able to have kids in the future, so AZURE was like his beloved kid. Even though he could always adopt a real kid, for Kevin, AZURE was more than enough.

That was why Kris had expected that his lover would be so shaken upon hearing the news. He knew that his lover would be so panicked, but he couldn't hide the news from his lover either.

Trying to calm his lover down, Kris grabbed Kevin's hand and squeezed it lovingly. "You don't need to worry, Kev. I've asked Steve to investigate this case and ask him to find AZURE, so you don't have to worry."

Kris had tried to comfort his lover, but to his dismay, Kevin shook his head as a response. "How can I not worry, Kris? You know that this robbery case is not just an ordinary case, so we should worry, Kris. It's not only about AZURE, but it's about humanity as well. What if the bad people manage to get the information from AZURE's system?"

Even if Kevin knew that he shouldn't be worried too much and kept calm at a time like this, but he couldn't stop himself from worrying too much. AZURE had Professor Selena's memory, and if the evil people managed to get the information from the memory, then the world would be in chaos once again.

"You still remember when I told you that AZURE only saw us as his masters, right? AZURE won't listen to other people's instructions even if those people manage to wake him up, so it won't be easy for them to get the memory from AZURE."

"I'm a scientist, Kris. And even if it's true that the kind of security system will make it difficult for them to get the memory from AZURE, but that's not impossible. AZURE won't listen to him at all, but they probably will do something to get the memory forcefully."

Kevin knew the situation so well, and that was why he was really nervous right now. Unconsciously, his hands squeezed Kris's hands on his lap, making Kris flinch in surprise.

Kris wasn't only surprised by the squeeze, but he was also surprised by something else.

"Why are your hands so cold, Kev?"

Kevin was too nervous that he didn't realize what was happening with his hands, but then he brought his gaze lower to his hands upon hearing Kris's question. He tried to pull his hands away from Kris, but Kris was faster to grip the hands in place.

"Maybe I'm just too nervous, Kris. My hands always got colder when I was nervous."

Kevin's expression seemed to strengthen his reasoning as he indeed looked nervous right now. However, Kris couldn't immediately brush off his worries even after hearing his lover's reasoning.

"Your hands are very cold right now, Kevin. It's just like when we were on the island when we were looking for Blue. What happened with you, Kevin? Should we go to the hospital to check your condition?"

Kris wasn't overreacting because Kevin's hands were indeed icy cold just like a few months ago when they were looking for Blue on the island. Back then, he still had the power in him so that he could share his warmth with his lover, but now that he was powerless, he didn't know how to make Kevin feel better.

"I'm really alright, Kris. I remember that back then I felt so cold all over my body, but right now I don't feel cold at all. I'm in a perfect condition, and my hands are cold just because of my nervousness."

Kevin voiced out another reasoning that made sense in Kris's ears. Back then when they were on the island, Kevin's body shivered because he felt very cold inside his body. But Kevin looked fine tonight, so probably nothing was wrong with the young scientist.

Kris finally flashed a smile as he felt a little better upon hearing his lover's explanation. He then carefully lifted Kevin's hands and brought the palms closer to his lips. With a lot of care, he pressed his warm lips against Kevin's cold palms, trying to share the warmness within his body through the contact.

Kevin smiled tenderly at the sight. He didn't feel anything wrong with his body, but Kris was beyond worried about him. It touched his heart, but he didn't want to make his lover even more worried about him.

"Do you know why I'm so panicked because of AZURE, Kris?"

Kevin suddenly brought up the topic about the little robot again, and Kris frowned at him in confusion.

"That's because I have been researching AZURE in the last few weeks, and finally I managed to find a way how to get information from AZURE even when it is turned off.. AZURE's security system would be useless if those people manage to find the way."

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