Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 699 - Six Hundred And Ninety-Nine: The Rules Of The Game

Chapter 699 - Six Hundred And Ninety-Nine: The Rules Of The Game

The third point of view:

"It's late already, don't you think we shouldn't bother the couples?" Anabelle asked Julie when they reached the hospital hallway.

"In that case, it'll be a delight to bother them, don't you think so?" He had a mischievous grin.

Anabelle rolled her eyes and then hit him in the stomach with her handbag. Even after so many years, Isabella and Julie were still cat and mouse. Anabelle couldn't understand the both of them at all, it was not like they still had feelings for each other, no, scratch that, they never had feelings for each other - even when they were engaged.

To Isabella, Julie was a nuisance; To Julie, Isabella was a gangster. The both of them were like sky and land, both faced each other yet never met. No, fire and ice would be a more appropriate term for them. However, notwithstanding their differences, both had never borne evil intentions for one another. If anything, they were surprisingly coordinated in times of problems.

"Hey!" Anabelle hit Julie who had felt her up while she was distracted with her thoughts.

"Why are you so mean?" Julie pouted yet his sly hands were moving for another feel when Anabelle grabbed it and just like that, they began to quibble.

Sadly, their quibble began exactly when they reached Isabella's room and it was at that moment that the door to Isabella's room suddenly opened and they watched as Pedro was tossed out like a sack of potatoes.

Anabelle: (°°)

Julie: (??)

What the hell was going on? Both of them were dumbfounded. If there was anyone Isabella would never lay a hand on, that should be Pedro. Something was not right?

As if his body was made of steel, Pedro stood up almost immediately and got in the way of the door.

"I said get out!"?Isabella roared.

"No, Isabella please hear me out!"

But then all he got was a pillow smacked on his face unexpectedly and fell right back to the ground.

While Anabelle felt for Pedro immediately, Julie said instead, "I told you your cousin was scary,"

She glared at him, this was not funny at all. Without a second thought, Anabelle went over to Pedro and tried to help him get to his feet but he was up already and went back to pounding on the closed door.

"Isabella, please open the door, please! We can talk about this?"

"Go to hell!" Was Isabella's reply from inside.

"Please, Isabella!"

"I don't think doing that is the best option, Pedro," Anabelle said to him, "You know what Isabella is like when she's furious. You'd have a better chance when she's calm," she tried to comfort him.

"Yeah, I'll come back after she's done something stupid," Pedro retorted, his eyes wild with anxiety.

"You're quite brave," Julie said under his breath, "If I were you, I would be as far away as possible from her,"

Unfortunately, Pedro heard that and snapped at him, "Well, sorry to burst your bubbles but I'm not you!"

"Alright, stop this" Anabelle, the sensible one came between them,

"You can't transfer your aggression on Julie," she told Pedro and then turned to her fiancé, "This is serious and I'm serious,"

"Sorry," Julie apologized to her immediately.

"Better," she said and turned to Pedro once again, "I've never seen Isabella this angry and with you of all people, so it has to be you. What did you do, Pedro?" Anabelle asked him with all manner of seriousness.

They might be friends, but before Pedro came along, Isabella had been there since birth. She would never joke with her cousin's welfare.

She stared straight into Pedro's eyes that were red and swollen and filled with emotion. Pedro's mouth opened to say something yet no words could come out; he opened and closed it helplessly.

Meanwhile, Julie narrowed his gaze at Pedro, scrutinizing his reaction and when he failed to produce speech once more, he stepped in.

"Perhaps, it would be much better if Pedro spoke with his fellow male,"

"Oh," Anabelle understood the hint Julie threw her way and didn't bother Pedro anymore, "Fine, you both should discuss while I try to pacify Isabella,"

"Just be careful with her," Julie advised her. Friends or not, it would be a war if Isabella harms her.

"Sure," Anabelle assured him, "You can go,"

"Let's go," He gestured to Pedro who took the lead, and soon, Anabelle was left all alone.

Without wasting time, Anabelle went to the door and knocked, "Isabella, open up, it's me,"

There was no answer.

"The others are gone, it's just me," She informed her in case.

Yet, there was no advice nor movements from the other side.

"Don't pretend to be dead, Isabella, I know you're in there," Anabelle deliberately joked in other to get a reaction from her and it worked.

"You should leave me alone if you know what's good for you, Anabelle," she said from inside.

"Unfortunately, leaving people alone is not my specialty. Moreover, you're the last person to be left alone in a critical time like this. You tend to do something bad when you're all alone," Anabelle knew her too well.

"No," Isabella whispered to herself this time, "I see clearly when I'm left all alone," She said and then picked up her phone from her bed.

Without wasting time, Isabella dialed Jean's number and as expected, the man picked almost immediately. He must be nearby.

"How is it going on what I asked you to do?" She asked.

"My people are still on it but it seems like she disappeared into thin air. I'm beginning to think that knew you were coming for her," He said.

A smirk crossed Isabella's face when she heard that comment. It has been a long time since she encountered a challenging opponent like this one and it excited her. She would enjoy hunting Natasha down.

"Stop searching for her on your own, just follow Pedro's men…" Isabella paused as if she was thinking of something, "No, Pedro would probably get Julie to help, follow his lead instead, and make sure you get to her first,"

"And what happens when I get to her first?" Jean held his breath knowing where this was heading.

"You end her. That's the rules of the games,"


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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